Hi guys,
interesting discussion. For a while now I've been wanting to get into HKD, but there's no schools around me for about a hundred miles so I've not pursued it, but today I found out there's a KS school not too far away.
However, looking through this thread there seems to be a fair bit of negative stuff about KS, and I'm not sure if it's worth me trying it. I suppose I won't be particularly exposed to much of the politics to start with, but I've heard KS is quite big on the theory and history of the art. Now if they teach what appears to be a pack of lies about the history, I'm going to have a problem regurgitating it when it comes to test times and just generally. Or is it just little adjustments to the truth? Not that I'd be too happy with that either, but you're going to get that in every system.
Any input you might have would be appreciated. Also, could any KS practitioners have a look at this site and see if it looks about right? Ta. It's phrases like
(This is all a bit academic at the moment, I won't be free to train for a few months anyway!)
interesting discussion. For a while now I've been wanting to get into HKD, but there's no schools around me for about a hundred miles so I've not pursued it, but today I found out there's a KS school not too far away.
However, looking through this thread there seems to be a fair bit of negative stuff about KS, and I'm not sure if it's worth me trying it. I suppose I won't be particularly exposed to much of the politics to start with, but I've heard KS is quite big on the theory and history of the art. Now if they teach what appears to be a pack of lies about the history, I'm going to have a problem regurgitating it when it comes to test times and just generally. Or is it just little adjustments to the truth? Not that I'd be too happy with that either, but you're going to get that in every system.
Any input you might have would be appreciated. Also, could any KS practitioners have a look at this site and see if it looks about right? Ta. It's phrases like
and"For self-defence, Kuk Sool is unsurpassed."
that make me a bit hesitant."We are a black belt school and you will recieve instruction over a four year period, which will result in your promotion to black belt at the conclusion."
(This is all a bit academic at the moment, I won't be free to train for a few months anyway!)