Different WCK body power generation mechanics

If I have it right, subject of the said video is about momentum, force flow, snake engine and all that jive.

Navin is one of your strongerst supporter, it's cowardly of you to cut him off at the knees instead of giving him your back.

Disagree with Navin is in essence disagreeing with you, I (we) haven't the need to prove anything by up loading long winded video on things any competent WC practician should have already figured out.


Save your logic for yourself. Not interested . Thanks but no thanks!

Save your logic for yourself. Not interested . Thanks but no thanks!
I thought that wtxs gave a rational response which you choose to ignore.

BTW Navin made some remarks about Ho Kam Ming and tried to rank his students.
The information is distorted-and in my opinion HKM would not give him the time of day..

Navin's classification of 3 kinds of wing chun "engines" or dynamics is a straw man kind of logic
And comparing snake body wing chun as comparable to Galileo's paradigm shift is preposterous
and bad history of science.

Claiming that snake body wing chun is the original wing chun and that others have lost their way
is a presumptuous slam against others who have had hands on training with wing chun sifus..

Subjective inferences about what others do by watching YOUtube is neither physics nor
decent logic. I have met you and have some basis for commenting rather than just
depending on youtube.
Not really wanting to get into a piling on to this snake engine, force flow thing but changing the terminology and showing a few videos simply doesn't help me. Even in your constant usage of the term utube vs youtube suggests, to me, your communication style is to change terminology to suit your agenda or your message. Cool, I have no problem with that other than you do so in a way that yours is but the only truth. You ask for a discussion but only if it is with a video. The videos I've seen about snake engine, force flow has been only verbiage and some bits of striking and some pushing and pulling displays. In that verbiage and displays I have seen nothing, nothing different or en-lighting compared to the training I have received other than the presentation. In the displays some have what appears to be more muscling than I'd want to see in my students. However, not being able to 'feel' (and this is the major problem I have with using video as the expert standard)..., Not being able to feel I am unable to give a true assessment of what is happening. It is awesome you and other's put yourselves out on display in the attempt to help some understand the body and energies. However, video does nothing for feel and though I cannot speak for others I believe it is probably the same for them in that is why I don't use video to teach energies. It has to be felt. The thing is yours in not the only truth or way. Neither is mine but it is excellent, I like it and it works for me. All the best.

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