I can give 3 answers that cover the majority of your questions;
1.) I enjoy it recreationally, like others enjoy basketball or something, so I stick with it for the physical outlet, physical health benefits and camaraderie.
2.) What you don't use you lose. I can tell you how to deal with a fast, aggressive job cross. Once learned, its easy to say, "Parry, counter" etc... however, if you aren't doing regularly, the perceptual speed and the reflexes will not be up to par to pull it off for real.
3.) I am pretty bad a$$. No seriously, I can fight. I have done it for real many times, and I have been training off and on since I was 8. I am not scared, small or lacking athleticism. I keep fit. I am pretty good with a knife and I can shoot. And yet, I consistently come across guys within my own style, and from other arts/combatives etc, who straight scare the crap out of me. Immediately following the fear comes a rush of emotions that drive me to get better. I want to be the thing that goes bump in the night!
1.) I enjoy it recreationally, like others enjoy basketball or something, so I stick with it for the physical outlet, physical health benefits and camaraderie.
2.) What you don't use you lose. I can tell you how to deal with a fast, aggressive job cross. Once learned, its easy to say, "Parry, counter" etc... however, if you aren't doing regularly, the perceptual speed and the reflexes will not be up to par to pull it off for real.
3.) I am pretty bad a$$. No seriously, I can fight. I have done it for real many times, and I have been training off and on since I was 8. I am not scared, small or lacking athleticism. I keep fit. I am pretty good with a knife and I can shoot. And yet, I consistently come across guys within my own style, and from other arts/combatives etc, who straight scare the crap out of me. Immediately following the fear comes a rush of emotions that drive me to get better. I want to be the thing that goes bump in the night!