Bester said:Why do people feel the need to "create" their own art?
Well, there is this myth I have talked with some of my friends about, and others have put it better than I, so please excuse me.
Fact) People join martial arts for self defense because they were threatened or beaten.
Fact) People join martial arts for physical fitness.
Fact) I recognize that there are other reasons, but the first two are the majority.
Note: Facts based upon personal research and what I have read, nothing to quote for this post.
Hypothesis) Now most people stay for other reasons.
1) They stay because they enjoy the beauty of the art, the work out, or teaching others, and could care less about power and authority.
2) They stay because they find something that gives them a feeling of belonging, (* almost cultish *).
3) They find something that they want, they want to be the MAN in charge.
The Myth includes item number 3 of my hypothesis. People think that after a while they will gain rank and then more people will be respectful to them since they owe it to them. They seek out this rank, to give them power or authority of others.
In the past opening your own club was being the MAN and they were in charge, and could run things they want to run it. They still had to pay attention and respect to their superiors or higher ranks or . . . , .
So, now just opening your own club in the art you practice, people want to be the top dog. Now some do it actually for what they beleive to be valid reasons. They believe they are doing it because they are upset by the existing politics, and want to change things, and cannot from with in so they start their own.
Some have been forced out, such being the top guy, but given to politics was not chosen to be the heir, or the new family members does not appreciate or like those who are more skilled them the heir. He forces them out, or they decide it is better to leave. This is how you get the different schools that have come down over time in some of the existing arts.
Yet, in the West, in particular the Super Size me USA, people cannot wait to be the top person or to put the work into it to be the top person, to inherit a system for themselves. For you see there can only be one or a small number who run the organization or art. So, in this I can do it myself country and I can create it myself, people go out and create new arts to be able to make themselves the founder or leader of the new organization or art.
So, why do people do it, some for reasons they think are moral and just, some becuase they feel just and want to continue in a better light, yet most, are just after being the to cheese, and having everyone pay them the respect, and they can go out tell people how it will be.
Now, do I think there is a solution? No I do not, for as long as there are more than one person on this planet there will be some form of conflict. As long as there are different opinions there will politics amongst people and organizations. As long as there as people who need to be loved, or respected, or admired, then there will these new arts.
With today's technology, and the internet in particular, but with newspapers and radio and TV as well, you can reach a larger group of people then in days gone by, With the internet, people in London Ontario can ask a question while someone in London England can reply, while a follow question, is ask from somewhere in Iowa, and someone in Japan and answer.
As the globe gets smaller and travel and communication gets better, there will be more people only becuase of the sheer numbers available. This is not going to stop people from making claims, nor making lies.
Just like here in the USA, when I do not like the existing government, I work to change it from within even if I have to wait for the next election. I fight my fight the best I can with in the system.
I believe that frauds will expose themselves over time. Unfortunately some will take longer than others, and some will get hurt in the process. I do not like that, but I do not know how to do it otherwise and still keep the friendly atmosphere of martial talk, versus the gang assault on bullshido.
Like I said before I am always open to improvement, and do not claim to know the answers.
Bester said:Shame on them. Shame on them all.
Yes :asian: