I am enjoying our discussion. I apologize for going off the discussion topic/focus. I tend to do that lol. I appreciate your passion and patience.
You said "The physical articulation of the IP is completely nonfunctional,totally unrealistic"
Can you explain or help me understand this? I disagree. natural actions are taken into account and I believe it necessary to teach with techniques like this create a base, much like writing, starting with block letters, then cursive and then shorthand.
Also, for the teaching method, having the techniques as they are is building off what is known, and various principles are taught in the technique, well now I see I'm going off topic now.
Ok, allow me to ask what specifically is not functional about the IP?
Yes,I can help to explain exactly what I mean regarding the complete and total nonfunctionality of the physical movements of the IP.I don't mean the techniques per se--if the TECHNIQUES of Kenpo were functionally compromised,I couldn't take those exact same techniques and find a way to make them functional and Kenpo as a whole would be very questionable in value unless it was actually more of a philosophy sans a specific body of techniques say like Bruce Lee's JKD--I mean the pedagogy,the teaching of the techniques from the base onward (stance,blocks,movement,attacks,etc). There is nothing that the IP does (actually fails to do) that the IP isn't many times superior at actually succeeding at.
Lemme give you an example:
The IP Alternating Maces,executed by a 10th dan GRANDMASTER:
Funtional Alternating Maces,executed by yours truly...merely a 5th dan
Now,what I'm missing here is the video of the first part of instruction...perception,stance,movement,footwork,defensive and offensive training.But the articulation of the movements that I display are indicative of the extensive functional thought that went into the techniques PRIOR to inception and execution AND the refinements that occurred AFTER SPARRING with the techniques.There is one video clip were I do the Alt. Maces vs 5-6 separate pushes and against a live 360 degree Bull In The Ring drill which really brings it home.I do it standing sitting (to my good e-friend Marlon: Yes Marlon I really DO practice my techniques sitting and they do boil down to don't get killed mop the bad guy and if not run your azz off,ol) AND on the ground.In going back I see that my brother and my cousin never got around to puttin those 2 videos up onsite,despite their assurances to the contrary.That's okay,I'll reshoot them and put them up personally.My point is? The techniques (in this case Alternating Maces) are taughtin a way which first and foremost
1) Shows a complete and utter lack of comprehension of THE ATTACKS that are coming at the defender.Now,you don't even have to have a gajillion fights to understand the dynamics of a real world push.Truth is? You can go in your living room RIGHT NOW and have your buddy give you a good ole fashioned shove in the chest and start practicing THAT way,so even the excuse:"Ohh well the instructor has never fought before" is hogwash.But what really happens in far too many Kenpo and other studios is what we see in the video: sheer stupidity combined with lunacy. I mean...that guy allegedly doing a push looks like a freakin zombie giving a chest massage.And then that GM Joe dude gets tuh gruntin like he's doing something while showing HORRIBLE technique.I have WHITE BELTS who know more and do better with that technique than good ole GM Joe.Joe's uke showed: No real world energy,intention,or motion.
Functionally speaking,every attack should be a real attack.When you punch? You PUNCH.With n00bs,you don't have to move super fast or even fast.I have my n00bs start out at 25-50% speed.But it IS a punch.You miss? You get hit.Not hard,but you learn:BLOCK THAT PUNCH.When you swing that stick? Swing it with the real intention to hit and with the real movement TO hit.Not hard at first,but if you don't block? BONK.You learn:BLOCK THAT STICK.I break out with the hard rubber knives.Get tuh slashin.Block fails? SLASH. Doesn't hurt,but it drives the point home

O THE DISARM RIGHT.Even when moving slowly? The movements of the push should result in a REAL PUSH if allowed to make contact.Not a HARD push,but a REAL PUSH.From literally the first moment of the first day,we need to train our students that way.This attack will increase in speed,power deception and complexity as the defensive skill of our students increase.ONLY THIS METHOD CAN IMPART REAL WORLD SKILL AND CONFIDENCE IN DEFENDING AN ATTACK.
2) With a realistic ATTACK,we can NOW BUILD REALISTIC DEFENSES AND COUNTERS.This is massively important because our students begin building confidence in their ability to not only STOP or BLOCK a real world attack...THEY NOW KNOW THEY CAN STOP THE ATTACKER TOO.This,folks is ACTUAL fighting.NOT yet self-defense as a whole.If you stop the attacker's attack? He/she/they can keep attacking.If you stop their attack AND STOP THEM? No more attacking.You're safe now.
3) Now that you can recognize an attack and DEFEND the attack,it's now time to learn how to NOT BE THERE for an attacker to attack you in the first place.In my GYM? THIS IS SELF DEFENSE.If you're in a conflict,you did it wrong from the jump.You're FIGHTING now.We don't teach fighters.We teach martial artists adept in the art of self-defense.Once again,you CANNOT acquire this skill in the real world if you don't train this way.
Here's the best 3 videos on the Functional Method (what Bruce Lee called ALIVENESS) that I can find.I don't 100% agree with 100% of what Matt says,but I agree with over 90% of it over 90% of the time,so that's good enough.If you have questions after that? I'd be pleased to answer more specifically.But these videos should put us on the same page.
WHY ALIVENESS? -The most important video
This is the gospel.It's not magic,it's not a huge revelation...we've known this for MILLENIA.However,the twin forces of intolerant traditionalism breeding ignorance and the greed of commercialism has effectively snatched the collective method of training real world martial arts in the USA of its validity.If we were to take this method and turn it on Kenpo Karate (like I have) the results would be revolutionary; hands down,we'd bridge the gap between traditional and modern arts while enjoying the benefits of both without being shackled bythe drawbacks and hindrances of either.We could and would show the public that you don't have to be a MMA guy to be in super shape,have fun,fight well,have terrific self confidence,wonderful discipline and character,and all that other stuff that the TMA and not MMA offers...plus you can and will do more than well against the MMA guys and growing number of MMA chicks.And that's BEFORE you whip out a stick,knife or gun...which you can ALSO use amazingly well thank you very freakin much.
I also recommend that you read Burton Richardson's incredible JKDU which is more palettable to us TMA guys.It's an INCREDIBLE vision and it's essentially what I've been doing with my brand of hybrid martial arts ( I just have alooot more material to draw from and very fierce street sensibilites that he lacks) long before I was aware of Burton's JKDU.