Does boxing and being hit in the face impact intelligence?

Head trauma, even without a concussion, can lead to permanent brain damage. That can lead to dementia, sometimes at a shockingly young age if the damage is severe enough or cumulates over time.

The real kicker though, is that you do not know that you are developing this level of injury until you begin to show symptoms, and by then the damage is real and cannot be undone, and the true extent of the damage may still be unknown. You may be on a downward spiral that nothing can stop.

So, head trauma is always a bad thing, for your long-term health. Even if it seems fairly mild. If it is repeated often enough, it can add up to a real problem.

I salute that post.
On a normal basis you only use 10-20% of your brain capacity. The brain has an ability to adapt and rewire if some of your brain cells get damaged.

I think the problems occur when you start running out of brain cells because your brain has been damaged too often.
On a normal basis you only use 10-20% of your brain capacity. The brain has an ability to adapt and rewire if some of your brain cells get damaged.

I think the problems occur when you start running out of brain cells because your brain has been damaged too often.
the old " you dont use 80 percent of your brain "thing, is a myth and possibly a dangerous one is you apply it to this situation
On a normal basis you only use 10-20% of your brain capacity. The brain has an ability to adapt and rewire if some of your brain cells get damaged.

I think the problems occur when you start running out of brain cells because your brain has been damaged too often.
That's a myth. We routinely use pretty much all areas of the brain.
On a normal basis you only use 10-20% of your brain capacity. The brain has an ability to adapt and rewire if some of your brain cells get damaged.

I think the problems occur when you start running out of brain cells because your brain has been damaged too often.
Nope...I know it may seem like some people only use 10% of their brain but it's not true
My mother has never approved of my martial arts, especially boxing and sparring. Sparring is what I enjoy most, and when I asked her why she said that it makes you dumber. I want to know to know precisely what she is referring to and sparring can impact my studies and such. I don't use headgear, and I've never had a concussion.

Mom is smart
Don’t do full too much heavy boxing sparing as you will get brain damage
You’re best to train it with limited sparring