Ho Kam Ming wing chun

Let's see, any reasonable person would recognize the following:

Phobius noted that the description of a reaction to a punch being to "attack in response with a punch or your own" describes all Wing Chun. I agreed with that. Because that is a pretty core concept in Wing Chun. But I noted that it is also rather one dimensional. Because it IS rather one dimensional if that is your only response. I pointed out that some Wing Chun includes a Chin Na element that allows for more responses that just punching back. That was not a trolling post, and there is no contradiction with anything I said.
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Let's see, any reasonable person would recognize the following:

Phobius noted that the description of a reaction to a punch being to "attack in response with a punch or your own" describes all Wing Chun. I agreed with that. Because that is a pretty core concept in Wing Chun. But I noted that it is also rather one dimensional. Because it IS rather one dimensional if that is your only response. I pointed out that some Wing Chun includes a Chin Na element that allows for more responses that just punching back. That was not a trolling post, and there is no contradiction with anything I said.
Reacting with a punch is ok-specially if you have the line- but wing chun is full of options to fit the occasion
We should always use the simplest solution...many times that is simply to punch.
But circumstances aren't always so simple and a punch to the nose may not be the best option even if it is the simplest.
It's a good idea to have some high percentage chin na to fall back on.
We should always use the simplest solution...many times that is simply to punch.
But circumstances aren't always so simple and a punch to the nose may not be the best option even if it is the simplest.
It's a good idea to have some high percentage chin na to fall back on.
At very very close quarters if you are bear hugged from any direction you may need other options besides a punch- and wing chun has options.
I'd agree, but I'd replace 'punch' with 'strike'.
In Ip Ching's little paperback bio of Ip Man he tells the story of a northern mantis master who came to Fatshan
and issued a challenge to any southern stylist, specially a wing chun stylist.Locals came to Ip Man for help
and he accepted the challenge. A big room became the chosen site for the challenge and was jam packed with tables and chairs and the combatants were up on a stage.
Ip Man had his back to the audience. The northerner attacked with a mantis phoenix eye. Ip Man did a lop sao
combination. The mantis guy went flying from the stage and landed on one of the tables.
Since the encounter was short and the audience paid for the admission, Ip Man put on a show based on the wc forms.

An ex student of mine who teaches yoga in the valley had a girlfriend from Hong Kong.Her father took private lessons with Ip Man . During one of the lessons several karatekas- friends of the family expressed doubts about the effectiveness of wing chun. Ip Man asked them to attack him with full force and they did.Ip Man threw them all over the place and lop motions played a big role.

There is more to Ip Man wing chun besides the punch.
In Ip Ching's little paperback bio of Ip Man he tells the story of a northern mantis master who came to Fatshan
and issued a challenge to any southern stylist, specially a wing chun stylist.Locals came to Ip Man for help
and he accepted the challenge. A big room became the chosen site for the challenge and was jam packed with tables and chairs and the combatants were up on a stage.
Ip Man had his back to the audience. The northerner attacked with a mantis phoenix eye. Ip Man did a lop sao
combination. The mantis guy went flying from the stage and landed on one of the tables.
Since the encounter was short and the audience paid for the admission, Ip Man put on a show based on the wc forms.

An ex student of mine who teaches yoga in the valley had a girlfriend from Hong Kong.Her father took private lessons with Ip Man . During one of the lessons several karatekas- friends of the family expressed doubts about the effectiveness of wing chun. Ip Man asked them to attack him with full force and they did.Ip Man threw them all over the place and lop motions played a big role.

There is more to Ip Man wing chun besides the punch.

Cool stories Vajramusti. Thx.
There is more to Ip Man wing chun besides the punch.
The stories are interesting but...
..."There is more to Ip Man wing chun besides the punch"...

Oh it can't be, please tell me it isn't so. There is more besides the punch. Oh the Consternation!!
I can't and wouldn't claim to speak for HKM (or any lineage) but I will share this: I recently met a HKM practitioner...and he had a solid understanding of WC, a good solid horse, properly aligned and pressured elbows, crisp forms and footwork, etc. It was a good encounter for sure and gave me a respect for him and his HKM lineage.
Ip Man sitting with Ho Kam ming at HKM's school in Macau
Pictures? Check out this one... the next generation:

...And the next:

And here's that young man on the right with his Si-Gung:


Yep, it's very own "Vajramusti", Sifu Joy -- FYI one of several Martial Talk WC guys who really knows his stuff.
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Pictures? Check out this one... the next generation:

...And the next:

And here's that young man on the right with his Si-Gung:


Yep, it's very own "Vajramusti", Sifu Joy -- FYI one of several Martial Talk WC guys who really knows his stuff.
I am a real low man on that totem pole.
In Ip Ching's little paperback bio of Ip Man he tells the story of a northern mantis master who came to Fatshan
and issued a challenge to any southern stylist, specially a wing chun stylist.Locals came to Ip Man for help
and he accepted the challenge. A big room became the chosen site for the challenge and was jam packed with tables and chairs and the combatants were up on a stage.
Ip Man had his back to the audience. The northerner attacked with a mantis phoenix eye. Ip Man did a lop sao
combination. The mantis guy went flying from the stage and landed on one of the tables.
Since the encounter was short and the audience paid for the admission, Ip Man put on a show based on the wc forms.

An ex student of mine who teaches yoga in the valley had a girlfriend from Hong Kong.Her father took private lessons with Ip Man . During one of the lessons several karatekas- friends of the family expressed doubts about the effectiveness of wing chun. Ip Man asked them to attack him with full force and they did.Ip Man threw them all over the place and lop motions played a big role.

There is more to Ip Man wing chun besides the punch.

Was that Ip man Portrait Of a Kung Fu Master ? I had that book but somehow lost it when moving houses. Damn wish I could find it was a good little read. Wish it was a bit longer though. Had some good stories which were supposed to represent martial morality if I remember correctly. I remember one about Ip man been very interested in watching fires.
Was that Ip man Portrait Of a Kung Fu Master ? I had that book but somehow lost it when moving houses. Damn wish I could find it was a good little read. Wish it was a bit longer though. Had some good stories which were supposed to represent martial morality if I remember correctly. I remember one about Ip man been very interested in watching fires.
To add to the discussion about Yip Man's apparent arsenal .....

I recently took some tuition from a 70-year-old man who had trained with Chu Shong Tin from the age of 13. He met Yip Man as a young man many times. He said Yip Man's kick was "terrible". And he meant that like extremely powerful.
To add to the discussion about Yip Man's apparent arsenal .....

I recently took some tuition from a 70-year-old man who had trained with Chu Shong Tin from the age of 13. He met Yip Man as a young man many times. He said Yip Man's kick was "terrible". And he meant that like extremely powerful.
Good comment. Ip Man's kicks were indeed powerful. quick and deceptive...according to thoese who had the privilege of working out with him 0ne to one- according to sigung
I think you should be able to clearly explain how and why you do things, as well as how and why you shouldn't do things another way. VT should be simple. If you can't explain it in plain language, something is wrong.
Excellent discussion!

I studied under Moy Yat and Ip Chun linages:
- In Moy Yat WC, Jut Sao has 2 versions.
- In Ip Chun WC, Jam Sao has 2 versions.
- The technique Lui Ming Fai used in the DCS video posted by LFJ, with the elbow out of the center and the hand looking as a Wu Sao, is coincidently the 2nd version of Jut Sao for Moy Yat, and the 2nd version of Jam Sao for Ip Chun.

In this short video DCS is realized with the 1st version of Jam Sao, and the problems that LFJ described are elaborated:

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