If you move your arm from your center and reach out it is extended. A full extension is where you extend your arm as far as it will go and lock the arm. I've seen this in one of the videos I posted where a guy does that, but in jow goa we never fully extend the arm. Event with the long swings I keep a small bend in my arm ask hitting with an arm fully extended increased the stress that the joint must deal with.
The extension of a short range punch is not the same as a long range punch. Thrust punch in Jow Ga does not fully extend. There is a slight bend in the elbow. In Kung Fu locking out the elbow puts the person at risk for some cruel counters. The bend helps spare the elbow.
End of long fist srike as it comes across my chest. Elbow is bent.
View attachment 31635
Same type of punch different angle, Bend elbow. How far I expented the punch depend on the range of my opponent. If I do a full extensiton with my arm locked out then I'm going to injure or dislocate my elbow if my fist lands on something heavy.
View attachment 31636
Thrust punch in horse. Arm is bent not fully extended.
View attachment 31637
Arm is extended
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Exact same thrust punch from the picture above.
View attachment 31639
Arm is basically in the same position. The reason why because is becaue the arm is lock and the punch is "spearing through" as my body moves forward. If I retry my punch then I loose the extra push that my body weight will give. I will post a video. shorty
If you do not do these type of punches then then you will have a difficult time understanding me.