Originally posted by Judo-kid
I needed some questions answerd and they were thanks., I do believe kirk was trying to start somthing with MMA but i will stay away from his game. kinda child like to start stuff with people when you control the threads. :idunno:
I don't control squat. I wasn't trying to start squat, kid. Paste
my question in here, where was the insult? Go check previous
threads too. MMA'ers are always coming in here talking about
how it's the only way to fight, and how forms are useless, bowing
is useless, etcetera. I don't understand why people such as
yourself come to a board where most of the posters are from
traditional arts, and post this stuff. I TRULY don't understand.
That's like going to the Apollo and shouting out a racial slur.
I contend that it's NOT in the quest for knowledge of yourself,
or other grapplers, MMA'ers, UFC wanna bes. I think it's either
to stir something up, or to look for some kind of validation.
Most of you guys always have the same 99% of all fights go to
the ground line, and most fights aren't against multiple attackers,
street fights are just like UFC fights, etc.
So I still put the question to you. Why do you post such things?
Why come into a place where there's SO MANY "traditional"
martial artists and say such negative things? And all you MMA'ers
have the same rhetoric "oh I don't want to start anything". Yes
you do, c'mon! Be man enough to answer, and not follow suit of
other immature mud slinging.