Not to worry on the inability to edit front - all non-Moderators are slaves to the time limit on such matters

. It's just something to bear in mind for the future.
As to using Iaido in the 'Street'; not wanting to be arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and not being in the habit of carrying a katana stuffed down the back of my coat ... I think you can guess that the answer to your question is a resounding "No"

. However, the principles of
zanshin do apply wherever you are and the greatest martial technique of all is not to be there when trouble starts. Being able to 'read a room' and leave when your sense of developing events prompts you to is an essential skill.
There are some techniques within Iai that entail you laying hands on an opponent, primarily with a view to controlling what he can do with his blade but there are very few. It has to be borne in mind that Iaido is a subset of the martial skills of the Samurai class and, as such, has highly limited applicability to the modern world. Iai, oddly enough, is an art devoted to the use of the sword in a 'civilian' or 'street fighting' environment but, as we are not permitted to carry swords at our sides anymore, it is now at a point where it is difficult to envisage it being put to practical use in this day and age.