Matt Stone
Master of Arts
I am a Senior Level 2 in the art of Yiliquan, created out of Baixingquan, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan and Baguazhang, as taught to Sifu Phillip Starr by Chen Wing-chou, and released to the public formally in 1982.
I studied with Sifu Starr from 1985 - 1987, then joined the Army. In 1990, when I got out, I went back to training, until I was called up again in 1991 for Desert Storm. From my return to civilian life a few months later until 1995 when I went back on active duty, I trained haphazardly with Sifu Tim Heuertz who, in 1998, promoted me to Senior Level 1. In 2000, Sifu Starr promoted me to Senior Level 2.
Senior Level 1 is the first level of "black belt" training in Yiliquan, so I very roughly approximate a nidan or so. However, due to the nature of our training vs. other styles, and their training against still other styles, as the content of any one style varies from any other single style, what constitutes "black belt" for one could quite certainly rank as much lower or higher in another school...
If I now started my own school, created what I called my "own style" with these qualifications, I would expect folks to call me out. Hell, I would call me out.
But, if anything, I go out of my way to avoid discussing my rank, since I don't think I even deserve the Level 1 I tested for a few years back... Old argument that Chufeng and I have periodically, basically I just shut up because The Old Man says I am a Level 2, and that's that...
Whatever amount of respect I earn from anyone usually comes from the fact that I'm not afraid to get smacked around, and when I get smacked around I get back up again rather than wimper in a fetal ball on the floor... That usually goes a long way.
I "recognize" that you have years of training and study. I "recognize" that you may well have a good amount of experience and knowledge to back up your skill. Your rank doesn't mean much to me, though... About as much as mine means to me! But after having discussed things with you, your belts are fine by me... It doesn't necessarily fit the way I think things should be done, but then Tae Kwon Do and JKD never impressed me either but they seem to go on just fine without my approval...
***CAVEAT - That was just a cheap shot at humor at the expense of TKD and JKD people everywhere. No real offense was intended nor implied. ***
When I first met RyuShiKan, I was impressed that he claimed a yondan under Taika Oyata... I was even more impressed, however, when he introduced me to the ancient Okinawan art of "floor sucking." That is what got my attention more than anything else...
When someone cites rank in a style they never really studied as a credential of some sort, there is a problem. I learned Naihanchi Shodan from RyuShiKan, and nothing more. I train on it constantly because it is very similar in nature to a Baixing form in Yiliquan called Gan Ba Hu, and I like Naihanchi more. But I do not have any rank of any sort in Ryu Te. If I said that RyuShiKan had promoted me to shodan, folks better start asking questions... I learned Modern Arnis from nbcdecon while in Japan, as well. I never tested formally, in fact I refused to do so when the matter was brought up - I just didn't want to do anything other than train; the skills were more important than the paper, and my wishes were respected. Now, if I toss a brown or black belt in Modern Arnis into my resume, I think that Renegade would start raising eyebrows, since it was one of his black belts that I trained under (and truthfully, I would expect that individual to show up on my doorstep, sticks in hand, to see if I warranted such a claim! :uhohh: ).
I think that is everyone's point. At some time, we have to accept a certain amount of clarification as worthy of respect. If a person were trained in Kikmiarse-do-ryu-jutsu, and could show that he learned from Billy Ray Doe, son of Bobby Ray Doe, the direct student of Kim Is Kul and Jim Son Bob, the creators of that art in North Korea, then fine. But when Billy Ray says he magically produced his fighting art after spending too long on the portapotty at work and having had a revelation from the intensity of the fumes, then starts busting out with this weird John Travolta looking dogi and moves that make a hamster twitching from nerve gas poisoning look skillful, well, then Houston has a problem...
I studied with Sifu Starr from 1985 - 1987, then joined the Army. In 1990, when I got out, I went back to training, until I was called up again in 1991 for Desert Storm. From my return to civilian life a few months later until 1995 when I went back on active duty, I trained haphazardly with Sifu Tim Heuertz who, in 1998, promoted me to Senior Level 1. In 2000, Sifu Starr promoted me to Senior Level 2.
Senior Level 1 is the first level of "black belt" training in Yiliquan, so I very roughly approximate a nidan or so. However, due to the nature of our training vs. other styles, and their training against still other styles, as the content of any one style varies from any other single style, what constitutes "black belt" for one could quite certainly rank as much lower or higher in another school...
If I now started my own school, created what I called my "own style" with these qualifications, I would expect folks to call me out. Hell, I would call me out.
But, if anything, I go out of my way to avoid discussing my rank, since I don't think I even deserve the Level 1 I tested for a few years back... Old argument that Chufeng and I have periodically, basically I just shut up because The Old Man says I am a Level 2, and that's that...

Whatever amount of respect I earn from anyone usually comes from the fact that I'm not afraid to get smacked around, and when I get smacked around I get back up again rather than wimper in a fetal ball on the floor... That usually goes a long way.
I "recognize" that you have years of training and study. I "recognize" that you may well have a good amount of experience and knowledge to back up your skill. Your rank doesn't mean much to me, though... About as much as mine means to me! But after having discussed things with you, your belts are fine by me... It doesn't necessarily fit the way I think things should be done, but then Tae Kwon Do and JKD never impressed me either but they seem to go on just fine without my approval...
***CAVEAT - That was just a cheap shot at humor at the expense of TKD and JKD people everywhere. No real offense was intended nor implied. ***
When I first met RyuShiKan, I was impressed that he claimed a yondan under Taika Oyata... I was even more impressed, however, when he introduced me to the ancient Okinawan art of "floor sucking." That is what got my attention more than anything else...
When someone cites rank in a style they never really studied as a credential of some sort, there is a problem. I learned Naihanchi Shodan from RyuShiKan, and nothing more. I train on it constantly because it is very similar in nature to a Baixing form in Yiliquan called Gan Ba Hu, and I like Naihanchi more. But I do not have any rank of any sort in Ryu Te. If I said that RyuShiKan had promoted me to shodan, folks better start asking questions... I learned Modern Arnis from nbcdecon while in Japan, as well. I never tested formally, in fact I refused to do so when the matter was brought up - I just didn't want to do anything other than train; the skills were more important than the paper, and my wishes were respected. Now, if I toss a brown or black belt in Modern Arnis into my resume, I think that Renegade would start raising eyebrows, since it was one of his black belts that I trained under (and truthfully, I would expect that individual to show up on my doorstep, sticks in hand, to see if I warranted such a claim! :uhohh: ).
I think that is everyone's point. At some time, we have to accept a certain amount of clarification as worthy of respect. If a person were trained in Kikmiarse-do-ryu-jutsu, and could show that he learned from Billy Ray Doe, son of Bobby Ray Doe, the direct student of Kim Is Kul and Jim Son Bob, the creators of that art in North Korea, then fine. But when Billy Ray says he magically produced his fighting art after spending too long on the portapotty at work and having had a revelation from the intensity of the fumes, then starts busting out with this weird John Travolta looking dogi and moves that make a hamster twitching from nerve gas poisoning look skillful, well, then Houston has a problem...
