Different WCK body power generation mechanics

Thanks for the reply Joy! perhaps you can post a clip of the type of structure or power generation that you use, so we can all get a better picture of what you view as ideal wing chun.
Navin. Thanks for your video. I dont have a video camera and I don't post on Youtube.. But I do share with accepted guests what I do.
It is a spinoff from Ho Kam Ming and Augustine Fong versions of wing chun. My article and related photos on stability and mobility
in wing chun in the JAMA and photos on applications in the JAMA book are illustrative of what I do. I have met Hendrik and I was not impressed with his version of wing chun.. But please be clear- I dont have a problem with diversities in wing chun. But I am skeptical of claims of appeals to physics as though no one else uses physics principles.
view them.

  • "Wing Chun" Two applications-Pak tan combination and lop da combination in "Asian martial Arts: constructive thoughts and practical applications"
    Published by Journal of Asian Martial Arts-finale issue/Via Media Publishing Co ~ 2012
    Amazon iTunes Via Media Books ISBN 978-1-893765-04-7 (alk.paper)

    • --------------------------------
    • PS, I take responsibility for my understanding of structure, mobility and power.. While I have learned from my sifu and sigung- my mistakes are my own..

Last edited:
Navin. Thanks for your video. I dont have a video camera and I don't post on Youtube.. But I do share with accepted guests what I do.
It is a spinoff from Ho Kam Ming and Augustine Fong versions of wing chun. My article and related photos on stability and mobility
in wing chun in the JAMA and photos on applications in the JAMA book are illustrative of what I do. I have met Hendrik and I was not impressed with his version of wing chun.. But please be clear- I dont have a problem with diversities in wing chun. But I am skeptical of claims of appeals to physics as though no one else uses physics principles.
view them.

  • "Wing Chun" Two applications-Pak tan combination and lop da combination in "Asian martial Arts: constructive thoughts and practical applications"
    Published by Journal of Asian Martial Arts-finale issue/Via Media Publishing Co ~ 2012
    Amazon iTunes Via Media Books ISBN 978-1-893765-04-7 (alk.paper)

    • --------------------------------
    • PS, I take responsibility for my understanding of structure, mobility and power.. While I have learned from my sifu and sigung- my mistakes are my own..

Don't feed the trolls Joy, if you give a mouse a cookie it'll want a glass of milk.

Just more nonsense from the snake cult telling us all how we are all doing it wrong and never learned the real stuff.
Don't feed the trolls Joy, if you give a mouse a cookie it'll want a glass of milk.

Just more nonsense from the snake cult telling us all how we are all doing it wrong and never learned the real stuff.


Look like can't expect objective civil Rational technical conversation
If only it were that simple Hendrik. We have gone round and round about this, you know my view I know yours. What I can't understand is why you try so hard to convert those that disagree with you. Many of us who have legitimately trained in good Yongchun know where we stand and are confident in what we have been taught, in what we have "discovered" in our training and what we find relevant and useful in our personal style. Then you come along and tell us what we have been taught and what we've learned is essentially garbage. That you alone have discovered the true way and must teach it to the masses as if you were some messiah of Yongchun. That all of the ancestors that have developed, nurtured and taught the art of Yongchun over the years didn't know what they we doing with the art that they created, but you a several generations removed from the creators practitioner, has secretly discovered what has been "Lost" or simply not taught to us infidels. I won't apologize for not buying what your selling. Keep preaching to those that clearly haven't comprehended what they've been taught, have been taught watered down low level material or simply can't think independently or objectively. Please by all means continue to repackage arcane TCMA theories and pass them off as new "Technologies" to unwitting fools. You think that you are evolving the art of Yongchun, IMO all you are doing is further degrading a once noble art. Congratulations on spreading an infectious disease that has left a necrotic festering wound on the art Yongchun that will take years to heal.
Many of us who have legitimately trained in good Yongchun know where we stand and are confident in what we have been taught, in what we have "discovered" in our training and what we find relevant and useful in our personal style. Then you come along and tell us what we have been taught and what we've learned is essentially garbage. That you alone have discovered the true way and must teach it to the masses as if you were some messiah of Yongchun. That all of the ancestors that have developed, nurtured and taught the art of Yongchun over the years didn't know what they we doing with the art that they created, but you a several generations removed from the creators practitioner, has secretly discovered what has been "Lost" or simply not taught to us infidels.

"The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress". Charles Kettering

LOL bingo you hit the nail on the head. No one like change especially when they have already invested so much time and effort and built their reputation around less effective methods, and some guy comes along and tell them they've got it all wrong. What did you think happened when Bruce Lee told all those experienced Black belts they've been practicing Sh!t for all those years. About 98% of them rejected his views. Christopher columbus said the world was round, but the world rejected his view. Galileo said the Earth revolves around the sun, but people at that time rejected his view. I don't expect anything different with Hendrik's views!
If only it were that simple Hendrik. We have gone round and round about this, you know my view I know yours. What I can't understand is why you try so hard to convert those that disagree with you. Many of us who have legitimately trained in good Yongchun know where we stand and are confident in what we have been taught, in what we have "discovered" in our training and what we find relevant and useful in our personal style. Then you come along and tell us what we have been taught and what we've learned is essentially garbage. That you alone have discovered the true way and must teach it to the masses as if you were some messiah of Yongchun. That all of the ancestors that have developed, nurtured and taught the art of Yongchun over the years didn't know what they we doing with the art that they created, but you a several generations removed from the creators practitioner, has secretly discovered what has been "Lost" or simply not taught to us infidels. I won't apologize for not buying what your selling. Keep preaching to those that clearly haven't comprehended what they've been taught, have been taught watered down low level material or simply can't think independently or objectively. Please by all means continue to repackage arcane TCMA theories and pass them off as new "Technologies" to unwitting fools. You think that you are evolving the art of Yongchun, IMO all you are doing is further degrading a once noble art. Congratulations on spreading an infectious disease that has left a necrotic festering wound on the art Yongchun that will take years to heal.

Do you know that you have go off topic ?

Kungfu fighter share his utube, plain and simple.
"The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress". Charles Kettering

LOL bingo you hit the nail on the head. No one like change especially when they have already invested so much time and effort and built their reputation around less effective methods, and some guy comes along and tell them they've got it all wrong. What did you think happened when Bruce Lee told all those experienced Black belts they've been practicing Sh!t for all those years. About 98% of them rejected his views. Christopher columbus said the world was round, but the world rejected his view. Galileo said the Earth revolves around the sun, but people at that time rejected his view. I don't expect anything different with Hendrik's views!

It isn't even my view. It is in the Wck sets.

Don't trust me, check it out what and how your SNT develop the power for Wck.
Change is inevitable it is a constant, unfortunately it can be for the better or worse. You and others hold Hendrik in high regard and hail him as an enlightened savior. His theories and methods are nothing more than repackaged TCMA concepts, nothing new and have yet to be scientifically explained or demonstrated with any validity. Many thought that individuals like Adolf Hitler, Marshall Applewhite, Jim Jones, Charles Manson and Josef Stalin were great leaders and held grand ideas on how things should be conducted and run. Their ideas lead to the death of millions. Simply because something is different doesn't mean it is better, more efficient or more productive, especially when it is unproven. Put any name you want to your "Theory" you will not convince me that it is anything new or relevant. I do not care about your belief and faith in it, to each their own, if it works for you, great, I'm happy for you, but don't have the audacity to tell me what I'm doing is wrong simply because you think your method is superior, especially when it is based on nothing more than assumption. None of you have proven anything with all your dialogue and youtube videos, I have seen nothing that convinces me that your way is any better than anyone else's. This whole "Snake Engine" thing in Yongchun is no different than the conflicts within the various sects of Christianity. One root, many branches all arguing about who possesses the true original interpretation, all for nothing more than trying to sway opinion and hold a monopoly over the followers.

Look like can't expect objective civil Rational technical conversation[/QUOTE]

Cheers and bye bye on this thread for now.
[ .
"The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress". Charles Kettering

LOL bingo you hit the nail on the head. No one like change especially when they have already invested so much time and effort and built their reputation around less effective methods, and some guy comes along and tell them they've got it all wrong. What did you think happened when Bruce Lee told all those experienced Black belts they've been practicing Sh!t for all those years. About 98% of them rejected his views. Christopher columbus said the world was round, but the world rejected his view. Galileo said the Earth revolves around the sun, but people at that time rejected his view. I don't expect anything different with Hendrik's views!
I like changes and I am eager to learn new stuff and i have no problem to make changes if I find something good . Sorry to say but I cannot find anything new or good in hendrik's preaching . About Bruce Lee , his views are actually views of Tang Hao and a group of people who lived and worked in 1920's and 1930"s , everything he had done or said was already done and said in China , he just used an opportunity of being only Chinese martial artist exposed to the media at the time to use phrases of classical chinese literature and knowledge and approaches already developed by group of excellent martial artists decades before his birth as his own . On the other hand we do not have any recording of Bruce's real fight so we cannot know a real level of his skill , we only have movies . If you find hendrik's views as something worth practicing that is ok , what is not ok is to tell people who do not agree with you that their approaches are wrong or inferior . If you believe in superiority of hendrik's system you can go to some MMA competition and try it out , if you win several fights everyone will have clear evidence that hendrik's stuff are real thing . Real fighting is only criteria for quality of someone's art and skill
If you believe in superiority of hendrik's system you can go to some MMA competition and try it out , if you win several fights everyone will have clear evidence that hendrik's stuff are real thing . Real fighting is only criteria for quality of someone's art and skill

I could asked the same of your system or anyone else's system on here! but that only proves one individual is a good fighter, not necessarily that it's a good system. MMA is not the measuring stick which sets the bar of wck skills for me. Being able to defend one's self on the street against multiple attackers some of whom is armed with weapons is.

MMA is a full contact sparring match, nothing more, it is not a life or death situation that wing chun was intend for. Fighting and sparring have two completely different mind set, having done both i know the difference.
Other systems aren't making grand claims of superiority. You snake cult people are. You cite that Hendrik's methods are internal power generation. Wouldn't power generation transend multiple arenas of use? If you can use it in the ring you can use it in the street. Or can this "METHOD" only be applied in ambiguious youtube clips showing compliant chi shou? Surely if it's a method that can enable one to defeat multiple armed opponents in the street, you could easily defeat one unarmed opponent in the ring. Especially since it is a theory on power development and use and not on mind set, or are ya'll adding some "forgotten" Yongchun psychology to it now?
Don't know the characters in the preceding displays on the energies nor the terminologies (Force flow, Snake engine, etc) however the concepts are known within the training I have received. Just a different presentation (marketing). So what?!
All I know is I am a human. I move like a human, I generate power and force as a human just as all other humans do. The body mechanics are that of a human not of something else. All the best in your endeavors but I see nothing new or secret in what has been presented. Even seeing what I would consider to be too much physical strength but not feeling it at this point is only conjector.
Don't know the characters in the preceding displays on the energies nor the terminologies (Force flow, Snake engine, etc) however the concepts are known within the training I have received. Just a different presentation (marketing). So what?!

Please share your utube .
Please share your utube .
What utube? I don't have a utube. Don't know anything about utube. I know of youtube though however, I'm sorry for I don't do youtube either. What does youtube have to do with the training I have received having the concepts you put forth? You have a different presentation, that's all. Everyone one has a different way to present it. So What.
Look like can't expect objective civil Rational technical conversation

Rational post be gets rational respond.

Please share your utube .

Is having polluting the forum with all your videos validates you're the only one of this century that have the talen and insight to recovered/discovered the so called lost WC "technology". The only thing being proved is your arrogance.

If your 1840 and 2014 WC technology is all superior than others, why are we not seeing more of your believers comes to your defense???
Rational post be gets rational respond.

Is having polluting the forum with all your videos validates you're the only one of this century that have the talen and insight to recovered/discovered the so called lost WC "technology". The only thing being proved is your arrogance.

If your 1840 and 2014 WC technology is all superior than others, why are we not seeing more of your believers comes to your defense???

It is Navin shared his video. No need to go off topic.

If you disagree with him, share your video.
It is Navin shared his video. No need to go off topic. If you disagree with him, share your video.

If I have it right, subject of the said video is about momentum, force flow, snake engine and all that jive.

Navin is one of your strongerst supporter, it's cowardly of you to cut him off at the knees instead of giving him your back.

Disagree with Navin is in essence disagreeing with you, I (we) haven't the need to prove anything by up loading long winded video on things any competent WC practician should have already figured out.

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