Um, who is upset here? Certainly not me. Just calling a spade a spade.
I kindly advised you to think about what you write because is sounded sideways. From others perspective you words Will be misconstrued.
Since you decided to make this personal, frankly I find much of what you say small and self centered. But I have not nor ever would made any such inference in any other post.
If I am going to say something, rest assured I am not going to beat around the bushes and hide behind my ethnicity, or anything else for that matter.
Have no idea what the red hat comment means. I guess it is some meaningless saying from someone who lives on an island smaller than most of out states. Very, very sad.
Please grow up and grow a pair.
Yes I know you are female.
I'm sorry I had to wait until I'd stopped laughing before I could reply.
How on earth does something 'sound sideways'?
The only person misconstruing anything is you.
I'm not making 'this' personal, you totally didn't understand what I was talking about so are coming out with a lot of waffle to justify your non-comprehension.
How you went from the OP to slagging off someone because they come from a small island is quite a feat. Well done.
What you are missing is that DB likes to stir things up, he likes sparring verbally and he likes to drop little sarky comments in to wind people up, well he's done well with you. throwing in the comment about saying that to a black person, is his way of causing strife here and didn't he do well with you, you fell hook line and sinker and went off on one.
For your information, by the way, the ancestry of the majority of Australians is as 'one pound Poms', they are English immigrants hence my comment to DB about his past. He likes to snark at me for being English so I pointed out I'm not actually. then you come along and rant about poking bears, and things about your father as well as other totally strange things. You have, yet again, not understood the context, the sentences or even the words. You pick a phrase out to get angry about and your fingers go flying over the keyboard with your chest puffing out in righteous indignation. 'I'll show
her' you think, 'grow a pair' wow, that's a piece of highly original writing. My dear, I have a pair, I wear them as earrings ever since I took them off the last chap who was silly enough to tell me to grow a pair ( here's a clue, that was a joke....well it was half serious, I actually threw the balls away)
Now my dear, it's late here so I shall leave you to your raised blood pressure and far out right thoughts, your disapproval of what you thought I wrote ( here's another clue, what I wrote doesn't mean what you thought it did) and you sitting on your high horse because I'm off to bed ( it's late here) so you have a chance to think up more far right-on comments to make without me answering until the morning, I do look forward to that. You have been wrong about me before and you are wrong again but please don't let your being wrong get in the way of one of your stream of consciousness posts, they are so much fun.

Toodlepip old boy, see you in the morning.