Death penalty at Prage university


Lifetime Supporting Member
Dennis Prager at his Prager University offers this 5 minute course on Capitol Punsihment...the video can be found in this article or you can view it through his website...

Prager says he's evolved on various issues over the years, but his stance on capital punishment never wavers.

“It's one of the rare issues that the more experiences in life, the more knowledge, has not changed me intellectually or emotionally on this issue,” he says. “Every time another grotesque murder takes place, I get sick to my stomach.”
The arguments against the death penalty rarely change, and Prager says they're easily debunked.
“There are a handful of people who are true abolitionists,” he says. Those folks won't recommend the death penalty no matter how horrific the crime. Other anti-death penalty advocates trot out both the cost of the process and the possibility of the wrong person being put to death.
“I find this argument that it's costly to be truly immoral,” he says. “The abolitionists make us spend a fortune on appeals, then they says, 'look how expensive it is.'”
The latter scenario is certainly possible, Prager says, although given modern technology it's “become virtually impossible.” That doesn't mean you build social policy around such minute odds.
Others point to research studies indicating the death penalty doesn't serve as a deterrent, but Prager flatly rejects that data.
“Any study that concludes that is a phony study. I'd risk my reputation on that assertion,” he says, adding every other penalty serves as a deterrent. Why should the death penalty be any different?

Dennis "fifty punds of B.S. in a five pound sack" Prager said:
Any study that concludes that is a phony study. I'd risk my reputation on that assertion,” he says, adding every other penalty serves as a deterrent. Why should the death penalty be any different?

Every other penalty doesn't serve as a deterrent, anymore than the death penalty does, except for people like Prager, who ahve no incentive to commit such crimes.

People who do commit such crimes generally aren't thinking of consequences, except for maybe thinking of how they can avoid them.

Anyone who says that the death penalty is a deterrent against capital crime, clearly doesn't recognize the large number of murderers in jail, never mind the ones who have gotten away with it, and are walking the streets.

In fact, I'd say that anyone who concludes that the death penalty is a deterrent, is clearly a phony professor for a phony university....:lfao:


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