Dennis prager explains the middle east in 5 minutes

That is the main problem with most discourse today, especially in the US. Everything is reduced to a small black and white sound bite. The nuances and complexity of the issues are being ignored, because to not do so would mean admitting the the 'other' guy may also have a point.
That is the main problem with most discourse today, especially in the US. Everything is reduced to a small black and white sound bite. The nuances and complexity of the issues are being ignored, because to not do so would mean admitting the the 'other' guy may also have a point.

Everything has to be said and done as if speaking to people with very short attention spans, it's partly the reason we have black belts in martial arts after a year of training etc, no one wants to spend time on a subject, it all has to be 'instant'. Interesting subjects on television documentaries are dumbed down and information repeated over and over again, it's rare to find any programmes that go into any depth on a subject any more.

The Middle East is a complex situation brought about by actions taken by other countries outside the regions decades even centuries ago, if the problems have taken a hundred years or so in the making they can't be explained or solved in 5 minutes, it's naive to think you can. It's the same with European history and other situations like Afghanistan, China etc. Oh for a proper, informed, give and take discussion!
no, it really is that simple.

israel: protects children
Arabs: blow children up

if you cant figure out who the bad guy is in that sample, you cant be helped
no, it really is that simple.

israel: protects children
Arabs: blow children up

if you cant figure out who the bad guy is in that sample, you cant be helped

And the dead Arab children? Are they good or bad then?
Wouldn't want them growing up to be bad adults would we. Very distastful point of view tbh. It's like the saying' the only good Indian is a dead Indian' same mindset.

But you know I was being sarcastic.

Having that 'take no prisoner' kinda mood, can't deal with foolish thoughts like 'Israelis protect children, Arabs kill them' at the moment.

Can't very well call people names on the net (got a reprimant on another forum for using a non dictionary term for excrement on an animal happens but we can't say it...) though some do need to get the truth and nothing but at times.

back to my imported ain't German, nor a guiness, but it will have to do (before I dig up that imported cheap wine)

man, it's 5 PM here and still 97 farenheit/36 celsius here....
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everyone knows full well that if the arabs would cut the ****, there would be NO dead arab kids, the israelis ANNOUNCE when they are comming, they dont just lob rockets into the air.....

there is no moral equivilency between the murdering arabs and the jews acting in self defense. Claiming there is just makes one look silly
From Prager university, a quick guide to the conflict in the middle east, from one of my favorite people, Dennis Prager.

All in 5 minutes.

About the only thing Mr. Prager explains here is why you sound like you do.

Bob, eh, you know,
I meant Dennis, on the down low
brevity is the soul of wit,'
and all of my posts sound like......

"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
— Elie Wiesel
:s529::sp87::sp24::sp68::sp102::s599::ea49:(he, look, Tez!)


Was still not the one I was looking for....

AHHH, here we go, I do apologize for my ADOS moment...

I call BS on that statement.
it assumes one takes sides with the 'victim'.....Sometimes staying neutral saves your hide from being chewed up from both sides.
My point.

And that black and white attitude, taken when you have nothing at stake gets to be quite bothersome. It's easy to be like that from half-way around the world. That simpe Israel=good, Arabs =evil attitude gets my family and friends killed.

It is a complex situation and will require a nuanced solution.
And that black and white attitude, taken when you have nothing at stake gets to be quite bothersome. It's easy to be like that from half-way around the world. That simpe Israel=good, Arabs =evil attitude gets my family and friends killed.

It is a complex situation and will require a nuanced solution.

Well, it probably could be simple.
but easy? never.

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