Master Black Belt
So tonight in training a judo guy turned up and I was sparring with him first he asked me what the rules were for face contact so I told him the rules we had (very minimal light contact mainly to the side of the head no direct face punches) he nodded and said okay.
So we start touch gloves what does this guy do throws 2 hard punches to my face one connecting on my nose one right on my teeth. I was annoyed and I could've gone after him harder but I just told him to lighten up. We carried on and since he's not a striker I was keeping at range with jabs and body kicks and he was getting annoyed, from before I started I could see he was quite an arrogant person and thought he'd come in and dominate everyone. Anyway at one point the strap on my glove came loose so I stepped back and held my hands up indicating it. He stopped so I went to fix it as I did he sucker punched me in the face. Now that did piss me off and the coach saw it and had a go at him the guy said I don't give a **** I'm a world champ I'll do what I like. The coach just kicked him out which was a shame because if he hadnt and we'd carried on I would not have been as nice as I had been.
I was more annoyed about his arrogance saying he could what he wanted because he was high level in judo it was just an irritating experience which I just wanted to share
So we start touch gloves what does this guy do throws 2 hard punches to my face one connecting on my nose one right on my teeth. I was annoyed and I could've gone after him harder but I just told him to lighten up. We carried on and since he's not a striker I was keeping at range with jabs and body kicks and he was getting annoyed, from before I started I could see he was quite an arrogant person and thought he'd come in and dominate everyone. Anyway at one point the strap on my glove came loose so I stepped back and held my hands up indicating it. He stopped so I went to fix it as I did he sucker punched me in the face. Now that did piss me off and the coach saw it and had a go at him the guy said I don't give a **** I'm a world champ I'll do what I like. The coach just kicked him out which was a shame because if he hadnt and we'd carried on I would not have been as nice as I had been.
I was more annoyed about his arrogance saying he could what he wanted because he was high level in judo it was just an irritating experience which I just wanted to share