Different WCK body power generation mechanics


The Usa is a democratic and free speech country.

Your opinion and accusation doesn't make you right. Because in this country, one is innocent before proven guilty.

Not to mention your accusation on me ruin by me is baseless.

And I have my free speech right, never did I cause any trouble here.

How can I keeping posting same old stuffs? When the youtube is dated two days ago?

I can understand your political position in Wck .
However, if you don't like the topic we discuss, please don't read it. Instead of trying to influence the forum for censorship.

This will be my last reply to you Because there is no point to disturb this forum with personal prejudice or bias.
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Style bashing is rather strongly discouraged here. Personal attacks aren't very welcome, either.

Here's the simple deal: Disagree, discuss your styles or differences within a style civilly, and you'll be fine. Cross the line and start simply bashing each other or each other's style... Well, then we'll have problems.

Any questions -- take it up with senior staff.
Hendrik- I am entitled to comment on your repeated posting of the same old same old stuff. Another forum was ruined by your spamming

Actually, IMHO, that "other" forum were ruined by a small group of people that were always criticizing others and causing problems. People that seemed incapable of carrying on a civil conversation. It was ruined by the fact that it really had no moderator input. So I welcome that input here.
For those who is interested in technical discussion

A complete Ancient Chinese martial art system always talk about

架(physical structure),劲 ( force flow or jin),勢 (momentum)

As in this video Gm Chen Xiao Wang present the force flow of Chen taiji and clearly state structure is only for practice in the begining, one later discard it.

- YouTube
- YouTube

This is the reality , it is not making a structure then try to hold it . But elevate to force flow.
For those who is interested in technical discussion

A complete Ancient Chinese martial art system always talk about

架(physical structure),劲 ( force flow or jin),勢 (momentum)

As in this video Gm Chen Xiao Wang present the force flow of Chen taiji and clearly state structure is only for practice in the begining, one later discard it.

- YouTube
- YouTube

This is the reality , it is not making a structure then try to hold it . But elevate to force flow.
Sure. So what is the point.?
For those who is interested in technical discussion

A complete Ancient Chinese martial art system always talk about

架(physical structure),劲 ( force flow or jin),勢 (momentum)

As in this video Gm Chen Xiao Wang present the force flow of Chen taiji and clearly state structure is only for practice in the begining, one later discard it.

- YouTube
- YouTube

This is the reality , it is not making a structure then try to hold it . But elevate to force flow.
First have to develop a competent structure- then freeing oneself from limitations.
CXW spends quality time in correcting beginners structure- a tuck here a tuck there etc.
For Wck, force flow and momentum are not describe explicitly in the past.
However, Implicitly description of the past generation exist in stories and movies.

Such as in Ipman Leung Bik rag cloth story the concept of force flow . And in the movie prodigal son the ideal and dramatized momentum uniqueness

We in the west are beginning to explicitly brought the force flow and momentum of Wck into spot light.

Some might questions how can we know we are on target?

Well, from various ancient Chinese martial arts writing and practice, the ancient Wck writings and practice , from stories all Wck lineages such as the above Ipman Leung Bik story , from the mother arts writing and practice of 1840 Siu Lin tao, from physics, ..etc We can place these data and map out the common denominator.

With these common denominator we know it is very very likely what it is in the first order in term of theory and practice.
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Pay attention to the effect that his punch had on his partner's body at 0:19 into the clip. that is the snake body in action also known as the force line type of power generation.

From my understanding here are couple of other videos that uses a similar concept to the force line type:

Any Point on the Body Becomes a Weapon - YouTube
Any Point on the Body Becomes a Weapon - How it Works - YouTube
Here is one from a high level bagua master
Belaboring the obvious- for decent Ip Man folks-many of whom are not fascinated by you tube
I'm starting to think that this "7-bow" "force flow" "mother art" "technology" may have somehow eluded Hendrik and his team of aspirants in their original wing chun training or upbringing...thus perhaps they feel that this "secret" is so special?
I'm also thinking that some of us on here think that this "force flow momentum" stuff is nothing new under the sun and is intrinsic of good WC training anyway.
Nothing I have seen leads me to think that this stuff is anything special, unique, or somehow separate from good Yip Man Wing Chun.
Not being negative or confrontational...just stating an observation. No tone or inflection implied Gents...

PS: even "if" this uber-powerful stuff is somehow new and unique to Hendrik and his constituents...I've yet to see it their power-generation mechanics applied in an aggressive, non-compliant, chaotic scenario.

If it's new to "them"...then fantastic.
But a solid grounding in good YPWC will provide the trainee this power generation method...
I'm starting to think that this "7-bow" "force flow" "mother art" "technology" may have somehow eluded Hendrik and his team of aspirants in their original wing chun training or upbringing...thus perhaps they feel that this "secret" is so special?
I'm also thinking that some of us on here think that this "force flow momentum" stuff is nothing new under the sun and is intrinsic of good WC training anyway.
Nothing I have seen leads me to think that this stuff is anything special, unique, or somehow separate from good Yip Man Wing Chun.
Not being negative or confrontational...just stating an observation. No tone or inflection implied Gents...

PS: even "if" this uber-powerful stuff is somehow new and unique to Hendrik and his constituents...I've yet to see it their power-generation mechanics applied in an aggressive, non-compliant, chaotic scenario.

If it's new to "them"...then fantastic.
But a solid grounding in good YPWC will provide the trainee this power generation method...
For those who is interested in technical discussion

A complete Ancient Chinese martial art system always talk about

架(physical structure),劲 ( force flow or jin),勢 (momentum)

As in this video Gm Chen Xiao Wang present the force flow of Chen taiji and clearly state structure is only for practice in the begining, one later discard it.

- YouTube
- YouTube

This is the reality , it is not making a structure then try to hold it . But elevate to force flow.
Learn these principles in my training just not with all the verbiage and vocabulary. Thanks for the perspective.
Reading the comments, give me an idea of many never view the force flow utubes, don't know what it is, but made big assumption

What we present is a science based on physics biomechanics in systematic approach. Clearly describe what it is clearly instead " my lineage is better, my lineage has it all"

Technology such as iphone needs a scientific based instead of " I have it too, I have it all, nothing new" believe.

That's why one doesn't stop at iphone 1 forever, it is iphone 6+ now and iPhone 10 is going to come. One doesn't stood still in time saying and believing " Steve job" has it all since the first day, but not be able to describe the science and engineering development .

Technology is something continous to grow based on science and that is what we presented, it is different then cult which belive one has all solution but not able to describe things clearly.
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These utube shows exactly what happen, and most never watch them and try to understand what have been presented

There are many degrees or levels of WCK body mechanics and ways to generate power. In my opinion some WCK body mechanics and ways to generate power are more powerful and effective than others. For example, using one's core muscles to torque at their waist by pivoting on the K1 is much more powerful and efficient than using local muscles by pivoting on the heels. While internal snake body power generation is more advanced than the previous two methods.

These can be categorized into 3 basic different types.

1. Rack type (structure, good Yip Man guys such as TST and WSL)
2. Body type (like swinging a baseball bat ie. Alan Orr)
3. Force flow line type (snake body coil spring ie. Hendrik Santo)

Hey Guys! This is my first attempt at a youtube video, it's on # 3 internal snake body power generation

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