Bin Laden is dead

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It was surprising news indeed, and gave me many thoughts

1) it's great that he is dead. However, short term the world has just become a bit more dangerous because people will want revenged. I'm curious how this will turn out.
2) Dead or alive: in one way it would have been better to throw him in a cell for the rest of his life. It would have been a worse punishment (after all, dead is dead) and not made him a martyr. Otoh, it would have meant risking him opening a book of details on the CIA involvement in his past, potential haggling over legal niceties, and the risk (ever so small) that he would walk away in umpteen years time. At least now everybody can move on. After all he was slime not worthy of attention.
3) He was living in modest luxury in Pakistan, in an area where there was reportedly a large pakistani army presence. How much did Pakistan know about his whereabouts?
4) Killing / capturing OBL would have been a big boon for the republicans in 2008. Given that the major republican faceplant was written in the stars, I would not expect that Bush did not want OBL to be pwned.
5) I was happy to learn that the US was smart enough not to desecrate the body. I've seen many people (not here) calling out that he should have been sewn into a pigs skin or covered with bacon (waste of bacon) etc. Given that it would have been a PR nightmare, and a sure move to offend the majority of muslims worldwide, it was smart not to do this. Not out of respect for him obviously, but because it paints the Americans in a good light.
6) The seaman's grave was a good find. This way there cannot be a pilgrimage to his body or resting place. He's just gone. Kinda like what the Russians did with Hitler's body.
7) Kudos to the people who did this.
8) Expect a blockbuster movie within 2 years :)
The Bush administration did not make OBL a priority. If they had, OBL would not have escaped from the Toro Boro area because the administration did not approve the allocation of more resources to get it done.

There are always trade-offs and competing objectives. Bush was trying to avoid American casualties, with the thought that the US public would not tolerate casualties, like in Somalia. So they used the Northern Alliance as ground troops and concentrated on air support. That may have been the wrong decision, but it wasn't the obviously wrong decision at the time.
3) He was living in modest luxury in Pakistan, in an area where there was reportedly a large pakistani army presence. How much did Pakistan know about his whereabouts?

US officials have not trusted the Pakistanis for years. In particular, it is thought that the ISI is compromised. We seek general cooperation, but we don't give out details, even for the low level drone strikes. Here the Pakistanis were not informed of the target or timing, and in fact fighter jets were scrambled against our helicopters due to their ignorance.
There are always trade-offs and competing objectives. Bush was trying to avoid American casualties, with the thought that the US public would not tolerate casualties, like in Somalia. So they used the Northern Alliance as ground troops and concentrated on air support. That may have been the wrong decision, but it wasn't the obviously wrong decision at the time.

I believe this is true. My post was more to point out that it was not a priority, whatever the reason.
Congratulations to the men and women at Gitmo, especially the interogators who got the initial intelligence, the C.I.A. who followed the leads, the support personel who put the trigger pullers on the ground and to the men on the ground who did that work, especially the one who double tapped the evil one. Good Job to all involved. Thanks from a grateful nation.
I agree with stevebjj,and I absolutely believe that when election time comes around? People will turn to their political affiliations regardless.But this is a good thing for the world.Imho it's beyond pathetic divisive politics,beyond factional ferocity,beyond questions of Right,Left or Center.Beyond OPEC v NATO.For me,it's beyond a bit of grim satisfaction.To me? IT'S JUSTICE.To me? THIS IS PART OF WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT.
why no picures?

why dispose of the body at sea?

i am not buying it

They gave lots of reasons for disposing of him at sea: all good. No accusations of desecrating the body, no burial "Shrine" for the martyr, buried before sunset, in keeping with Islamic law-this last will be questioned by some Islamic scholars, because it was at sea-on the other hand, I'd like to have seen him dessicated, ground up and used as filler in the porcelain for urinals at the new bldg. at ground zero, but that's me.........

And I imagine the most sanitary of pictures will be forthcoming, along with testimony on the DNA evidence (DHS kept his sister's brain!!)
why no picures?

why dispose of the body at sea?

i am not buying it

Apparently there may have been pictures on Al Jazeera quite early in this but they have been pulled. However I have no proof of this and I am going on what a couple of news casters on local radio reported
oh give me a break, Obama had nothing to do with this. He will use it to his advantage like any politician would, but this was our troops, and the men on the ground who did this. Its been a long time coming, I congratulate the troops...... the idiots like Obama, and Trump and any other politician who claims they are responsible can go piss off.
Now to start picking off the next in line, and the upcoming replacements, and continue to eliminate any future jackholes like this running around.

I've read reports before that said we had OBL (or whom we suspected was OBL) in sniper sights but the strike was not authorized.

Obama authorized this strike. While he did not risk his hide ... it wasn't his job. He played his part and, if it proves to be true that OBL is actually dead as a result of his direction, then he, along with many others, should get *some* credit no matter how jagged that little pill is.
I found a picture via an image search that is suppose to be the picture from Al Jazeera but I will not post it. If you want to see it do the image search on google based on name.
The bad thing about this, yeah, there is one and it is a doozy:
A lot of people think Osama bin Laden was the be all and end all of global Islamic terrorism. There is a word for such people: Stupid.
I think the basic propaganda he received after 9/11 has a lot to do with it.
Congratulations to the men and women at Gitmo, especially the interogators who got the initial intelligence, the C.I.A. who followed the leads, the support personel who put the trigger pullers on the ground and to the men on the ground who did that work, especially the one who double tapped the evil one. Good Job to all involved. Thanks from a grateful nation.

You have NO basis whatsoever that any of the intelligence was gathered from gitmo prisoners. In fact I highly doubt it, since the majority of them have been there for years, and Osama was only discovered recently.

Then again, why let facts or rational thinking get in the way of a good patriotic post eh?
Personally, I think his body should have been buried in a glass coffin, right in front of the urinals at a 9/11 memorial. This way every visitor can stand on him and piss on his grave.
Personally, I think his body should have been buried in a glass coffin, right in front of the urinals at a 9/11 memorial. This way every visitor can stand on him and piss on his grave.

Yeah yeah noble thoughts, all. Personally I think for once someone made a really bright decision. OBL is dead. Nothing you do to his body will matter to him in the least. You can't punish him more. Desecrating his body will not bring back the dead. Giving him proper Islamic rituals and then disposing of the body in a clean, anonymous manner was genius.

Desecration would only alienate many moderate muslims, not because they sympathize with OBL, but because the US would show it wipes its *** with Islamic rituals. Kinda like taking a pedophile priest (we have enough of those in Belgium) and displaying him with a crucifix shoved in his ***.

It would also invite more violence, and furthermore give the nuts something to make a pilgrimage to. By doing what they did, noone can really complain, there is no site for pilgrimage, everything is over and done with in a clean manner. Just like Hitler in WW2.

When it comes to making important decisions, it's always best to use the big head, and not the gut or the little head.
oh give me a break, Obama had nothing to do with this. He will use it to his advantage like any politician would, but this was our troops, and the men on the ground who did this. Its been a long time coming, I congratulate the troops...... the idiots like Obama, and Trump and any other politician who claims they are responsible can go piss off.
Now to start picking off the next in line, and the upcoming replacements, and continue to eliminate any future jackholes like this running around.
Yeah, but if they accidently killed an innocent man, everyone would blame Obama.:ultracool
Oh, you're right Bruno.

But just wish you could punish someone a little bit more.

Like taking him alive, and running the pipes through that glass box....
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