Finacial Choices Based Upon Beliefs


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Lifetime Supporting Member
I read in the Washington Post today about one anti-abortion conservative calling out another for owning stock int he company that makes the Plan B drug (morning after pill)

A leading conservative antiabortion group has joined Democrat James Webb in criticizing Republican Sen. George Allen for opposing abortion while owning stock in the manufacturer of the morning-after pill.
Chris Freund, policy director for the Family Foundation in Richmond, said social conservatives should be troubled by Allen's investment in Barr Laboratories Inc., maker of the pill, Plan B

Washington Post Article

It got me wondering, do you invest in companies based upon your beliefs. Like, if you are against abortion do you avoid drug companies that make things like the morning after-pill or birth control? If you are against drinking alcohol do you avoid investing in Budweiser? If you are against smoking do you avoid companies like Phillip Moris? If you are anti-gun do you avoid companies like Ruger? If you think China is kill human rights do you avoid companies like Google Or Yahoo or those who are based in China?

And I mean in mutual funds/etf's or straight stock ownership.

Do you invest based upon what (you think) will let you meet whatever your fincial goals are the fastest or do you do that only after you've weeded out certain companies?
I will not invest in companies that support things I don't agree with. It takes a little research, but no more that say, deciding not to shop at Wal Mart because they support some "Pro Life" groups, or not eating at McDonald's since they support some anti gun groups.

Vote with your dollars. I think it's everyones responsibility.

I have said it here before ...

When the current President was appointed in 2000, I should have invested in Exxon Mobile and British Petroleum. I did not, because of my beliefs. It was an error on my part.

I am invested in Exxon Mobile as part of my S & P 500 index fund in my 401(k) plan. Because of limited choices in most 401(k) plans, you can be limited to making decisions based on personal ethics.