Oh Ken
Take the post any way your little heart desires. The fact of the matter is that Kano at the age of 22 developed Judo. Most here would scoff at a 22 year old that founded his own system. You would be at the forefront I would image. Yet he did so and it is now enjoyed by people around the world.
My post was not the rule, it was the exception. Trying to twist things around only shows that your a trouble maker. Big suprise.

Take the post any way your little heart desires. The fact of the matter is that Kano at the age of 22 developed Judo. Most here would scoff at a 22 year old that founded his own system. You would be at the forefront I would image. Yet he did so and it is now enjoyed by people around the world.
My post was not the rule, it was the exception. Trying to twist things around only shows that your a trouble maker. Big suprise.