Good for you , GM Kwon.


Master Black Belt
GM Kwon has silently sat back and done his part in the developement of TKD. I was glad to read his article on Mookas the other day. He never speaks out but finally did and It was good to hear/read it. Its about time someone spoke out about the BS thats been going on with the WTF.
Disappointment towards MAC President Hong Lae Kim

[Column] Truth Behind WTF, And It's Distortion
Duk Geun Kwon, President of United States National Taekwondo Federation; Translation: James Kim (2009/09/02)



Master Duk Geun Kwon

On August 17th, MAC General Secretary, Hong Lae Kim wrote a column titled 'Nat Indrapana, back up your words'. I thought this was a bit too much. The President of MAC, Hong Kang Kim is a special assistant to President Jung Won Choue so I understand that fact that he supports President Choue and attacking Nat Indrapana. However, General Secretary Kim's column was overly biased.

General Secretary attacked Nat Indrapana's statement that he made on July 6th when he said "2016 Olympic Games does not look good for Taekwondo. I am running for WTF Presidency to make sure Taekwondo is part of 2016 Olympic Games." General Secretary said Taekwondo is already confirmed as an Olympic sport for 2016 so he does not need to run for presidency. General Secretary also said Nat Indrapana has no knowledge of what will happen at the IOC meeting next month and recommended he forfeits his candidacy.

Indrapana is an IOC member since 1990. He has support from the IOC and he has a vital role in programming committee. Would he say Taekwondo is unsafe because of what will happen next month at the IOC meeting? I believe what Nat Indrapana want is to make sure Taekwondo becomes an Olympic sport permanently. It was announced back in 2005 in Singapore that Taekwondo will be part of 2016 Olympic Games. However, after that announcement was made, due to WTF's incompetence IOC has lost its faith in WTF and Taekwondo. Nat Indrapana knows this better than anyone else. That is why he is in this race for the presidency.

WTF's past events were embarrassing for all Taekwondo practitioners. Perfect example is when a referee was assaulted by an athlete at the Beijing Olympic Games. Also, WTF has failed to improve fairness of the fights and making Taekwondo more 'enjoyable' to watch within the past 4 years. Inevitably, IOC has no reason to take Taekwondo seriously. In the midst of all this, other martial arts including Karate, have lobbied restlessly to take Taekwondo's place in the Olympic Games. Luckily, IOC agreed to keep Taekwondo in the Olympic Games until 2016. And now, WTF is taking credit for Taekwondo making it to the 2016 Olympic Games as if they made that happen. Because Nat Indrapana knows the situation well, he made the statement "a meeting that will be held in 2013 where they will decide if Taekwondo will be part of 2020 Olympic Games, Taekwondo's safety is not guaranteed."

IOC is very 'anti-Jung Won Choue'. This is obvious through IOC denying President Choue's application for IOC member Candidate three times. If President Choue is reelected as the WTF President, one can say Taekwondo is in danger of being omitted from the Olympic Games. It seems even Korean Taekwondo association(KTA)is realizing this fact. During the recent 'Korea Open Championships', President Of KTA, Joon Pyo Hong said "President of the WTF does not have to be Korean. This is also our Presidents thoughts." During a press conference, Nat Indrapana said "even if I am elected as the President of the WTF, I will not move its headquarters from Korea." But supporters of President Jung Won Choue are spreading a rumor that he is looking to relocate WTF headquarters if he is elected.

Let us objectively decide who should be the next President.

Let's take a look at last year's Secretary General Jin Suk Yang bribery scandal. General Secretary Hong Lae Kim said "now that I think about it, Manchester bribery scandal that he has reported to IOC seems suspicious. Even if he reported that incident based on the regulations of the IOC, that action can be seen as a deliberate action to deface WTF board's reputation." He also added "by reporting that incident to the IOC, he has also damaged the image of 8 million Taekwondo practitioners from all over the world. This damage that he caused cannot be compensated by any amount of money." Any person with morals can easily see who has actually damaged the image of Taekwondo. Is it Nat Indrapana or Secretary General Jin Suk Yang? As a response to this incident, all WTF can say is "English can be translated in many different ways".

Finally, when General Secretary Hong Lae Kim said "If a non-Korean is elected as the WTF President, Korea will lose its power and Taekwondo will be affected by it." General Secretary Kim also brought up 'relocating WTF headquarters' and 'changing Taekwondo competition rule book from Korean to English.' Nat Indrapana already confirmed that WTF headquarters will remain in Korea. the competition language is something that has not even been discussed yet. Taekwondo competition language has already been adapted throughout the world, and it has already been submitted to the Olympics. It's not something a WTF President can easily change. Also, with Kukkiwon which can be called the root of Taekwondo which exists in Korea, it's not something WTF can decide on its own.

When I read General Secretary Kim's last comment, it seems he's highly mistaken. He has said "one day, WTF President position as well as Taekwondo will eventually leave Korea. However, it cannot happen until Taekwondo as a martial art is stabilized throughout the world. It's too soon. Until that happens, WTF President needs to be Korean and WTF headquarters needs to stay in Korea." WTF is the international sports federaion that overlooks competitions. Spreading Taekwondo as a martial art is a job for Kukkiwon. And to say WTF President needs to be a Korean for Taekwondo to improve and be strong is a personal statement made in order to support President Jung Won Choue. Right now, the most important job for the WTF President is to make Taekwondo an Olympic sport permanently. For that reason alone, depends on who becomes the next WTF President, Taekwondo's fate will change.

Master Duk Geun Kwon's Credentials:
- Present 'United States National Taekwondo Federation' President
- Present 'US Chicago Taekwondo Board' Chairman
- Present 'US Chicago Korean Taekwondo' President
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Although I do not agree with him, It would not be fair to not post GM Kim's response. I have my opinion.... but even so... in all fairness... here's his response:

[Column] Reasons Why WTF President Must Be Korean
MAC California Secretary General Hong Lae Kim; Translation: James Kim (2009/09/04) ㅣ reco:3
Response to Master Kwon's column titled 'Truth behind WTF and its distortion'


Master Hong Lae Kim

First of all, I would like to thank you for taking your time to read my column. But after reading Master Geun Duk Kwon's column, who is the President of United States National Taekwondo Federation (not sure what organization this is), I felt there was no logic in what he was saying and it made me question his character.

I believe the difference between Master Kwon and me is how we perceive current affairs. I look at the future of Taekwondo while Master Kwon is basically speaking for Nat Indrapana and former WTF President Un Yong Kim.

Through his column, Master Kwon supports Nat Indrapana and former WTF President Un Yong Kim. I feel his support for him would make sense if he actually worked for him or is affiliated with him. However, that's not the case. I do not understand his reasons for supporting Nat Indrapana who is a foreign IOC member. This reminds me of the Chosun days when we were dependent on outside power.

I question Master Kwon's identity. If he is master with honor and pride, he should worry about the future of Taekwondo. What is he trying to accomplish by supporting a foreigner? On July 3rd, President Kwon has submitted a petition with 900 signatures of local masters around his area.

Petition reads "based on current events in Taekwondo, we cannot guarantee the safety of Taekwondo after 2012 Olympic Games. We will do whatever is necessary to make sure Taekwondo stays in the Olympics Games in 2016" and added "former WTF President Un Yong Kim is the best man for the job. We fully support him and reply on his leadership" and submitted a petition signed by 900 masters to Kukkiwon supporting Dr. Un Yong Kim.

But we must realize this. What Dr. Kim has accomplished has to remain as a past accomplishment. We all know what he has done for Taekwondo and nobody will deny him of his great accomplishments. However, how long are we going to rely on him? What will we do when the times comes where he is no longer here? Are we going to have his spirit run Kukkiwon? We must consider his age and it's time for a new generation of leaders to step forward. I believe even if we offer Dr. Kim the role to lead us once again, he will decline that offer.

On July 6th, Nat Indrapana made a comment "2016 Olympic Games does not look good for Taekwondo. I am running for WTF Presidency to make sure Taekwondo is part of 2016 Olympic Games."

I will now state the reasons why I distrust WTF Presidency candidate, Nat Indrapana.

First, as an official, he does not take responsibility for his words. On August 13th, it was announced Taekwondo will remain in Olympics games in 2016. He has not taken himself out of the candidacy even after the announcement.

Second, now that Taekwondo is in 2016 Olympics games, he is now saying Taekwondo is not safe in 2020 Olympic Games. This is a classic 'boy who cried wolf' scenario. With that comment, he has once again intimidated our Taekwondo practitioners.

Third, we cannot rely on his source. On July 6th, he claimed Taekwondo does not look good for 2016 Olympic Games. A month later, it has been confirmed it will be in the Olympic Games in 2016. He cannot even predict what will happen next month. I do not feel confident putting our future in his hands.

But on his column, Master Kwon praised Nat Indrapana. Master Kwon also said in his column, "He has support from the IOC and he has a vital role in programming committee." He also wrote "It was announced back in 2005 in Singapore that Taekwondo will be part of 2016 Olympic Games." This is the first time I've heard of this news. If in fact this announcement was made back in 2005, why were we so concerned that Taekwondo will be taken out of the Olympic Games in year 2016?

Nat Indrapana says Taekwondo is not safe in 2016 Olympic Games. Master Kwon says it has already been announced that it will be part of it in 2005. When you look at those two statement, who knows who is telling the truth but based the petition Master Kwon submitted to Kukkiwon, we are in a situation where Taekwondo is not safe after 2012 Olympic Games. He even wrote "We will do whatever is necessary to make sure Taekwondo stays in the Olympics Games in 2016." To say the least, Master Kwon himself was worried that Taekwondo will be omitted in 2016 Olympic Games before July 3rd.


Four Reasons

I sincerely hope Master Kwon is not looking for a personal gain with the support from Thailand. I will not explain why Nat Indrapana should not be the next WTF President. I also hope Kukkiwon will realize the future of Taekwondo relies on who becomes the next WTF President.

Reason why WTF President must be Korean

First: world Taekwondo's foundation is fragile.

Taekwondo became an Olympic sport in a half a century. Taekwondo is suffering because its quality as a sport is not improving. I believe Taekwondo will improve drastically if sport Taekwondo and martial art Taekwondo come together as one. WTF is an organization for sport Taekwondo but lacks martial arts side of Taekwondo. Kukkiwon's foundation is fragile because it has failed to establish a network with the world.

Second: Kukkiwon can become primitive

Kukkiwon is currently at an unstable state. One can say Taekwondo practitioners from all over the world want their Dan certificate because it's an official certificate. But another reason is, if they want to compete at WTF sanctioned championships, one must have "Kukkiwon certified Dan ceritificate."

Up until now, since the President of the WTF has been Korean, that rule has been kept safe. However, if a non-Korean is to take WTF President position, that rule can be changed and the value of Kukkiwon Dan certificate will no doubt disappear. And if a foreign WTF President develops a WTF Dan system and offers training for masters, Kukkiwon will eventually fall.

Third: Lets us consider WTF headquarter relocating

If a non-Korean becomes the President of WTF, one can assume he will have many demands to Korean government. If their demands are not met, it is highly possible that WTF headquarter will be relocated. If that happens, Korea will lose its significance as a birthplace of Taekwondo.

We cannot fully believe Nat Indrapana when he says "WTF headquarter will not be relocated." We cannot believe the words of a man who does not take responsibility of his words.

Fourth: Making changes Olympic Taekwondo competition rule book is a huge loss for Korea

Taekwondo competitions are conducted with Korean terminology. However, if one was to propose changing the rules to English to eliminate confusion during the Olympic Games, it will be determined by voting either for or against the proposal. If the WTF President is not Korean, nobody will be there to vote against the proposal. For these reason, I believe WTF President must remain Korean.

(MOOKAS USA is not responsible for contents expressed in this article)
Rubbish...WTF must be run by a Korean double rubbish...The WTF desperately needs a competent leader and It should not matter what his nationality. The only criteria should be his ability to do the job. More racist drivel. What kind of world does Hong Lae Kim live in that he can write such BS. I will not refer to him as Master he has lost that right with his backward thinking
You know, one of the reasons I like GM Kwon, is because he recognized the BS. He left the USTU back in the early 90's because of the BS there too. He truly believes in TKD regardless of race. There are many, like Kim, who feel only a Korean is competent in running TKD. I think competent leadership has nothing to do with race. I dont care if the person is purple, as long as they do the right thing for the greater good... thats all that matters.
Just a little Background For anyone who don't know who GM Kwon, heres his bio:

  • 1997: 9th Dan Black Belt, Hapkido (Internationally Certified)
  • 1991: 9th Dan Black Belt, Taekwondo (Kukkiwon Certified)
  • 1977: Certified International Master Instructor (Kukkiwon, WTF Certified)
  • 1977: Certified International Referee (WTF Certified)
  • Graduated Young Nam University
  • Finished graduate school--Young Nam University
  • 1998: International Martial Arts Education Program
  • 1995: World Traditional Hapkido Alliance
  • 1995: World Koryo Gumdo Association
  • 1992: World Taekwondo Council
  • 1989: United States National Taekwondo Federation
USTU Team Manager, Head, and Delegate:
  • 1990: USTU Team Head - 2nd World University Championship, Spain
  • 1986: USTU Delegate for US Olympic Committee Meeting in New York, NY
  • 1986: USTU Team Head - 1st World Cup Championship, Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • 1986: USTU Team Head - 1st World University Championship, Berkeley, California
  • 1986: USTU Team Manager - Olympic Sports Festival, Houston, Texas
  • 1985: USTU Delegate for WTF Meeting in Seoul, Korea
  • 1985: USTU Team Manager - US Olympic Sports Festival, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • 1985: USTU Team Manager - 1st Taekwondo Demonstration Team, Republic of China
  • 1985: USTU Team Head - World Games Championship, London, England
  • 1985: USTU Delegate - US Olympic Committee Meeting in Colorado Springs, CO
  • 1983: USTU Team Manager - 4th Pan Am Championship in Suriname, S. A.
  • 1983: USTU Team Manager - 6th World Taekwondo Championship, Denmark
  • 1983: USTU Delegate for WTF Meeting in Denmark
  • 2006: Chairman of Pan Am International Taekwondo Championship
  • 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001: Sponsored Annual M.A. Education Program Trip to Korea
  • 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001: Educational Trip to Korea
  • 1995: Host To Korean President Young Sam Kim, Chicago, Illinois
  • 1993: '94, '97, '98, '99, '02, '03, '04, '07 USNTF Nationals
  • 1992: Demonstration from Hodori Taekwondo Team, Illinois
  • 1992: Demonstration from Yong In University TKD Team, Illinois
  • 1992: 16th US National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships, Harper College, Illinois
  • 1990: USTU 2nd Regional Instructor Symposium, Illinois
  • 1990: Exhibition Games with Kyung Hee University Team and US National Collegiate Team
  • 1988: Demonstration Games between Korean Olympic team and USTU Olympic Team Competitors, Illinois
  • 1985: 10th National Collegiate Championship, Harper College, Illinois
  • 1985: 5th USTU National Junior Olympic Championships, Triton College, River Grove, Illinois
  • 1984: 10th USTU/AAU National TKD Championships, Triton College, Illinois
  • 1992: Korean Day, 700 Taekwondoists Parade, Chicago, Illinois
  • 1986: AAU/USA Junior Olympic Taekwondo Championship in St. Louis, Missouri
  • 1985: The 3rd International Referees's Refresher Course
  • 1981: Instructor Refresher Course Conducted by Kukkiwon
  • 2008: Member of International Advisory, Kukkiwon
  • 2003: Advisor to the World Taekwondo Federation
  • 1998-2002: Chairman of Sport for all Committees in WTF
  • 1999: Special Assistant to WTF President/IOC VP, Un Yong Kim
  • 1993-1997: Chairman of Junior Committee in WTF
  • 1995: Citizenship Advisory Council for City of Chicago, by Mayor Richard M. Daley
  • 1994: Member of Promotion Committee for TKD Olympic Status
  • 1993: Chairman of Korean-American Association Board of Directors
  • 1989-1992: Regional Coordinator of Education Committee of USTU
  • 1992: Secretary General of WTF World Taekwondo Master Games Committee
  • 1991: Auditor, Pan Am Taekwondo Union
  • 1988: Coordinator to USTU Olympic Team at Seoul Olympics
  • 1987: Technical Assistance Director, Pan Am Games, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • 1987: Member of Technical Committee in WTF
  • 1995-1997: President of Korean-American Association in Chicago, Illinois
  • 1985-1997: Chairman of Junior Committee in USTU
  • 1992-1996: President of Midwest Taekwondo Federation
  • 1984-1992: President of Illinois Taekwondo Association
  • 1984-1992: President of the Illinois State TKD Association USTU
  • 1985-1989: USTU National Vice President
Presented Honorary Black Belts To:
  • Illinois Governor: Rod Blagojevich, 2005
  • Sports Director of Dominican Republic: Cesar Cedeno
  • Mayor of Chicago, Illinois: Richard M. Daley, 1992
  • Illinois Governor: Jim Edgar, 1994
  • Mayor of St. Louis, MO: Clarence Harmon
  • Mayor of Euclid, OH: David M. Lynch
  • Mayor of Cagvas, PR: William Marin
  • Wardman of Chicago, IL: Richard Mell
  • Recreation Secretary of Bayamon, PR: Lourdes Colon Morales
  • Mayor of Lincoln, Illinois: Joan L. Ritter, 1999
  • Mayor of Bayamon, PR: Ramon Luis Rivera
  • Superintendent of Police Chicago, IL: Matt Rodriguez
  • Illinois Governor: George Ryan, 1998
  • Lord Provost of Scotland: Margaret Smith
Personal Awards:
  • 2008: Special award from Korean government
  • 2006: Received the "Boastful Taekwondo People award" Awarded by the Kukkiwon
  • 2004: Leadership award from Kukkiwon
  • 2000: Given the Key to the City of Lincoln, Illinois
  • 1998: Given the Key to the City of St. Louis, Missouri
  • 1998: May 8-9, Honored by Mayor of St. Louis, MO, during "Taekwondo Days"
  • 1998: TAEKWONDO TIMES Cover Master
  • 1992: Honored by Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley for Exceptional Contributions of Leadership and Citizenship Provided to the City of Chicago
  • 1992: Honorary Doctor of Philosophy Degree from Pacific Western University
  • 1981: Awarded Best Instructor in USA by Korean Government











he's never been publicaly outspoken. From what i understand, he didnt like the way things were going, so he started his own org (USNTF) and tried to do right by TKD. He has educational trips to Korea each year. Really does alot for TKD. I was Shocked to see he actually commented on the situation.

Funny thing, check out the title of the article about him on the cover of TKDTimes he on. GM Duk Gun Kwon. TKD tradition and respect. Going Going ... Almost Gone. You see how he felt about it 11 years ago.
GM Kwon is a Changmookwan guy. As was posted, he has been very involved in TKD for a long time. I've not heard of the other gentleman before his column on Mookas.

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