Icelanders - The New Al Qaeda

Oh good grief, you have given me a laugh now. The idea of Jeremy Paxman being a tool of the banks, oh no he's the scourge of politiicans and bankers everywhere.

The Icelandic people colluded in their own downfall in that they elected a right wing government which proceeded to sell off every nationalised industry and department they could. The neocon government is very much to blame in Iceland. it isn't just the banking system.

The British press isn't a mouth piece of the banks here, we have left and right wing papers here as well as independant ones and no one has supported th banks far from it, it may the one thing they have agreed on, the condemnation of the banking system.
Oh good grief, you have given me a laugh now. The idea of Jeremy Paxman being a tool of the banks, oh no he's the scourge of politiicans and bankers everywhere.

The Icelandic people colluded in their own downfall in that they elected a right wing government which proceeded to sell off every nationalised industry and department they could. The neocon government is very much to blame in Iceland. it isn't just the banking system.

The British press isn't a mouth piece of the banks here, we have left and right wing papers here as well as independant ones and no one has supported th banks far from it, it may the one thing they have agreed on, the condemnation of the banking system.

Of course British Media is going to find whatever reasons it can to pin the blame on the average Icelanders. Look, you really can't trust any MSM sources here, left or right, both are controlled by the same source. Just think about it, how can an individual citizen be held accountable for the decisions of a private corporation? Is voting for a "right wing" government now reason enough for other countries to use "anti-terror" laws to take their bank accounts? If other industries make terrible business decisions, should private citizens have their assets seized by foreign countries? The British and Dutch position for doing what they are doing makes no sense when you think about it from this point of view.
I think one majorly massive thing being overlooked is this:

It's the "little guy" who ultimately suffers...

Forget nationality. The working class are the ones consitantly getting screwed.
I think one majorly massive thing being overlooked is this:

It's the "little guy" who ultimately suffers...

Forget nationality. The working class are the ones consitantly getting screwed.

The working class however should vote working class not Conservative. Not one conservative has done one thing to help any working man or woman. With them it's take, take, take always.

The British and Dutch money they want to recover is the money loaned to Iceland to help them when the banks went bust.
The working class however should vote working class not Conservative. Not one conservative has done one thing to help any working man or woman. With them it's take, take, take always.

The British and Dutch money they want to recover is the money loaned to Iceland to help them when the banks went bust.

Don't blame Iceland, blame your representatives.

I totally understand the frustration resulting from certain parties, or individuals being voted into office... believe me...I do...

All you can do is your part to encourage folks to educate themselves and hope for the best.

Ultimately, "we" are responsible for "ourselves". That's what makes information and education even more important.

The "Elite" have endless resources to influence people so it's not going to be an easy battle.

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