I've noticed some folks seem to set great store by the number of people they've trained with who are well-known, and by their fame. I also notice that these same people seem to have a different definition of 'trained with' than I do. I consider training with someone to be an ongoing situation. I've attended a few seminars with people who are more-or-less well-known in certain circles of my particular style of karate, but I don't consider myself to have 'trained with them' as they would not know me from Adam if someone mentioned my name to them. I was there when they were there and I did exercises that they were leading many of us in; once or twice. That's not 'training with' someone, is it? They're not my instructor.
I don't doubt that many famous martial artists are also great people to train with, so I kind of get it, but at the same time, it sort of turns me off. Like, training is about training, not how famous the person you train with is, isn't it? The fact that a person is famous is certainly interesting, but is it important? Is that something to try to 'collect' like a person would collect autographs or selfies with famous people?
Anyway, I'm interested in other's take on it. Maybe it's because I don't have a long list of the famous people I've brushed shoulders with, and I'm just jealous. Maybe it's just human nature to want to mention the well-known people we've been around in a training situation.
I prefer the lets train part.
If they have something I am interested in learning then cool. If not then the test allows me to review and move on.
I have met some, who have been in TV and / or movies, and they were not fun or nice to be around. They were rude and dismissive and demanding and had expectations. I did not want to train with them or see what they had, as they ruined any interest with their attitudes.
Some did not want to open up even as I was support a friend at a show and helping at a table and the person next to us was selling pictures and autographs and was not open for conversations or discussion even when no one was around. So we didn't talk.
I would watch his table when he needed to take a Bio Break, and did the same thing the next year.
One "Movie Star" was angry and disgruntled and even got into with it at a meet greet one night. (Alcohol involved) and Bill Superfoot Wallace one of the "Principals" / Named people there was also watching out for this guy. It looked like it would get physical and I stood up and took Bill's Back. They other "side" decided it was best to move on. Bill escorted the other "Principal" out. Yet, he did stop and say thank you to me for having his back . I told him it was his and not the other guys. He smiled and laughed and said yes just trying to keep the head table in tact for the event. And then did the escort out. It was not the first time I had had a conversation with Bill Superfoot Wallace.
I am not interested in his system, yet I respect the man a lot. He seems to care about people in general and wants make people have fun and enjoy training.
An associate ( martial arts friend) who had the same Balintawak instructor as I, wanted me to meet his other Instructor. JKD Guro Dan Inosanto. The even was on a Saturday, unfortunately I had some work that weekend and also chores at my Dad's house. I stopped on the way from one to the other, and as it was local most of the people in attendance knew me. Guro Dan (written with respect for his knowledge and time in training and teaching) was not really happy with me showing up so late, and waiting for a break I was introduced and he was not happy at all about it. I ended the conversation as soon as possible and Talked to a few others, and then left. I had Day light chores at my dad's as stated. The person who invited me apologized later. I said not to worry, bad day, unaware, what ever.
Yet I have no interest in attending a seminar or camp for him.
I did teach at an event with his Daughter and Son-in-law in Mesa AZ area. He was really polite, and she seems more cautious , and yet I was not offended nor concerned. She was just cautious. She had just come off set from Stunt double and fight choreography. In the future if the opportunity aligned I would consider it.
And yet, I would not consider a seminar or even a 3 - 4 day camp making anyone my student, nor having then consider me a student. .
Being Famous means nothing to me. Being approachable and interacting and wanting to be present at the event means more to me.
These 'Teachers' also need to understand they may need multiple interactions to make a decision on students, the prospect students can make their decision many times in one event based upon their interactions.
The above means nothing to anyone else, just me. So I expect no one to take what I wrote and act upon it. As always go check out on your own and make your own decisions.