BIGGER than you.. BADDER! than you

Jenna said:
Hey Rob ya big Poet Warrior.. you are too kind and flattering me.. now stop that and answer this question, ha! :D

Hehehehehehehe... allright, allright... *grin*

So to answer your Questions:

Jenna said:
Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist?
Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me?
Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it? as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?

The answer to the first one is YES! I assume this to be true whenever I train. To think otherwise is foolhardy and arrogant.

Let me answer the last two together. You have stated that my opponent is bigger, badder and better than I am. More proficient in skills that I possess and with better attributes than I have (strength, speed, agility). May I characterize him as an EXCELLENT Craftsman. higly trained skills and capabilities. How then can I defeat him?

Well allow me to digress into an analogy. When you want to have a banister turned, or cabinets made, or a wall painted you turn to a Craftsman. They have excellent skills and tools and are practiced in their trade. They will do it effectively and efficiently. But they cannot paint you a picture or carve out a scupture.

An Artist has many of the same skills as a Craftman. they work in the same mediums and use the same tools. But an Artist sees something that a Craftman does not. The craftsman repeats what he has been taught with greater and great efficiency. The Artist reaches into the Void and plucks from it something that did not exist before and gives it form and reality.

I train skills and tools that allow me to be effective, but I study the Martial Arts to be an Artist. I am not bound to a set of techniques or patterns or skills. I reach into the void and pull from it new things, new interpretations, new connections that I have never seen or been taught before as the circumstances require.

That is the advantage of being a Martial ARTIST. That is how I deal with the Bigger, Badder opponent when ALL the chips are down and I cannot retreat and I cannot let them pass. I am going to reach into the void and find something very special for them so that their final words are:

"Never saw that one coming..."

Jenna said:
TO my eyes it is a plain fact.. I am bigger than you.. bigger AND stronger AND more physically experienced for what I am about to do.. Further.. I am plainly BADDER than you as I am PREPARED having NO great conscience nor sense of moral. And as I am going about my business with you I DO NOT CARE if I hurt you maim you or if you die at my hands.. as has happened previously and left no lasting mark on my body or mind..

Q: Are you willing to accept that I .. someone both bigger AND badder than you.. that I can exist? YES

Q: If I exist.. what advantage can you POSSIBLY have over me? The obvious a person like that and sadly they are out there think they are next to omnipotent, everyone has weaknesses. I would say a person like that is not so concerned with the actual fight or altercation as he or she is focused on hurting you badly, so you focus on what your opponent is doing how he or she is coming at you, what he or she is weilding, how he or she is weilding it, how he or she is approaching you, and dont lose track of his or her moves and forget about the whole intimidation factor, words are just words.

Q: If you have advantage over me then how will you use it? as I am telling you right here I want to take something from you that I do not think you
want to give.. What are you gonna do bout it?
Pound him til he is down, and may be that will be a life lesson for an individual as such.

Hello all my sharp-edged friends :) nope any of you who know me will know I ain't bigger nor badder than any of y'all bad boys and gals but I pose these questions of any of you who may be looking in after reading some pretty nasty stuff in the paper this morning.. there are some mean folk out there doing just whatever comes to their perniciously perverted minds and I wonder.. are YOU ready for bigger and badder than you? I am very interested to know your approach to the bigger and badder... thank you.

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Shirt Ripper said:
I would probably never met me than...Rambo syndrome...:)
Right on.. aint nobody bigger and badder than John Rambo... cept Rambo II obviously ... ha! LOL :D Ahh my friend I can scarcely imagine what the symptoms of Rambo Syndrome must be... but I am imagining Bowie knives lots of trees and Karate-Kid-type bandana around the head LOL. Well Mr Rambo.. be careful.. there may still be bigger and badder than thou!

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Ric Flair said:
Bigger? Badder? Than you?

What can you do but not play fair? I mean if he is bigger and badder than you, AND can fight....

What choices do you have but to hit him in the testicles? Bite his ears off?

Pick up a stick and beat him with it. Stab him! If it comes to it! Throw dirt into his eyes! A brick! Who knows?!

Obviously he is not coming at you fair by being bigger and badder than you. So you have no guilt if you beat him "unfair". Besides, on the street "unfair" IS FAIR.
Hey Ric :) thanks for this.. and can I ask if you happen to stop by again.. is there anything in such a situation you would class as TOO unfair or TOO "below the belt" as it were.. ?

Thank you :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Rich Parsons said:
If it is just me. I run.

If the bigger badder person is beating someone smaller with no chance at all, I stand and try to distract to give them a chance to get away. (* Did this in San Diego once, so not just local stuff for me *)

Am I ready to be beat?

Hey big Rich :) ya know I am blown away by all these tales and I will be honest and say were it anyone else I would be a little sceptical of the truth in it all.. but since it is YOU my friend... I take it on face value :)

And you will not even countenance the idea that you can be beat.. and on the one hand I would say that was foolish or complacent and yet one of my favourite fighters from here and former world featherweight champ Prince Naseem Hamed had this exact mindset and which many slated him for as being cocky and arrogant but I think it goes hand in hand with self-belief and which is a phenomenal thing if you possess it.

And who I wonder was the "date" who would not leave until they seen you in "action"?? Am I understanding that properly? Is that like a groupie egging you on to pop someone?? wow! you move in some unusual and cool circles I will say!!

Anyway thank you again for sharing your experience .. and do NOT apologise I am interested to learn these things.. and it is great to have REAL experience to balance out and give grounds for the pure theory (never mind the plain ol hot air) we hear so much of...

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
pstarr said:
Reminds me of the emblem of the Da-Dao Tui (Big Sword Unit) of the Chinese Army during WWII- Translated, it said (roughly):

"When we run out of ammunition we swing our rifles,
When your rifles break, we use our swords,
When our swords break we use our hands,
When our hands break, we bite."

Hey P :) well I understand the message here and there is wisdom in the never-give-up mindset.. but is there not a point somewhere here where we should be saying.. I surrender.. ? Especially when everything they are trying here is apparently failing them??

Is there any circumstance under which surrender is the right thing or to our intuition is surrender a wholly BAD thing?

Thank you,
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
MartialIntent said:
The only other factors are the unforseen; the spanners in the works. And these are what the mindful practitioners such as you and your own folk train "outside the box" for - the fact that off the mats, things aren't nearly as clean and textbook-like as on them. Folk wear jewelry, watches and rings so there are fewer clean grabs, shoes are harder to spin around in than conditioned bare feet, there are no tables, chairs, kerbs and obstacles on the mats etc. etc. but all these can be turned to advantage as Rich Parsons has said - I know all too well of a case whereby an aggressor was put down hard using his own curb necklace [yellow metal, I wouldn't say gold, hehe]. That being yet another case of application of the fabled lateral thinking and adaptability, I guess.

Go on, ask me another, hehe.

Ahh you are very clever my lovely irish friend and I am sorry if I have you thinking all kinds of things outside of your box ha! but this is all to the good, yes? And you are right bout trying to emulate on the mats what it is like off them and the wris****ch example is a good one and also rings and jewellery which can be used to great advantage by clever aikidoka like your good self.. Oh and alas the latest model Universal Soldier plays chess.. also beat Kasparov .. or maybe I mean THUMPED Kasparov.. and so my tip for when you next run into one is to ensure you always got a piece of MC Escher art in your knapsack.. just throw that in his face and watch him put himself into a feedback loop trying to figure it out... LOL :)

Be good,
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Dark said:
All this talk about the Big-Bad aggressor has ignored one fact, the law of agression (my essay in another forum). They have to attack and mostly its a matter of fear, the fear of being procieved as weak. You have already won before you are ever attacked, you are a target simply because if they attack you then they are not the victem anymore.
The thing is, these types of people are "mad dogs" that need to be put down. If you win the assault they will keep coming back until you lose, or worse yet come at you from behind with a baseball bat or out of a dark corner with a shot gun.
Hey mister Dark :) yes you are correct that there is always potential for further escalation of a situation.. even after it has apparently finished which is NOT a good thing.. and though your views are extreme and a little um...intense.. I appreciate what you are trying to say and thank you for raising the issue :)

Be good,
Phadrus00 said:
That is the advantage of being a Martial ARTIST. That is how I deal with the Bigger, Badder opponent when ALL the chips are down and I cannot retreat and I cannot let them pass. I am going to reach into the void and find something very special for them so that their final words are:

"Never saw that one coming..."

Hey Rob.. well you surpass yourself :) and which does not surprise me! and you are saying Artistry beats force and ignorance.. I like that and of course it is something we all believe in that study martial arts.. that our art will be our ultimate protector over the great "unwashed" ignorant brutes as it were.. Well now since you are plainly up to scratch.. I wonder if I could push you another little bit and ask... in this situation where both concepts are equally strong.. does artistry also beat INTENT?

Thank you
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
evenflow1121 said:
Hey there :) Moo indeed... baaa some would say! :D Tell me my friend.. what about the intent that this person has? Not only are they coming to take something from you but 1). they do not care what you THINK you can do to them and 2). they certainly do not care what might happen to you as you go about trying..

Are these factors at all? or can you rule them out by simply NOT focussing on them?

Thank you
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Jenna said:
Hey Rob.. well you surpass yourself :) and which does not surprise me! and you are saying Artistry beats force and ignorance.. I like that and of course it is something we all believe in that study martial arts.. that our art will be our ultimate protector over the great "unwashed" ignorant brutes as it were.. Well now since you are plainly up to scratch.. I wonder if I could push you another little bit and ask... in this situation where both concepts are equally strong.. does artistry also beat INTENT?


If Artistry is the shapeless void then is not Intent the Hot Knife of Ambition and Lust and Desire to Have and to Take? I cannot resist but to imagine how O Sensei might consider this problem, how he might himself smile and look upon that very same Intent as the Paint with which to Express himself on the floor with. Might not he let that Intent lead the opponent into a place of poor balance and then as gentle as a whisper tip them over?

I recall a moment some time ago when I was grappling with my Instructor. He was certainly Better Than I and although I was stronger than he I was on the bottom and in a bad position and strength was no value to me. He had a choke on me and I had tried everything that I knew to get him off but to no avail. So we lay there, he with the choke on and me with a meager counter that let me trickle in a little air and blood to stay conscious. I could not outlast him, I could not overpower him, but I did not wish to give up either. I realized his weakness was his desire to win. I released my counter move and laid out my arm on the opposite side on my body from him giving him an opportunity for an arm bar. He took the bait, releasing his choke and leaping across to grab the attractive arm. As he moved across me, I rose up and flipped him around into the exact reverse situation and successfully applied the same choke to him.

His weakness was his INTENT. He wanted to win, I just wanted to survive.

Jenna said:
Hey mister Dark :) yes you are correct that there is always potential for further escalation of a situation.. even after it has apparently finished which is NOT a good thing.. and though your views are extreme and a little um...intense.. I appreciate what you are trying to say and thank you for raising the issue :)

Be good,

This comes from experience, these big-bad types are all cowards. I've been in altercations with them before. If you send them to jail they just have a reason to come back at you, if you beat them once they have all the more to prove, if you make an example out of them there are 5 more waiting to take a shot at the "title." And if you think you can walk away, wait until they start discribing your lover, which is why I am glad I don't have kids. From personal experience from dealing with these types, you have to make an example, not just beat them but beat them so bad they have forget what planet they are on. And when they think you are done beat them again.

The reality of mankinds existance is that the monsters in this world all wear human flesh, and sometimes to protect your family you have to allow yourself to become a monster to stop a monster.
Jenna said:
Hey big Rich :) ya know I am blown away by all these tales and I will be honest and say were it anyone else I would be a little sceptical of the truth in it all.. but since it is YOU my friend... I take it on face value :)

And you will not even countenance the idea that you can be beat.. and on the one hand I would say that was foolish or complacent and yet one of my favourite fighters from here and former world featherweight champ Prince Naseem Hamed had this exact mindset and which many slated him for as being cocky and arrogant but I think it goes hand in hand with self-belief and which is a phenomenal thing if you possess it.

And who I wonder was the "date" who would not leave until they seen you in "action"?? Am I understanding that properly? Is that like a groupie egging you on to pop someone?? wow! you move in some unusual and cool circles I will say!!

Anyway thank you again for sharing your experience .. and do NOT apologise I am interested to learn these things.. and it is great to have REAL experience to balance out and give grounds for the pure theory (never mind the plain ol hot air) we hear so much of...

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,


Some do not believe the stories either. ;) And that is ok. For I know there are others out there who have done more and worse than me, but they just do not talk about it or mention all the mistakes they have made.

The groupie thing is a good reference, as some of the young women (* When I was a young man *) thought it was cool to be the GF of a bouncer or to try to be nice to him to get away with getting in under age and such.

As to arrogance and foolishness, it can be that. I know that anyone can touch me and hurt me. I respect that. I just know that I will not give up when it comes to survival. Hence why I run away or walk away or leave, almost always now.

Be at peace Jenna :)
Phadrus00 said:
His weakness was his INTENT. He wanted to win, I just wanted to survive.

Ahh now Rob if I did not know better I would say you were an aikidoka my clever friend :)

When you started off "He had a choke on me and I had tried everything that I knew to get him off but to no avail...." I thought.. oh yeah.. I bet you are gonna tell me how you ended up tearing off his head shoving it on his neck backwards... but with regard to this last statement of yours all I will say is.. I AM impressed! and if you really practice that sentiment.. you ARE as good as I give you credit for.

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Dark said:
The reality of mankinds existance is that the monsters in this world all wear human flesh, and sometimes to protect your family you have to allow yourself to become a monster to stop a monster.
Hey mister Dark :) I will admit I maybe did not give you DUE credit previously though it is just because I thought your approach to be intense and a little extreme perhaps for me but I will say you are definitely clever in your way and there is a certain wisdom in what you say and so thank you again for sharing your experiences :)

Be good,
Rich Parsons said:

Some do not believe the stories either. ;) And that is ok. For I know there are others out there who have done more and worse than me, but they just do not talk about it or mention all the mistakes they have made.

The groupie thing is a good reference, as some of the young women (* When I was a young man *) thought it was cool to be the GF of a bouncer or to try to be nice to him to get away with getting in under age and such.

As to arrogance and foolishness, it can be that. I know that anyone can touch me and hurt me. I respect that. I just know that I will not give up when it comes to survival. Hence why I run away or walk away or leave, almost always now.

Be at peace Jenna :)
Thank you again big Rich :) well -I- believe ya.. and so there is wisdom with maturity after all? ah but no matter.. I want you to know I value your REAL LIFE MA experiences a lot and thank you for your input and especially your consideration. and ME? at PEACE? pffft.. maybe ONE day the waves will subdue themselves :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Remember that O'Sensei once said that, "Aikido is 90% atemi..." Learn some effective striking techniques and develop them. Then learn to combine them with the standard aikido techniques-
Jenna said:
Hey there :) Moo indeed... baaa some would say! :D Tell me my friend.. what about the intent that this person has? Not only are they coming to take something from you but 1). they do not care what you THINK you can do to them and 2). they certainly do not care what might happen to you as you go about trying..

Are these factors at all? or can you rule them out by simply NOT focussing on them?

Thank you
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Hey Jenna, I think you are best to rule them out, think about it; you get into a fight out in the middle of the street, with someone you do not even know. Automatically this person can care less what happens to him/her, ie-- get arrested, whether you are packing something, whether you can seriously hurt them, and if they care less what can happen to him or her, they certainly can care even less what happens to you. Thus, in any altercation that I have ever been involved in , and I try to mind my own business so I ve never started them, I guess I already view my opponent as the kind of individual that could careless what I can do to them or what they can do to me. So I just try not to focus on that factor, and I simply try to focus on the fight itself.
evenflow1121 said:
Thus, in any altercation that I have ever been involved in , and I try to mind my own business so I ve never started them
Hey evenflow my friend :) I know I am taking your comment here out of context but I found it really interesting with regard to this question... you say you try to mind your own business meaning you do not go looking for a fight and keep yourself to yourself.. but I think regarding a bigger badder opponent as you rightly say you try to ignore those factors and just fight your fight.. and I think what sums that up is that DURING the altercation itself you "mind your own business" meaning you pay no attention to how "bad" your opponent is but just do your thing.. I like that and I think it is great how we have narrowed it down to concepts! Thank you!

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,