Because you put your dislike of the Catholic Church in place of logic in your argument. It's not about religious freedom for you, it's about your dislike of Catholics.
Let's prove it.
Take an imaginary religion, call it the Lumpovians. They are a large religious organization with many believers, and part of their religious mission is to provide social and medical services to their local communities. They believe that their Savior, Jubbawak, said "Feed my children," and "Heal the sick," and they take this seriously. So they open foster care homes and they do placement of orphans in adoptive homes, they build hospitals and hire doctors and nurses and provide health care. This is done for nearly a hundred years in some communities, to the extent that the states have welcomed the additional assistance, and they find it cost-effective to partner with the Lumpovians and other groups like them to provide low-cost assistance; they even contribute money to help them, because it's an effective use of taxpayer dollars compared to what it cost to do it all via the state. These symbiotic relationships go on for a very long time, and in general, no one has a problem with them. The Lumpovians don't insist on preaching or converting the non-Lumpovians they help, and the state doesn't tell the Lumpovians how to provide services or what form of insurance they have to offer their civilian employees.
As it turns out, the Lumpovians believe that Jubbawak told them to avoid dental work. Lots of people think the Lumpovians are crazy, because dental work is essential to modern health. Even many Lumpovians themselves get dental care, against the teachings of the Church. There are various reform movements inside the Lumpovian Church by concerned lay people and religious who think that the Church should change with the times, and accept that dental health is a good thing. Outside the Church, most citizens believe in dental health and practice it without feeling guilt or shame; dental work is legal and available to all who want it. Many employers provide dental health care bundles with other forms of health insurance.
However, the Lumpovians do not agree, and they do not provide dental health care in their health insurance services to their employees. And this has always been the case. The state has not had any reason to kick about it until recently. It's an election year, and the current President, President Wassamattayou, is fighting a bitter battle for re-election. He hasn't really managed to accomplish much in his first four years in office, but he did get massive health care overhaul passed and made into law. It has a requirement that all employers provide dental health care to their employees, although in order to get it passed, he had to compromise with the other party, the Repoopinators, to get it done. One of the compromises was that he would exempt religious organizations.
Now President Wassamattayou has decided that in order to recharge his campaign and get support from Dental Rights groups, he is going to 'interpret' the religious exclusion from the law such that it only means the churches themselves, and not the institutions they might run for the benefit of others. This causes outrage from the Lumpovians and similar organizations, because they are being ordered to provide and pay for services which directly contradict what they believe as a religious tenet of faith. However, it has the benefit of taking control of the public debate for President Wassamattayou, and it gives him a boost with the Dental Rights organizations, which had seen him as soft of Dental Rights.
Now, I have removed the Catholics that you hate. It's the Lumpovians now. I have remove any reference to reproductive rights, so get that emotional bugaboo out of the argument. I have even removed the Democrat versus Republican twaddle that keeps so many people from being able to engage their brains. But the ARGUMENT is the SAME. A religious group is being ordered to provide a service to their employees which directly violates their moral beliefs, which they have never before been forced to do, and it appears to be a political battle that is about the re-election of President Wassamattayou, not about the actual issue of providing dental care to employees.
NOW. If you care to comment on the ISSUE, and not spout twaddle about the horrible Lumpovians and how their priests diddle little kids, maybe we can have a grown-up conversation. But if all you have to say is how evil the Pope of Lumpovia is, then I have to say good day to you, and yes, you should be ashamed, you hater you.