Combat between Kiai master and MMA fighter

I totally agree with this idea. During the trainning, in my opinion, it is not possible to resist all the times, otherwise, it will mean to submit our body to a great stress, what would inevitably produce an injure in our tissues or body structures.
Plus, it is hard to maintain your centre if you clash physically, especially against a bigger, stronger opponent.
On the subject of Aikido. Or Kiai fighters...
This was a very interesting read.

“Yukiyoshi Sagawa: Daito-ryu Master,” by Kiyokazu Maebayashi

Sagawaga, was a student of the great Takada, just like Morihei Ueshiba.

Here is a great quote:

Thus, he is able to throw us even when we have no direct body contact with him at all, except through inanimate things, such as his clothing, which usually cannot transmit power. I have seen Sensei execute these techniques on my seniors many times, but ever since I actually experienced them myself, I find them more and more mysterious. They can only be called miraculous.

About Sagawa Sensei’s Aiki Techniques
Here, I would like to discuss Sensei’s techniques in a little more detail, based on the experience and knowledge I have so far.

The amazing thing is that his students (including myself) truly attack him all out. Sensei is 87 years old. This is unthinkable in other martial arts or sports. Although Kendo, which I also practice, is said to be one of the few martial arts in which older practitioners can continue to improve themselves technically in spite of their advanced age, there can be no comparison with Sagawa Sensei. Usually when we practice with older people, we try to use less of our power.
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Of course there is a downside to all training working that way. As with Aikido, if you totally resist all the time and don't learn to receive, then you don't learn the reversals. Sometimes you do need to move ahead of the pain. I'm not saying don't resist, just don't always resist.
Long time ago of this post. I have seen this message and I wanted to make a reflection regarding your answer. I totally agree with what you say, and furthermore, at present, with the rise of the UFC and mixed martial arts, it is clearly seen that to be able to fight in real conditions, you must have learned to receive and fit strikes. If not, you have nothing to do. For martial arts practitioners who have not experienced even one hard punch, especially to their face I would say, they have nothing to do in a real fight. One punch in the face and the fear, pain and insecurity would completely invade them, leaving them with no possibility of reaction.
Hello guys,

sometime ago, I watched this video about a Kiai master that shows his skills in his martial arts school, and also fights against a MMA fighter to demonstrate how good is his art... Uffff! Can you imagine what happened?

Shrug, I’ve heard some of these masters can actually fight.

By these masters, I mean masters of internal energy. It’s not to say they can pull off nonsense like many claim. But some seem to be able to do crazy stuff Martin Wheeler, Vladimir Vasikiev.
IMO, the "no-touch" masters with some integrity say that they're not showing off their own fighting skill: they're demonstrating how sensitive the students are to the teacher's movements. (shrug)

... but I think the guys who think they can no-touch fight somebody started to believe their own press. Too bad.
IMO, the "no-touch" masters with some integrity say that they're not showing off their own fighting skill: they're demonstrating how sensitive the students are to the teacher's movements. (shrug)

... but I think the guys who think they can no-touch fight somebody started to believe their own press. Too bad.
They have successfully taught their students to fall down on cue
They have successfully taught their students to fall down on cue
It's like martial arts choreograph. IF you watch the Kiai dude, it's not always an energy ball from a distance. Sometimes the students get really close, and he's not even watching some of them, he's just waving his hands as they get close and physics just destroys them. Like he's conducting an orchestra. It's memorizing in a way.

There was a sequel to that story by the way. The Kiai dude challenged a judo black belt to sudden death sumo match on live TV. The Kiai master was offered 5 million if he won. I would have taken that deal.

Old masters...Background reading....for those interested


Stretching his right hand upward, Morihei Sensei said, “Those who practice Aiki should understand the heart of faraway America.”

I immediately thought to myself, “Please come and throw me,” expecting that Morihei Sensei would read my thoughts. Of course, this was merely something I thought in my own mind. However, at that instant, Morihei Sensei, who was looking out the window, turned to me. To my surprise, he started to walk in my direction.

He was small, about 150 cm tall, but at that time I felt he was very big. It seemed to me that there was a big wall in back of Morihei Sensei and it was approaching me powerfully. Since I had never taken a fall for Morihei Sensei up until that time, I became very tense. I thought to myself, “Oh no! What shall I do?” as he approached very close to me.

He raised his right hand up as if to execute an iriminage throw and shouted, “Eii!” I fell backward. Then, turning to me, Morihei Sensei said, “That was good!” Then, I bowed down with both hands touching the tatami mumbling, “Ha-ha.”
Old masters...Background reading....for those interested


Stretching his right hand upward, Morihei Sensei said, “Those who practice Aiki should understand the heart of faraway America.”

I immediately thought to myself, “Please come and throw me,” expecting that Morihei Sensei would read my thoughts. Of course, this was merely something I thought in my own mind. However, at that instant, Morihei Sensei, who was looking out the window, turned to me. To my surprise, he started to walk in my direction.

He was small, about 150 cm tall, but at that time I felt he was very big. It seemed to me that there was a big wall in back of Morihei Sensei and it was approaching me powerfully. Since I had never taken a fall for Morihei Sensei up until that time, I became very tense. I thought to myself, “Oh no! What shall I do?” as he approached very close to me.

He raised his right hand up as if to execute an iriminage throw and shouted, “Eii!” I fell backward. Then, turning to me, Morihei Sensei said, “That was good!” Then, I bowed down with both hands touching the tatami mumbling, “Ha-ha.”
Hysteria, then?
None of the above 😂

"(1) In Sagawa's dojo people try to resist the technique and it is incumbent on Tori to cultivate his power to move the other person. So it is effective from day one, rather than the uke taking dives for the Sensei in Aikido."
The thought of a confrontation between two "masters" like this... I would like to see it!
Perhaps there is already one and even there is some footage....
If anyone knows about them, post it, please! 🙏🙏🙏
I feel like there would be a lot of glaring at each other, glaring with intent... that's just the visual that pops up!

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