That's all I've said. An attorney might suggest you are opening yourself up to a liability lawsuit by telling them to always resist. However, of course you should do as you wish.
I think I said that. If I can't determine if the gun is real, I'll have to assume it is.
That's fine with me.
I think I've said before, but I will repeat in this thread, that I take a home invasion as a very different circumstance than a public mugging. My response would be different as well. However, you continue to insist that I *assume* nothing bad will happen to me. I do not. I base my decisions on actual statistics and my own judgment. I *assume* nothing - including that I do not *assume* something bad WILL happen to me.
Different locations really. I'm at the ATM, getting into my car or sleeping in my home. In all of those cases, someone is invading my personal space, or my home, with the intent to forcefully take something of mine. Chances are they'll be armed. Bill, as I've said before, the main difference between you and I, is when we will act. You choose to wait and see what happens if you comply and if it heats up then you act. I choose to act as soon as the threat is made.
Whichever it is, the chances are much higher that someone will be injured or killed once battle is enjoined.
Your statement is incorrect. FBI crime statistics clearly show that most home invasions do not end in injury, just as most muggings do not end in homicide. We are both free to harbor our own opinions about how best to respond, but criminal statistics are what they are.
As I said, I take all stats with a grain of salt. Of course, a simple google search will show that there are many invasions in which injury did happen.
Math and probability is on my side, and it's easy to demonstrate. If you don't want to see that, it's your issue.
But your last statement is the controlling one for you. You would rather fight and die than not do anything - even if doing nothing would not result in you being injured. I get that. I call it macho ********, and I'm sorry if that fashes you, but it's the term I use. I don't 'get it' because I have no macho in me.
Bill, I really don't think that you know me. You're reading what I say and are twisting it around, making me out to be macho. I'm macho in your eyes because instead of trying to run or apologizing until I'm blue in the face, I choose to still use verbal methods, but I'm giving a confident attitude. Lets use this as an example: Im in a bar. I get accused of looking at a guys girl. He comes up to me and asks what I'm looking at. So, instead of me saying, "Please man, dont hit me, I'm really, really, really, really, really sorry. I didn't mean to. It was an accident, and I'll never do it again." So, I'm macho because I say, "Hey man, I'm waiting for a friend to show up, your girl is sitting right near the entrance. Tell ya what, the next round is on me." I'm showing this guy that I'm not afraid of him, I really have nothing to say I'm sorry for, and all it costs me....hopefully is a few bucks for a round of beers.
I'm macho in your eyes because when that guy in my condo complex asked what I was looking at, I didnt show fear or intimidation, and simply replied no. I dont see why I have to beg and plead with the guy, when I did nothing wrong in the first place.
I'm macho in your eyes, because I dont want to give up my car. Stop and think about it Bill...if I give the guy the car, and he tells me to get in with him, then you're telling me that you would then fight. Isnt that being macho? Why not just get into the car and see what happens next? I mean, if your thinking is that odds are good if you comply, just comply and get in the car. Just comply when he takes you to a house with 5 other people there. Just comply when they tell you to get on your knees so they can blow your head off.
So lemme get this straight....I'm macho if I fight first, but not macho if I comply and then fight afterwards, if I'm attacked further?
Plan B, fighting.
Plan B, fighting.
Which is.......???????
I said nothing about leaving anyone behind. If I have people with me whom I wish to defend, my responses will be different. I believe I have said there are no set rules, just guidelines. And plans change based on changing circumstances.
So, I'm macho if I'm by myself and choose to fight, but suddenly I'm allowed to be macho if my wife is with me? Lemme ask you this...if someone is with you, would you a) still comply or b) fight back right away?
If that works, you bet. I know that makes me less of a man in your eyes, and I really do not care at all. I only care about my own life (and yes, of course, the lives of those around me, but when I'm solo, then just me).
Likewise, I dont care if someone thinks I'm a ***** either. Difference is again, that because I'm confident or in your eyes macho, and choose to let them walk away, without me kissing their ***, you frown upon that. Why? I've had more success than you can imagine, by talking my way out of a bad situation. But its the attitude that I present. Yes Bill, I've tried the begging for forgiveness routine many times, and it didnt work for me. I've found for me, that you can still be firm, get your point across, without sounding like some chicken **** *****.
You bet. I did it the other night. I came back from the dojo and climbed my apartment stairs and there was some local badass talking to his girlfriend and he saw me in my gi bottoms and tee-shirt and he blocked my way up the stairs. I looked down, eased to one side, and said "Excuse me, buddy," and climbed past him, shouldering him only to the extent that I needed to in order to get past him. I didn't puff up, lock gazes, challenge him, or make any hostile move.
And I didn't puff up or challenge the guy that confront me either. I stood there. I didn't get all defensive and ball my hands into a fist. I stood there with the dog. Why is that so wrong in your eyes? Christ, I guess we can't even look at someone anymore without making is seem like we're macho. I'm addressing the person blocking my way, not the ground.
I heard him laughing at me as I walked past. He 'won' the show in front of his girlfriend. Yay him. I didn't have to knock his teeth out or risk getting mine knocked out. I see no reason to have done anything differently.
Likewise, I've been there. Whats funny though, is the people who've done that to me, are the ones that're always walking away. I'm sitting somewhere, minding my own business, I see no reason to have to run away. If I had a dollar for everytime someone said that I was a *****, a wimp, said that they could kick my ***, I'd be a very rich man. I"ve had people laugh at my training, saying that they could kick my ***. My reply of, "Yup, you're probably right." shocks the hell out of them, and leaves them speechless. Why? Because I was confident in my reply and didn't give them the reply they thought I would. I won, and they walked away.
I risked less by responding as I did. I say that's a better way to do it, but I support your right to do whatever you wish.
Likewise, you're free to do what you want as well. Notice though, how I'm asking you why you feel I'm macho. I'm not saying you should do this or that, like you're making it sound. You're coming across as if your way is "The way" when in reality, it isn't. Its Your way, thats all. To each his own.
Talk, yes, but not give up your wallet. You've said that, too.
I'd go so far as to reach for it and hand it to him, but yes, as soon as he goes for it, as soon as he's distracted, that is when I'm doing something. I'm not just going to hand it over and pray that nothing else happens. Oh ****..theres that machoness coming out again.
If I can avoid all of that nonsense by dropping my wallet on the ground and walking away, I think that is a better way to protect my own life.
To each his own.
No. If I cower and run like a coward (there's that word again, I'm a 'coward'), I win because I live. Self-defense is about defending my life, not my ego.
My above posts have addressed this.
Please let me know if you're accusing me of lying.
Is that how it sounds? Thats how you're reading it, but no, thats not the case. No worries, I'm not saying you're lying.
In law enforcement, I had a job to do which required me to subordinate my own safety in favor of protecting the public. As I am no longer in law enforcement, I have an obligation to save my own life first.
And my obligation is to save my *** and anyone thats with me, and if that means defending myself, yes, I will do it.
Actually, you have stated the opposite. If the math proves that running away or complying is more likely to result in your survival, you will still reject it - you just said as much. You are not in it to survive, you are in it to survive and protect your ego and self-image.
Where is the proof? Please show me stats that say that if you comply that you will be unharmed. And yes, I'm in it to survive. The other parts of your statement is your distorted image of me, and a shot as well. But thats ok. I'm familiar with your tactics from that other thread. Oddly enough, there're a few others on this thread that have the same ideas as I, yet you're not hounding them like you are me. Why is that Bill??
If you go to Vegas and use your own logic, you will lose consistantly. But that's what happens. People go to Vegas and lose consistantly. Most of them don't believe the odds. If they did, they would not gamble.
More talk about stats and odds. Proof please, as I asked above.
I would hope I would respond before the punch is thrown. Once I believe it is going to be thrown would be a good time to attack, I think. But every situation is different.
Why wouldn't you just wait until it was half way to your face?