A deficiency means an inadequacy or flaw.
@guy b. started the thread saying, "
Post your view please. No offence will be taken. I welcome the opportunity to learn from other perspectives."
What I posted is what Sifu Niels Pivato obviously feels is a flaw. His comment states that in his previous WSLVT/WT experience, he found that in order for people to make it functional, strength was required. For him, that is obviously an inadequacy, as a softer approach, in his opinion, is lacking.
If he was willing to become a student of Sergio, having previously had
physical training directly with Philipp Bayer, this would indicated that his
physical training with Sergio exposed a deficiency in his VT. If WSLPBVT works, and what Sergio does is just tricks, wouldn't it be Sergio's method that was exposed?
I don't expect you (
@LFJ and
@guy b.) to agree with him - but Guy did ask for perspectives. Sifu Niels Pivato has a fair bit of experience, and he offered a perspective.
Not containing Qi talk or energy tricks is not an inadequacy or flaw.
I agree that
Qi talk is not needed.
Energy tricks... well, I don't see it as a trick. I'm guessing the same is true for Sifu Niels Pivato.
VT is not intended to be used on the ground, nor is it designed to bounce people away with imperceptible movement and mystical energies.
How do you bounce someone away with
mystical energies? You can't. What is happening is physical. The process is physical, and is trained in a physical way.
If you aren't able to identify what VT is lacking in physical terms, then yes it does sound like something that needs to be believed before it can be seen.
As I said above, it
is a physical process. Do you think Tai Chi's
Peng is not physical? Is what you train in Yiquan (your post training and
Fa Li training, for example), not physical?
People that are better than you are better than you and feel very strong- this is not uncommon. It doesn't require a new phenomenon in order to be explained.
This isn't exactly what I meant. Both of the people I mentioned feel very relaxed. I am stronger than the Tai Chi teacher, for example, but he still has the upper-hand - he is better but doesn't
feel stronger than me. He is more connected, for sure.
Until there is some physical explantion of what "internal" means, then there isn't anything concrete to reply to in this criticism.
Earlier in the thread you asked about internal work, and I said that creating connections in the body was a part of this (and just one part).
I said:
"Connections* If I talk about connections and you don't know what I mean, I need to... what... outline every aspect of Fascia and musculature in the body? Explain how it ties back to core muscle groups? Explain the role of breathing and how it impacts on the above? Explain what happens when muscle is twisted around bone? Explain power lines in the body? Explain the function of tendons - and then should I explain the nature of elasticity?"
Do you really not see Fascia and musculature as physical? Are core muscles groups not physical? What about breathing - it has no physical effect? Twisting muscle - not a physical act, with a physical result? Tendons - not something physical in your body? Tying together all of these things, linking them, is, what...
mystical nonsense?