My bad on putting up the incorrect link.The correct link would have been THIS ONE
And this "IDEAL PHASE" is a devastatingly horrific almost certainly dysfunctional deception that needs to be trash canned ASAP.The IDEAS BEHIND the "ideal phase" are GOOD SOLID IDEAS.We should specifically train against common street SD scenarios and attacks as these scenarios and attacks are likely to never occur in the most primary froms of sparring matches in the dojo.The surprise attack,multifights,armed attacks,verbal confrontation leading to the sucker punch,being pushed/slammed/thrown into walls,energetic attacks and hair grabs,head slams,etc.Wonderful ideas to start FUNCTIONAL TRAINING from.
However,the physical expression and most dominant examples of the IP are TOTALLY NONFUNCTIONAL and suck the big one.They are absolutely without merit and need to be trash canned forthwith.They have basically zero modern day worth or value.
There IS NO IDEAL IN COMBAT.If you had an ideal in combat? That ideal would be to NOT be in combat.There is no functional,honest,healthy,real-world way to defend the IP sequences because none of them are functional.None of them.Zero.However,if we took those ideas and trained them functionally as I advocate? We'd have suddenly a plethora of extremely functional seqences and techniques that not only could and would capture the public's imagnation as a real world instantly applicabe I-don't-have-to-b-a-MMA-fightr-to-defend-myself-and-get-in-shape-plus-my-kids-can-learn-dscipline-and-have-fun HONEST AND TRUTHFUL MARKETING METHOD (it's rare to have "honest an trutful" combined with "marketing" in the same sentence AND BE ACCURATE);we also have the mandate to evolve and become more functional as time passes,thus never falling out of the realm of real world applicability.We'd have FUNCTIONAL TEMPLATES instead of IDEAL templates.We'd also be in DIRECT ACCORDANCE with what GGMEP himself stated is what his instructor had done with the lessons that he learned (Professor Chow) and subsequently taught GGMEP to do,and which GGMEP wants all kenpoists to do...which is to focus on practical application and tailor our knowledge for the modern realities of the streets today.
Therefore those who are championing the maintainence of the IP in its current form are NOT hewing to the underlying principles of practicality and functionality that spawned the creation of the IP in the first place.They are hewing to THE FORM and NOT THE SUBSTANCE. The IP was amongst the height of innovative thought and training concepts in its early times,but especially since the 80's it was outmoded.The advent of events like the UFC and the success within the USA and worldwide of MMA caused serious practitioners to NOT abandon their core arts but rather retool their training to deal with the options and opportunities that were are and will be spawned by the MMA revolution.The IP is loooong overdue for total overhaul and retooling,and the return to the actual vibrant idea of practicality and functionality being the root from which all technique tactics training methods and stratagems spring.Kenpo's unique movement methods will be articulated in ways that are far more effective than they currently are,and fitness will be pushed to a level wherein we won't see such a proliferation of fat belts hanging over the waists of our serious and senior black belts (this is,of course,excepting medical conditions that impact a person's ability to train,sleep,or whatever it may be).
The IP is trash.It is craptacular.It needs permanent and serious flushing.It's a hindrance to Kenpo.Going back to the comparisons between DTS and 5 Swords that started this thread? The whole IP and the anal retentive "training" that it spawns is the reason that there's even a QUESTION about the DTS.It's the reason that there will forever be doubts about much of Kenpo's utility as long as it exists in this fashion;because the IP has zerio utilitarian aspects.Zero.None.Doesn't matter how illustrious a name sings its praises.You ever see a sizable chunk of boxers seriously ask:"Uhhhhh...does that jab thing work in a real fight?" Hell no. How many times have you seen even a high school wrestler of moderate experience and training truly doubt the utility of the shot,clinch,double leg,or trip? Never. You know hy? They train realistically and functionally.They fight the way they train.And theyspar and fight with the techniques that they train with.Even their Parliament style funk moves are all born of real world combat reality and are very functional
Now why can't we find ONE SINGLE INSTANCE of anyone using our beloved Kenpo SD techniques WHILE SPARRING,IN A MATCH,OR IN A REAL FIGHT? I mean specifically the Ideal Phase Kenpo techniques.Waiting.Still waiting.Time's up.The answer is because the SD techniques aren't trained functionally enough on a universal scale to engender the confidence in their use EVEN IN A TOURNAMENT WITH ONLY KENPO PRACTITIONERS.That's just...sad beyond words.Can you go to a boxing tourney and RELIABLY NEVER SEE A JAB? Can you go to a TKD tourney and RELIABLY NEVER SEE A SIDEKICK ROUND OR BACK KICK? Can you go to ANY sport combat competition ANYWHERE ON EARTH and RELIABLY NOT SEE THE VERY BACKBONE OF THE ART NOT BEING DONE? Nope.But YOU CAN SEE IT IN KENPO.The 72 SD TECHS ARE RELIABLY NOT DONE.
That's...beyond tragic.
But I guarantee you that I will change that.Before April is over you will see me put on my Channel live sparring clips wherein I use my FUNCTIONAL variants of Kenpo's SD techniques against all comers and watch them work.For all of you who will inevitably diss and deconstruct my technical application even though I succeeded? My responses are preemptively: "Where or YOUR videos?" and "I guarantee that I'll do these techniques to you too.Successfully."
Back to the IP defenders and supporters...
Until they SPAR AND FIGHT TOP FLIGHT RESISTING OPPONENTS USING THE IP EXACTLY AS THEY SHOWED IT TO US AND WIN? They're trash. However,the FUNCTIONAL articulation of the IDEAS BEHIND THE IP are GIANT GIFTS BOONS AND BENEFITS TO THE MARTIAL ARTS.Functionality makes all benefits possible.Functionality is why a Master who's never spent one second in the IKCA which birthed the DTS (me) was able to instantly spin a far more effective method from it WITHIN MINUTES OF READING IT AND NOT EVER SEEING IT DONE BY AN IKCA MAN.The IP can get your tail kicked or killed while making you think that you have the tools to defend yourself,some innocents and/or loved ones because it's absolutely not functional yet instructors who are enspelled by it will similarly mesmerize their unsuspecting students and it's their STUDENTS who are most likely to face the horrific reality of their complete lack of preparedness in some rude awakening on the street.Their students will then conclude that KARATE DOESN'T WORK...AND SPREAD THE GOSPEL TO THEIR FRIENDS.Hell nowadays? Kids could find themselves being stomped out on Youtube,displaying their LACK of functionality with Kenpo for all to see.Kids and adults will have what they think is empirical evidence that karate doesn't work,so go to a boxing or MMA gym.
Now I apologize to those whose feelings or sensibilities have been affected by my bluntness here,as I don't mean to attack any single person or group specifically.What I'm railing against is the preservation of a tremendously harmful absolutely wasteful nonfunctional training METHOD which is the IDEAL PHASE instead of the common sense,wonderful training CONCEPT that spawned the IP in the first place.The CONCEPT IS FUNCTIONAL.The METHOD is *** and must be atomically annihilated forthwith and replaced with the Functional/Alive/Insert A Name That Curls Your Toes approach fifthwith.Lolol.See...forthwith/fourthwith and fifthwith? Jokes I say.