drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
Having attended somewhere between 80-100 martial arts seminars over the last 38 years, I have to disagree with that. I still practice and use techniques and principles that I learned in seminars decades ago.
As you might expect from my previous posts, I have opinions on the subject.
Your last paragraph, I’m in full agreement with. I’ve been to a number of seminars where the only direct benefits I got were the fun of working out, meeting new friends, and getting some insight into how other people train.
I’ve also been to a number of seminars that I got significant direct benefit from. Of course, I still had to train what I learned in the weeks and months and years after the seminar.
To address your concerns about why you couldn’t just learn the same things in your regular school, I have a few answers.
The first scenario is one where the art you are training in is new to an area and there aren’t a lot of highly qualified instructors around.
When I started training ninjutsu, there were perhaps half a dozen black belts in the United States and none of them lived less than an 8 hour drive from where I did. So we had a small club that would bring in one of those black belts for a seminar every few months, and in-between we would practice whatever we had learned.
When I started training BJJ, there were some really good black belt instructors in the United States, but they mostly lived on the West Coast. I was in Ohio, where we had maybe one purple belt and a handful of blue belts. You better believe I made it to every BJJ seminar that I could and practiced everything I learned.
So, now BJJ has grown to the point where I’m one of about 20 black belts in my local metro area. Why would I go to a seminar now?
Well the first reason, as you allude to, is that sometimes the seminar instructor is just more skilled, more knowledgeable, or a better teacher than I am or my coach is. Despite what you seem to imply in your second paragraph, that doesn’t mean that my school is somehow deficient. It’s just that there are levels to this stuff. Some people are just at the top of their field worldwide and have information and insights and training methods that you won’t necessarily find in most schools. We get experience with these instructors and bring it back to improve our daily training.
Another reason can be just to get a different perspective on training and techniques. Every BJJ instructor I’ve worked with has their own individual way of moving and interpreting the art. Even my peers who trained at the same gym with me all have their own personal style which is different from mine and from each other. Sometimes having the chance to train with someone who comes from a different background will trigger “aha!” moments for me.
Sometimes the instructor might not be more knowledgeable overall than my coach or my peers or other local instructors, but they are especially knowledgeable in one particular area that I want to learn more about.
I will say that my preference is strongly in favor of seminars where the instructor goes deep into a limited area of study, focusing on how to make things really work, as compared to seminars where the instructor just dumps a ton of random techniques or combinations on the students with no effort to help them understand the information, retain it, or make it functional. I’ve been to seminars with some famous instructors that definitely fell into the latter category.
Bjj is also very big though. So you could be getting competent instruction and still be missing out on large sections of the art.
And why you get these specialists.