Jim Kelly - a small tribute

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
whenever a famous or well known martial artist passes away I tend to acknowledge it and look at thier achievement s and controbutions, recognize those and move on,.. but occasionally one seems to have an effect on me, even though I never knew them beyond thier fame or even if I was not really paying attention to them of late.

When I read about Jim Kelly passing away I found myself a bit stunned to hear and now I just wanted to say something about that

There are enough posts in memory of Jim Kelly on MT at the moment, and I am sorry if I have just posted one more, but I just felt I wanted to post some sort of tribute to one of the men that I see as one of the giants of MA and I am willing to admit I may see these people as giants because I grew up watching them and reading about them. To me Jim Kelly was one of those giants and I always tend to think of him in Enter the Dragon saying one line in particular and maybe it is that picture of Jim Kelly that made his passing stun me a bit

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Like you I can remember growing up and watching Jim Kelly. He really made Enter the Dragon a great movie. It truly is a shame that he is no longer with us! Thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.

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