College of Sokes.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni

Recognition and Promotion services:



(includes Gold Ring, Doctorate Seal, Diploma)

(includes Gold Ring, Master Seal, Diploma)

(includes Gold Ring, Bachelor Seal, Diploma)

(Includes Gold Ring, Associate Seal, Diploma)





you will receive your

Membership Certificate 11.0 X 14.0, ID Card and Patch, Technical Support, Seminars Rank Recognition (Most Present Copy Of Original Rank Certification), Dan Promotion And More.

Requisites for application

Martial Arts Resume, Recent Photograph (any size), Copy of You Last Certificates

Join and become part of a Professional Martial Arts Union. Complete this registration form and become a part of our family.

Indeed, a number of them list "Ph.D/MA' after their names. Martial artists who give themselves phony Ph.D's have a very special kind of insecurity. This seems to be a "college" of the World Union of Sokes that exists to declare people both sokes and doctors.


Also see the requirements here (it won't let me copy them):
Woo Hoo!! I only have 8 more years of training (to reach my 25 years in the martial arts requirement) and 4 more ranks to go in my current art (Kenpo) to reach a 5th degree and then just need to get another 5th degree black belt in another rank to qualify!! Considering it has taken me this long to get a 1st degree black......I better find an art that promotes me quickly if I want to ever qualify in this lifetime!! I think it would take me the rest of my life to even hope to reach 5th degree in Kenpo so I guess I am not getting a gold ring from them in this life....oh well.....:)

:asian: :karate:
Just a few more years!

Now is it just me, or once you have the PhD, isn't the MA irrelevant unless it is in an unrelated field??

Chad, MA
Originally posted by
Now is it just me, or once you have the PhD, isn't the MA irrelevant unless it is in an unrelated field??

I had the same thought, but now I think that Ph.D/MA is their way of saying "Ph.D in Martial Arts" rather than your more traditional (by which I mean, "correct") interpretation. Usually you only see this when a physician also has a master of public health degree (M.D./M.P.H.) or a lawyer has a specialized master's in taxation or something, or some other case where the master's is a credential (e.g., a M.S.W. for a social worker with a Ph.D in Sociology or something).

The two black belts thing is kind of funny to me too. Maybe with three black belts you get the coveted Wile E. Coyote, Sooooper-Soke title.
You know, I did get ordained on line several years ago; I wonder if that gets me a bonus;
"The right reverend soke guro Dulin, MA"

Nah; I'll stick w/ Chad. Easier to spell.
Originally posted by arnisador
I had the same thought, but now I think that Ph.D/MA is their way of saying "Ph.D in Martial Arts" rather than your more traditional (by which I mean, "correct") interpretation. Usually you only see this when a physician also has a master of public health degree (M.D./M.P.H.) or a lawyer has a specialized master's in taxation or something, or some other case where the master's is a credential (e.g., a M.S.W. for a social worker with a Ph.D in Sociology or something).

The two black belts thing is kind of funny to me too. Maybe with three black belts you get the coveted Wile E. Coyote, Sooooper-Soke title.


I have seen what you are talking about. Ms. Smith J.D. / P.E. , where she has an engineering degree and has passed the PRofessional Engineering tests and also has her J.D. to be a Patent Lawyer.

So, if I belong to an art wiht no rank and another witk rank, does this mean I qualify to be a Soke, or maybe an Arch Bishop, or maybe even, ..., .

Nah, I think I will stick with The "The Self Elected President of the Immoral Minority, 6,000,000,000 Strong" or I maybe as Chad put it, Rich. ;)

Seriously, if you have a title rightfully earned through an accredit source then use it properly. Do not make things up just to make yourself sound more real or better than the guy down the street.
From this mornings spam:

U niversit y D iploma s

Improve your income and your life,

with increasing your earning power

from a diploma within days

from a prestigious non-accredited university

based on life experience.

Call anytime including holidays and Sundays

1- 212 - 202 - 4179

Confidentiality assured

Bachelors, and other higher education

levels in fields that relate to you also available.

I love the prestigious non-accredited part!
Originally posted by
From this mornings spam:

U niversit y D iploma s

Improve your income and your life,

with increasing your earning power

from a diploma within days

from a prestigious non-accredited university

based on life experience.

Call anytime including holidays and Sundays

1- 212 - 202 - 4179

Confidentiality assured

Bachelors, and other higher education

levels in fields that relate to you also available.

I love the prestigious non-accredited part!

Yes, this way they are not going to get caught for false statements. ;)

I get these all the time. I was thinking maybe my company would accept one fo these and then give me a raise? You know the whole company car and then big time money, and stock options. All from this little piece of paper. ;)
Here you go ill send you all a degree from the non-accredited university I'm making. Print it off and go to your jobs with it to get a raise. After that send me a check for the price of the diploma.

I don't know if this will work.

Hi , I'm Soke Cozatt , Founder of SRMAA and the IRJJA.
Please take your time and look over our site, we have many fine Martial Arts programs
to choose from, offered by professional Martial Arts Instructors, these include Jiu-Jitsu,
Kenpo Karate, Judo, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Ninjitsu, Hapkido, Chinese Dragon Kempo,
Black Dragon Kenpo, Aiki Jujitsu, ARC Ryu Combat Karate, Submissions Library and
many more.
Should I be able to be of personal assistance to you just drop me an e-mail from this
site or call me toll free at 1-888-949-2743.
Note: We offer many fine Home Study Courses on this site, some may even be done
without a partner ( however, for the best " real life " experience always use a partner
if available ). Our courses are ideal when:
1) Local Instruction in your chosen style is not available.
2) Your work or lifestyle does not permit you to make it into a dojo.
3) You are a qualified Instructor looking to add on to your existing program.

No need for a partner!

I'm seeing more and more of these ads that basically say, if you already know an art, drop it and start teaching ours for more cash! It's like switching from being a McDonalds franchisee to Burger King, evidently! From another page there:

Sho Dai Soke John Cozatt [...] was inducted as "Founder of the Year" in 2000 by the Eastern USA/Int.
Black Belt Hall of Fame for his work in the Renzoku system, and "Soke of the Year"in 2004 by the National Ju-Jitsu Federation's Black Belt Hall of Fame.

Soke of the Year--Sheesh!

The 7 tape set to Shodan sells for $199.95 with s/h via Priority Mail Included.
The 8 tape set to Nidan sells for $219.95 with s/h via Priority Mail Included.

I'm $200 away from being a jujutsu black belt, apparently. Heck, my family and I spent that much at the bookstore this afternoon.