Seems like no matter what style you study, the minute you mention that you are in the MA, *someone* will invariably ask.....
"Are you a Black Belt?"
Eeeeesh. Time to answer like Mr. Miyagi, and mention that I do, indeed, have a black belt. I also have a brown belt. Both cost me a couple of bucks down at the men's department at the local store. They are great for holding my pants up; which one I wear depends on what color shoes I have on..
Am I a Black Belt? mean do I *wear a black belt with my uniform*? Do you mean do I *have the Black Belt spirit or attitude*? Do you mean do I *have a Black Belt*? (You can buy one in a catalog, ya know...hehe).
Before I actually earned my Black, I would joke with people at our school by going over to the "for sale" belt rack, picking up a Black Belt, and saying, "Why, yes....I hold a Black Belt in Kenpo". Yeah, not highbrow humor, but hey.....
Yeah, like Black is the *only* color that matters, and like the belt rank is the be-all end-all.
Now, I just tell people that I am an "advanced white belt". *That* drives 'em nuts.