Dennis prager explains the middle east in 5 minutes

I think Americans need to look at why America supports Israel

two reasons mainly

1) collective guilt over letting the holocaust happen

2) lots of jews in america, and they all vote, and many donate to politicians

also, to a lesser degree, America is the land of the underdog, and in the middle east, Israel is the underdog.

"What is needed, however difficult, however impossible it seems is talks round the table not more wars."

the arabs dont want to talk, nor do they want peace, they want one thing, the systematic and world wide slaughter of every single jew. Yourself included. They say so all the time.
So you are ok with murdering children, as long as they are Arab or Muslim.

You just said so.

"Going out of your way to avoid casulties" doesnt = indiscriminatingly shooting up school buses full of kids, or blatant acts of war such as a prolonged bombing attack on a US Warship.
Unless you are a blind, fool.
Only a fool would connect that with 'good guys'.

Your hatred blinds you to your own venom.

you are goddamn right i believe it. because it is true.

ONE side tries for peace
ONCE side acts in self defense
ONE side goes out of thier way to avoid casualties

your thinking is so clouded by moral relativism that you cant see straight

Bob, you are wrong, and so wrong as to be termed 'full of ****" wrong

there are people, arabs, and HEADS OF ARAB STATES....... DAILY crying for the total and complete extermination of all jews, everywhere in the world..

there is one jewish state, and they aint asking for, or trying to achieve the total extermination of arabs,

it just isnt happening, why?

jews =good guys

arabs=bad guys

it is very simple

thier book tells them to kill all jews, so thier priests tell them to kill all jews so their leaders tell them to kill all jews so the PEOPLE want to kill all jews. Everything from thier church to thier politicians to thier GOD tells them to kill all jews.

Israel has the right to exist, and to protect themselves. We HAVE seen the mettle of the groups involved. Every single cease fire BROKEN BY THE ARABS
now you sound obtuse bob

bad things happen in war, we all know that.

Every single cease fire has been broken BY THE ARABS, we all know that too

doing bad things IN SELF DEFENSE is an entirely different animal than doing bad things ON PURPOSE

we all know that too

hell, thats why there is a difference between manslaughter and murder for ****s sake

but you are pretending that israel is just as bad as the arabs and you KNOW they are not.

pretending something is true when you know it isnt is a great example of being obtuse

and the warship thing? that was 45 ****ing years ago.

and the school bus full of kids? you got any proof that was intentional? cuz if it want intentional, again, see manslaughter vs murder

better question, why even bring that up since you KNOW FULL WELL the arabs would **** thier pants for a chance to kill that many jewish kids and would do so in a second IF THEY HAD THE CHANCE
perfect example, i am a good guy, but you attack me? screw being "good" i am gonna concentrate n being "the guy left alive"

i will use a friggin fork to stab you in the eyes if i HAVE TO, and that wont make me a bad guy, cuz it was in self defense.
John, I have hundreds of such things on file.
That's why I'm not so stupid as to go on and on and on about how they are the "Good Guys".

You know who the "Good Guys" are?
Whoever you want to support them.

In 1943, the SS were the "Good Guys", in a **** load of idiots minds.
Those 19 sorry sonsofbitches that flew those planes on 9/11?
Yup, good guys, all of them, to tens of thousands of other idiots.

Don't give me the 'fog of war' BS.
Don't give me the '40 years ago' ****.

You made a declaration.
I'm just calling you on your blind spots, again.

Admit it.
You are fine with your chosen "Good Guys" doing -anything- they want, as long as it's against those you got a hard on against.
Admit it.

You're perfectly fine with thousands of Arab and Muslim kids and non-combatants blown to bits, but not if it's the kids of anyone you like.

You're ok with a bulldozer running over a protester. A peaceful protester. A bulldozer. Those move how fast?
Intentional Murder.
Rachel Corrie, 23, of Olympia, Washington, March 2003
You're ok with that though right, because she wasn't with the "Good Guys".

"This morning, when she was killed, she was attempting to prevent the Israeli military from destroying Palestinian civilian homes," Arraf said.
"She was raising her hands and yelling at the bulldozer driver to stop," Arraf said. "The bulldozer driver paid no attention. ... He buried Rachel with dirt, which ended up, obviously, knocking her down. Then he ran over her, and then reversed and ran over her again."

I'm sure the usual postings will follow. "That's irrelivant', '2003 is so long ago', and so forth.

I could post more, so very much more, but why? Your world view is constrained by your hate. You see everything so clearly. The root of all evil is Muslim.
You have 10,000 Mexican's invading your home state, but you see the danger being 6,000 miles away. Such vision.
I'm sure glad to have you here on StormFront-East.
perfect example, i am a good guy, but you attack me? screw being "good" i am gonna concentrate n being "the guy left alive"

i will use a friggin fork to stab you in the eyes if i HAVE TO, and that wont make me a bad guy, cuz it was in self defense.
Your definition of "Self Defense" would have you stabbing ME in the eye with a fork because someone in Frisco smacked your wife.
That's not Self Defense.
That's Assault.

Oh and John. Better bring an extra fork. In fact, carry 7.
rachel corrie was a ****ing IDIOT who is responsible for her own death by jumping in front of a goddam bulldozer.

you have seven eyes? or are you chest puffing? you know, or ought to know i wasnt talking about YOU attacking me, that was a generic "you" bob.

"You are fine with your chosen "Good Guys" doing -anything- they want, as long as it's against those you got a hard on against.
Admit it."

*********, there are lines that israel could cross that i would not support. But thats the thing, Israel wont do those things because they are the good guys.

Example, Israel, wether they admitt it or not, has nukes, pretty much everyone admits that right? well, why havnt they used them?

good guys

you know FULL well that if they could? the arabs would have turned every single last jew in israel into air pollution by now.. do you deny that?
simple question

do you believe that there should be two seperate crimes called "manslaughter" and "murder"?
you know FULL well that if they could? the arabs would have turned every single last jew in israel into air pollution by now.. do you deny that?
does ANYONE here think that tomorrow they invented a Jew Killing Gas, and someone gave hammas enough to take out every last jew on the planet, that they WOULDNT do it?
Yes John. Every Arab out there wants nothing more than to sip aged Jew Blood out of fine china.
You're right. You are always right.
Israel can do no wrong. Every single case where their armed forces ended the lives of children and non-combatants were just unfortunate accidents during war.
All of those killed could have prevented it, if only they hadn't been born Arab or Muslim, and known to not be where bombs and bullets were going to fall.
Israel is Gods chosen nation, and as soon as I'm done posting, I'm going to go find Uncle Ben and like his rice convert just so I'm one of the "Good Guys".

I quit.
does ANYONE here think that tomorrow they invented a Jew Killing Gas, and someone gave hammas enough to take out every last jew on the planet, that they WOULDNT do it?

Anyone on the site think that if tomorrow they invented an Arab and Muslim killing gas that John would't use it?
The Rachel Corrie incident:

from the blog:

Shaik and Clausen then sent our agency to speak with Corrie’s friends who were
with her at the time she was crushed.

Corrie’s friend Joe Smith described
how Corrie sat on a mound of dirt facing the IDF bulldozer making its way to the
house it was about to demolish. “Rachel had two options”, Smith said. “When the
bulldozer started to dig in the dirt pile, the pile started to move, and she
could have rolled sideways quickly or fallen backwards to avoid being hit. But
Rachel leaned forward to climb to the top of the dirt pile. The bulldozer’s
digging drew her downward, and its driver could not see her anymore. So without
lifting the scoop, he turned backward and she was already underneath the

Smith’s description is very important, since the picture published
by Reuters shows Corrie standing to the left of the bulldozer, in a location
where the driver can see her very clearly, as she holds a megaphone in her hand.
Beneath the picture’s caption was written: “Photographed before Rachel Corrie
was run over by an IDF bulldozer.”

Everyone who looked at the picture and
the text understood that the driver, who saw the American civilian standing in
front of him, just continued crushing Corrie to death. But Joe Smith said that
the picture was taken hours before she was run over, which happened at 5:00
p.m., and not a few minutes beforehand. Smith emphasized that at the time of the
incident and during it, there were no photographers in the area.


A review of the event from free republic:
Last edited:
another article on the Rachel Corrie accident:

from the article:

A misleading photo published by the Associated Press gave the impression that Corrie was standing in front of the bulldozer and shouting at the driver with a megaphone, trying to prevent the driver from tearing down a building in the refugee camp. This photo, which was taken by a member of Corrie's organization, was not shot at the time of her death, however, but hours earlier. The photographer said that Corrie was actually sitting and waving her arms when she was struck.[SUP]56[/SUP]
A different story about Jenin:

from the article:

On the first night of Passover in late March 2002, a Palestinian suicide bomber walked into the Park Hotel in Netanya, Israel and blew himself up in the dining hall. About 200 mostly elderly Jews (some of them Holocaust survivors) were sitting down for the traditional Seder meal. The explosion killed 30 people, and injured over 100, many of them seriously. In the days that followed, the Palestinians unleashed a series of additional suicide bombing attacks in several Israeli cities. In all, 130 Israelis were killed in the attacks, the worst devastation in any period in the three and a half years of the current intifada.

Israeli Prime Minister Sharon decided that there was no longer any purpose in paying any allegiance to the fiction of the Oslo 'peace process'. Israeli forces moved to reoccupy the major Palestinian cities that had been surrendered to the Palestinian Authority in 1995 and 1996, and in certain cities, especially Jenin and Nablus, began house to house searches in the crowded refugee camps to locate the terror leaders who had recruited, trained, armed, and finally dispatched the suicide bombers on their deadly missions.

In Jenin, the IDF made a remarkably careful attempt to capture or kill the terrorists while avoiding harm to Palestinian civilians. The terrorists effectively exploitewd the narrow passages of the Jenin refugee camp, and used the civilian population as shields to trap and then kill 23 Israeli soldiers during the several day battle in the city. All in all, 53 Palestinians were killed in the battle, all but five of them terror group members and fighters.

At West Point, the Israeli operation became a case study, because Americans take the same care to target the enemy and avoid unnecessary civilian casualties. Our improved weapon systems and pinpoint bombing accuracy have served the same purpose. This, of course, is in sharp contrast to the suicide bombers in Israel, or the savages who desecrated the bodies of American civilians they had slaughtered in Fallujah last week. These killers seek maximum lethality. They are callous murderers.

Despite Israeli efforts to avoid civilian casualties, the Jenin battle today is the subject of several proĀ—Palestinian movies ('Jenin, Jenin' is one of them), and the source of a major myth. Saeb Erekat, a leading PA official, pointed to piles of dead Palestinians in Jenin, and claimed that Israel had committed, a massacre there, murdering over 500 civilians. In fact, the bodies Erekat pointed to, had, in some cases, been moved from a morgue after natural deaths, but theatrics is a big part of the Palestinian propaganda campaign, and has been for many years.

Major human rights groups were quick to condemn Israel, and slow to investigate what really had happened in Jenin. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are reflexively antiĀ—Israel (and antiĀ—American), and were quick to broadcast the Palestinian claims as real. Truth in the end may be uncovered, if anyone is still listening. The smear is what most people remember.
Glad to see things settled down, but really folks, when it comes to sensitive topics like this, a lot of hassle can be avoided if you simply take a deep breath, re-read what you are about to post, and think about it for just a few seconds before hitting the "Reply" button. Of course, since this is The Study, maybe a lot of folks are going to be hyperventilating...

Let's keep this conversation civil.

Thank you.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator

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