Dear Kevin et al
My name is Marc, I am the gentleman from the UK you have been referring to in some of your posts.
Firstly... although I appreciate and thank you Kevin, for your discretion in keeping any personal information referring to me directly, to PM personal messages, I feel a little offended to read such comments about me on a public forum from someone who has never met me or spoken to me. Other people may not have realised it was me you were referring to, but I did.
You assume to judge me and call me a BS artist, a con artist, a fraud, and suggest I am a poor quality "full of himself" instructor who rips people off & Buys grades?
How can you begin to believe or assume any of that without ever having met or spoken with me?
I appreciate your main point may well be based more into whether I had the right to use the name "Hapkido" in my own style of Martial Art...?
I presume this would not have been said about me if the style I taught was called "Jung Shin Karate" ?
I apologise if you feel offended by me doing this, I do not like to offend people, however I would prefer we discuss this choice of name rather than you insult me without knowing me.
I would be happy to open a conversation with you to discuss your opinions of me or my choices, but I would prefer you reserve from publicly slating me until you know me or have all facts correct.
To fill in some of the Gaps and inaccuracies of what you stated are my credentials:
Despite not wanting to admit it, I am 30 Years old
I have 15 Years TKD (ITF)
I have a total of 23 years in MA's including training / grading in:
Chung Moo Doe (Not MY spelling - as Spelt by Master Kim who's style it was - I have copies of newsletters etc with that spelling)
Aiki-Ju-Jitsu (1st Dan - 2000)
TaeKwonDo (ITF) (3rd Dan - 1995)
Kuk Sool Hapkido (2nd Dan - 2004)
I have been teaching for nearly 15 years, and opened my first school 11 years ago.
All my Grades have been obtained through Correct physical Assessment, I have always had to pay a grading fee, but have never "Bought" a grade, and never will.
I dislike politics, I feel there any many great people in the World of Martial Arts, and they will all have varied opinions (as some posts here have testified to) I do not believe that any one group or person will ever be able to control any complete section of the community for this very reason. So I would prefer to take a similar opinion to that of Kwang Jang Nim Rudy Timmerman in accepting people for their differences, respecting them even if you do not personally agree with them.
I do not agree with what you have done or what you say, but I respect you as a human being, and as a practitioner of the martial arts, you may be highly proficient, you may not, to me it would not matter if you were a white belt or grandmaster, if you seek to better yourself and help others in the process, i respect you. Although I do not believe what you state about me to be accurate, I at least appreciate that you care about the integrity of what you do enough to raise your voice.
But please consider my point.. Just because I do not do what you do, I do not walk the same path as you... Does that make you right and me wrong?
Maybe you have a problem with the choice of name for my style... as if it in some way disrespects what you do..
For someone to suggest that my students would leave me to go and find a better more qualified instructor is also insulting, I do my best to provide my students with good quality instruction, I am not a commercial instructor, i teach in my spare time, because I love to teach, I charge students between (the £UK equivalent of) $4-8 per 1.5 hr - 2.5 hr class, simply to cover running costs / hall rental. I produce good students with good technique and good morals, and all senior grades are examined by independent examiners. We are members of a couple of non-political groups and i regularly have visiting instructors to my school as well as taking students to other Martial Art events, both Hapkido and other styles. I have never had a student leave because they believe they are being taught bogus material, inferior material being misled or swindled in any way, I am not a full-time professional instructor, but I am professional in my conduct. I feel people should know me and visit me before making such a judgement. I am not a big fish, but I do not try to be, I just want to swim well, I have 40+ students with another school opening soon with 20+ interested already.
I will explain why I chose to use the art name "Hapkido"
Painting is an Art... renaissance, impressionism, etc are "styles" of that "Art"
Karate is an Art.... Shotokan, Goju Ryu, Wado Ryu etc are "Styles" of that "Art"
Hapkido is an Art.. the many many Kwans are "styles" of that art..
Even the main stream "Hapkido" people differ in their belief of Choi or Ji as true founder... I personally think they Both contributed to make the "Hapkido" arts what they are today.
I know of a person in the UK who is a strict Choi supporter, who believes any other type of Hapkido (even Ji's Sin Moo Hapkido) is NOT Hapkido.
Without giving you my life story or explaining the politics I have been witness / victim to, I decided to walk my own path and create my own style...
I designed a complete Syllabus, completely original forms/hyung and grading syllabus.
My Main background in MA, was in Aiki-Ju-Jitsu and TaeKwonDo with more of a lean towards the Korean Side.
My heart and approach to Martial Arts is that of Korean Styles, I even study Korean Hangul and can translate to a reasonable standard.
Does Hapkido not have roots in Aiki-Ju-Jitsu (Daito-Ryu) ?
Does TaeKwon Do not have roots in Shotokan Karate ?
The Japanese influence from the many conflicts / occupations are evident in Korean Martial Art Styles.
I know the history followers will argue about exactly where the roots are, but I think many do accept the Aiki-ju-Jitsu link / Influence to Hapkido..
So what I did and what I developed was taking similar roots and a similar path to that of "Hapkido" arts.. I do not in any way claim to be as great or Worthy as Choi or Ji, I have not awarded myself 10th Dan, I do not call myself Grandmaster, I use the term "founder of the style" simply because that is the truth, i did create the Style I teach.. I was given the grade I hold (4th Dan) by members of the groups I have been affiliated with, it was their opinion as a reflection of the grades I held in other styles, my time serving martial arts, and my abilities. I have since been offered 5th Dan by a group instigated from my own students, I politely refused the grade.
So to use "Hapkido" or not...? Had I used a name such as Marc-Kwan-Ki-Jitsu-Do or a totally English name like "Marc-Defence" I could have been accused by people of teaching someone else's Technique / Style under my own name, trying to pass it off as my own when it was not. I do not claim to have re-invented the wheel.
I used a Korean Name to categorise or describe the "Art" that I teach (Hapkido), I then chose a Korean Name to specify my "style" of that Art (Jung Shin)
"Hapkido" described the principles, appearance and general feel of the "Art" I do.. I named it Jung Shin because of my belief in Jung Shin Philosophies, and teaching Mental development as well as Physical Development.
So I had to make a choice, I did, and I knew some people would accept it, and some would not... whichever choice I made.. Some would and have applauded me for having the courage to walk my own path, others have questioned why I do not stick with those traditional Arts/Styles...
This posed the question "Who gave you the right to start a new style...? "
Well who has ever given anyone the right to start a new style?, and if they did, were they authorised to do so?
Who Gave Bruce Lee the Right to create Jeet Kune Do?
Who Gave Choi Hong Hi the right to create TaeKwon Do? (Apologies to any Kukkiwon / WTF if you do not recognise Gen Choi as founder . this is just to make point)
Many "Modern" arts, TaeKwon Do, Hapkido, Jeet Kune Do, even Aikido who has ever given anyone the right?
Now I am NOT saying that I consider myself in the same class as these people, I have no plans on global domination or telling everyone "my way is the best" That is not me.. This is just the way I like to teach, and it teaches what I believe in based on my modest 20+ years in Martial Arts.
No one questions the "right" of these people because history has proved them to be great people and their styles have been enjoyed by many around the world...
I am sure there are others like me, who have walked their own path in a small and modest way and passed into obscurity.. Not because they were poor or failed, but simply they had no desire or ambition to grow beyond what they had. Global Politics and arguments amongst power-hungry people as to who is legitimate and who is not has led to so many fragmented splinter groups and styles that more and more people are deciding to walk their own path, not for Glory but to save money on Headache tablets. ITF style TaekwonDo had already fragmented into hundreds of groups in the UK alone, now the entire ITF Headquarters has been split 3 ways since Gen Choi passed away.
Having made my decision, and further asking these questions about choice of name, I proceeded to seek opinions from teachers and Masters of other "Hapkido" styles.. I have had many in depth conversations with many people, and have personally met with several "Hapkido" teachers and Masters, all with different Kwan affiliation / style etc..
Although they see differences between my own style and theirs, I also see differences between each of their styles, However each one of them confers that the style I teach is a "hapkido" Art, that resembles much of what they teach themselves. All of these Hapkido people are recognised by and affiliated to either / and or Both, the KHF and/or Kido Hae.
I think the question about Hapkido being a "catch-all" or generic term is interesting and open to many opinions... I personally feel that there are so many styles of "Hapkido" arts as time progresses this generic term will be accepted as such.. For example,
If I was a mainly Chinese art Practitioner and developed Jung Shin Kung Fu... Would the other Kung Fu people consider me wrong for using "Kung Fu" in the name?
If I was a mainly Japanese art Practitioner and developed Jung Shin Karate... Would the other Karate people consider me wrong for using "Karate" in the name?
I do not believe they would, as those generic Art names have been in existence for much longer and have so many established styles no one can claim rights over the name....
To finish my post, I would speak directly to Kevin and anyone else who has issue with me or the choices I have made..
By all means please converse with me and disagree with me...
You have your opinions and I have mine...
Whether we can agree, disagree, develop and understanding or Not......
Can we please be, as Martial Artists should be... respectful of each other even in disagreement...
And not label someone publicly with offensive words when there is no basis, evidence or reason to do so.
If any part of my post has upset or caused offence to anyone, I apologise most sincerely, I am fully respectful of anyone and everyone who chooses to live their lives in a decent way. These are simply my Opinions FWIW on the subject in discussion.
I thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you.