Senior Master
I recently read the "Why do Western Martial Arts Lack the "Mystique" of Asian Arts?" thread and the Hockey thread and it caused a thought...
could we consider certain pro sports martial arts? Wee_blondie made an interesting comment about the violence in hockey and martial arts being a substitute. got me thinking...
Lets compare sumo and football. With certain positions in football, they both require a great deal of bulk. They learn how to push and throw their opponents. They learn out to unbalance and control their opponents. they both have a "ring" (or field) they need to control. Speed and control are both critical elements of training, and to master your respective sport, it takes years of dedication and practice. the end result is a rabid fan-base and a finely tuned body and skill set.
Like old martial arts training, you have armor in hockey and football (well, its not called that, but thats its intent). Hockey you learn how to attack and defend. you toughen yourself to take those hits. Fist fights happen frequently in hockey, with the fans greatly enjoying the spectacle.
in both sports, you don't have strict intentions to kill, rather your intent is to score or prevent a score... can we substitute "defend yourself" or "attack someone" for score or prevent a score?
Can we consider hockey and football martial arts?
could we consider certain pro sports martial arts? Wee_blondie made an interesting comment about the violence in hockey and martial arts being a substitute. got me thinking...
Lets compare sumo and football. With certain positions in football, they both require a great deal of bulk. They learn how to push and throw their opponents. They learn out to unbalance and control their opponents. they both have a "ring" (or field) they need to control. Speed and control are both critical elements of training, and to master your respective sport, it takes years of dedication and practice. the end result is a rabid fan-base and a finely tuned body and skill set.
Like old martial arts training, you have armor in hockey and football (well, its not called that, but thats its intent). Hockey you learn how to attack and defend. you toughen yourself to take those hits. Fist fights happen frequently in hockey, with the fans greatly enjoying the spectacle.
in both sports, you don't have strict intentions to kill, rather your intent is to score or prevent a score... can we substitute "defend yourself" or "attack someone" for score or prevent a score?
Can we consider hockey and football martial arts?