New Rank Farm

If they have a sale, I will buy you the title of He Who Could Never Be Ignored.:)
Lots of caps. That gets expensive. Maybe I'll put it on special for Christmas... Free dan rankings in the secret fighting system of Santa's elves for the first 10 customers :lol:
It must be very taxing for a gentleman like yourself to constantly deal with these creatures desperately trying to purchase martial arts respectability...... Say, you wouldn't happen to have anything like "Chief Justice" just waiting for the right home, would you?
People will a lot in search of percieved legitimacy (or a feeling of lacking their own). This guy obviously makes a buck or two doing it otherwise he wouldn't do it.

For some folks, it's the right kind of toothpaste, for other's in plastic surgery that makes them feel good about themselves. For some in the MA world this is an easy way to feel that same way. It bugs us because we take it more seriously than that. Perception of folks outside the MA world is that this is just as legit as the one's we work for, sadly. Personally, it akes me value what I earned more when I see this kind of stuff.