Can we over come the Olympics

You know, I hadn't actually thought of it from that perspective. I know that the WTF has had plenty of corruption issues independently of the olympics. I'm pretty sure that TKD is slated for 2012, but after that, who knows? I've heard a lot on the subject on this and other boards, but I have no solid info one way or the other.


Well the lawsuit against the WTF should have some teeth to it. With the IOC watching this lawsuit and having their own problems with the WTF, I hope we get true reform this time and not more lip-service.
I personally beleive we CAN and MUST overcome-for "our" beloved art. This might sound naive, but I think if we (TKDist) that recognize what is good first-we can start to improve what needs improving. It will take all of us at the "grass roots" level-the school owners. Remember- one is too small a number to achieve greatness.
Remember all, but of the ones you mention, I've only seen Karate Kid. Now, I have seen all of the eighties era Sho Kosugi ninja movies: Enter the Ninja, Revenge of the Ninja, and Ninja Three: The Domination. And how about Showdown in Little Tokyo, with Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee? Or those first five or so Segal movies from Above the Law through Under Siege; those all rocked.

Remember all, but of the ones you mention, I've only seen Karate Kid. Now, I have seen all of the eighties era Sho Kosugi ninja movies: Enter the Ninja, Revenge of the Ninja, and Ninja Three: The Domination. And how about Showdown in Little Tokyo, with Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee? Or those first five or so Segal movies from Above the Law through Under Siege; those all rocked.


I had to add to your rep for that post...every last movie you listed rocks face!!!
Well, first of all it's a movie. Movie fighting should be fun to watch. Second, one of the reasons why Olympic sparring has gone downhill is because it's turned into a chess game where two fighters spend forever feeling each other out and waiting for a bad move.
The end result is two people taking forever to actually do anything because they're so afraid of being scored on.
I think you need a wholesale redesign by the powers that be at the WTF as to what makes good free fighting.
I remember doing traditional sparring in class years ago and it was good action-filled sparring. WTF rules, but we didn't take ten years waiting to make a move either.
whatjoo talkin bout Willis?

"Pop it Tommy..............POP IT!!!"

thats right up there with "cut me Mick.............cut me"
From reading every post on this thread (except for the one with the sarcastic laundry list of TKD firsts) It's obvious we ALL are VERY passionate about "OUR" beloved TAEKWONDO (Yeah baby! :highfive:) So please remember the one thing we ALL have in common is our love for the ART and the SPORT- and in my opinion, The passion we feel for TKD should unite us.(Despite our individual opinions) I fell in love with the ART Loooooong before it became an Olympic sport. As far as it remaining an Olympic event--I can take it, or leave it. I tell my students, as practitioners, we are fortunate to be a part of TKD's history- and that each of them bring their God given talent and uniqueness to the Art. I am about passing along and promoting the ART and the TRADITION first, the sport second. For one day... all of us who teach will depart form the earth . We owe it to TKDst yet to be born- to help keep it the most widely practiced martial art in the world. "So shall it be written...So shall it be done"
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See my sig..

also... other memorable ones....

"A team is not a team, if you don't give a damn about one another"
"Its a full count and I'm about to hit a home run on your face boy"

"You learn Karate from Book?"
"Well if it isn't little Danielle. Whats a matter Danielle? Mommy not here to dress ya?"
"Karate here, Karate here, Karate never here"

"Whoaaaa.. thats the fastest thing I ever saw!"
"Hey frankie, you better stop doing that. You might wanna have kids one day..."
"He's the american that plays tricks with bricks"

"No step there"
"Kick the tree"
"Nuk Su Cow(sp)"

see if you can guess what movies these are from.
In order
Best of the Best
Karate Kid

come on, those were easy

See my sig..

also... other memorable ones....

"A team is not a team, if you don't give a damn about one another"
"Its a full count and I'm about to hit a home run on your face boy"

"You learn Karate from Book?"
"Well if it isn't little Danielle. Whats a matter Danielle? Mommy not here to dress ya?"
"Karate here, Karate here, Karate never here"

"Whoaaaa.. thats the fastest thing I ever saw!"
"Hey frankie, you better stop doing that. You might wanna have kids one day..."
"He's the american that plays tricks with bricks"

"No step there"
"Kick the tree"
"Nuk Su Cow(sp)"

see if you can guess what movies these are from.
From reading every post on this thread (except for the one with the sarcastic laundry list of TKD firsts) It's obvious we ALL are VERY passionate about "OUR" beloved TAEKWONDO (Yeah baby! :highfive:) So please remember the one thing we ALL have in common is our love for the ART and the SPORT- and in my opinion, The passion we feel for TKD should unite us.(Despite our individual opinions) I fell in love with the ART Loooooong before it became an Olympic sport. As far as it remaining an Olympic event--I can take it, or leave it. I tell my students, as practitioners, we are fortunate to be a part of TKD's history- and that each of them bring their God given talent and uniqueness to the Art. I am about passing along and promoting the ART and the TRADITION first, the sport second. For one day... all of us who teach will depart form the earth . We owe it to TKDst yet to be born- to help keep it the most widely practiced martial art in the world. "So shall it be written...So shall it be done"

Bery well said
The nice about Taekwondo, and something that sets it apart from other arts, is that it can change. Whether as a collective group (Kukkiwon), organizations (Kwans), or schools, we can analyze Taekwondo, decide what is good and bad, and act accordingly.
I think within a few years, the Kukkiwon will weaken and the Kwans will reassert themselves. You will then see some major changes in Taekwondo's focus.