Jenna said:
Hey Rich my dangerous friend

Thank you very much for this and which you KNOW I listen to because you speak not from what you have read but from what you have DONE... I will ask you two simple questions.. are you PREPARED to be beat? and when for YOU Rich is discretion the better part of valour? ie when do you run and when do you stand your ground? Thank you
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
If it is just me. I run.
If the bigger badder person is beating someone smaller with no chance at all, I stand and try to distract to give them a chance to get away. (* Did this in San Diego once, so not just local stuff for me *)
Am I ready to be beat?
Nope! I have been hit so hard that my eye looked into my nose. I knew if I gave up they would kill me. I closed my eye and kept fighting. I ended up on the ground in a door way where one tried to jump on top me. I was able to use my legs to keep him off and still jab with the other leg. After I survived a while, those in fear as two other "BIG" guys had been taken out with one punch each, the crowd turned on the multiple attackers. Some ran for the police while others started hitting them with what they could grab. Some could say I was lucky, but I think it is because I did not give up.
I have faced and looked down the wrong end of a gun. I gave the guy my wallet. Another time I used the gun wielder's buddy as a body shield. They went to theri vehicles and as they were leaving they stopped to posture again. The one packing asked me if I was ready to die then. Before he could clear his arm, I charged the vehicle he was in. The driver was not ready to get the truck damaged and took off. Note: I went for the back of the cab on the passenger side so it made it harder for the right handed person to turn and point at me.
If I have those with me, I use what I can to get away, even if I have to stay to give them time to get away or get a vehicle started and moving. I was never so pissed as one date who wanted to see me in action and would not leave. (* Last Date it was *)
Note: Most of that was years ago, so this is based upon what I did then. I have more to loose on paper now, but the issue is I do not have the wind or strength I did when I was 20 years younger. So, I have plans now to ended it even faster.
I remember a time when some people were mouthing off and this guy came up with his hand behind his back. I assumed it was a gun so I was under cover behind a vehicle. Once I realized it was only a tire iron, I laughed and was able to handle the situation with no one getting hurt.
I also remember a time when a small guy picked the fight with the bigger and badder guys in the place. They came over and wanted to take us all on. I stood up and said just a few minutes before you kick my butt. What happened. I got the story real quick. this guy was a friend of a friend os someone I knew. So, I grabbed him by the ear and stood him up where i he reached for my hand and I did some finger locks on him. I got him in a nice lock and on his knees and asked the guys if they could wait to kick my butt until I was done with kicking this guys butt. They smiled and laughed and walked away. I then proceeded to cause this guy pain all night long. When not in physical pain, I would make sure he had not shot with a woman. In the end he told me I was an ******* and I said yes. But I was honest about being it while he was a little one who I did not like. I told his friends that I would not be out with them again.
So, I have no problem walking away.
I have no problem giving someone my wallet.
I have no problem letting them call me names as long as I have a safe way out.
Threaten those with me who are not able to protect themselves and it all depends upon the situation.
Sorry no real cut and dry. But once I begin it ends with him quitting, or unable to fight or others breaking it up, or I loose and am unable to continue.
**** Sorry for the ramble ****