Do you learn defending yourself against common attacks in your martial art?

Is this a part of your training:

Like for example defending against being pushed or defending against being grabbed by the hand or being choked?

Or is this not really a part of traditional martial arts cause these attacks are too much based on reality?
Only if you actually enter a class and train.
Are there standard techniques for standard attacks like front chokes or being pulled by the jacket?

Do you basically learn 1 technique for a certain attack and that's it? But what if this 1 technique fails for whatever reason?
Oh boy. I just wanted to know what it's like where you train so that I can compare!

How can I compare if I dont know wether other people learn 1 technique for an attack or various?
Ok then. I'll answer your question. In my three styles of martial arts I trained in we were shown multiple ways to deal with the same type of attacks.

These rehearsed routines were also not what we had to do either. They are simply a tool to teach us what we could do if when said attack happens. You are free to be as creative and unique as you wish when it comes to your martial art, the only thing that matters in the end is if you don't die and it works.
Are there standard techniques for standard attacks like front chokes or being pulled by the jacket?

Do you basically learn 1 technique for a certain attack and that's it? But what if this 1 technique fails for whatever reason?
There is only one possible technique for a certain attack. That is why there are hundreds of different styles of martial arts. And they never cross train. That is why there are different uniforms in the martial arts. Once you learn the difference between a dobok and a gi, it is easy to recognise the technique(and there is only one) as Korean or Japanese.They also scold people who attack in the wrong fashion.
Can't believe people are still trying to explain things to him. Understanding comes from training not from telling what works and what doesn't. Even if you say something that works, it will still be useless for someone who doesn't train. Explaining how something works is useless for someone who doesn't have the necessary foundation required to understand martial arts concepts and techniques.

The OP can't understand the basic so how is he going to understand intermediate and advanced stuff?
I only train against uncommon attacks. I can take being punched in the face. It's the dildo thrusts I worry about.

Oh sweet lord I choked on a glass of water. That caught me off guard and the only thing I could think of was using them like friggin Kali sticks or fencing.

Sent from my grapefruit using smoke signals.
Oh boy. I just wanted to know what it's like where you train so that I can compare!

How can I compare if I dont know wether other people learn 1 technique for an attack or various?

The only way to compare is to just go in and try a class. Go get hit a few times. Go get thrown. It doesn't hurt too bad. You will either love it or hate it. No big deal.

Sent from my grapefruit using smoke signals.
The only way to compare is to just go in and try a class. Go get hit a few times. Go get thrown. It doesn't hurt too bad. You will either love it or hate it. No big deal.

Sent from my grapefruit using smoke signals.

You know, the 1st time i got punched in the face i was shocked by how much it didn't hurt. I think a bare knuckle would hurt more, but it really doesnt do as much 'damage' as i expected. Especially with all the 1 punch can kill ads i grew up around.

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