This is probably where I differ from many. I'm not looking to pull off DS. If I do, great. Otherwise, I may use parts of DS, I may mix up the tech. For example, lets say we do DS against a punch, but instead of a step thru, the attack is a cross. Stepping back would take us out of range. I see no reason why we couldnt step as in SF 2. The block is there, the swordhand is there. Only thing missing is the kick. Thats fine IMO.
Ex 2: Assuming the attack is a cross. Omit the initial block and fire off a kick. As you're landing forward, your hand is up, should another punch come. If another punch never comes, end off with the swordhand to the neck, face, etc.
I'm sure this sounds like I'm dissing the art...I'm not. I love the art.

For the sake of testing, yes, ya gotta do those techs in textbook fashion, no changes, just by the book. But when you need to defend yourself....worrying about pulling off the textbook moves is second to an effective defense.