BEST Argument for Death Penalty I've Seen!

PeachMonkey said:
As Mohandas Gandhi said so eloquently, an eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind.

And I'm sure thats exactly what the killer was thinking as he stabbed them in the eyes.*s
The moral fact is, it doesn't matter what this bastard was thinking. It matters what WE think, and how we act.

Otherwise--and the same would be true of terrorism--we simply adopt their viewpoint. Do what you want, kill who you want--who cares what the law says, or what morality says. Who cares that it won't do any good.
MACaver said:
This bastard definitely deserves it if anyone else does. Article here shows that the man was unstable and violent. They let him out and he slaughtered two innocents. One was his daughter and the other her best friend. Then he tried to pretend he found them while looking for them. Worse of all, on Mother's Day.
Those who argue against the death penalty might disagree with me and at this point I don't care. We hear of horrible crimes almost daily, but this ... this horrorific loss of life by such savagery cannot and should not go unpunished without death. No matter what his motives, no matter how "temporarily insane", no matter what his freakin problem is... he deserves to die die and die again.
How can anyone think of a lesser punishment that doesn't equal the crime that he committed?
I'm sickened by this more than I can say. If he had a rage great enough to take the life of his own child that cannot be excused but to also kill her friend who's only crime was being with her when it happened. It's too bad that he can only be killed once. But if they decide he should be killed via capital punishment then he should die slowly and painfully. It's just too damn bad that we don't have a punishment designed to do that.

My heart breaks... ah my heart.

I agree. This is a very sick person. I'm sure that throughout the course of his life, he was showing some signs of being a sick person, but most likely, they went un-noticed. I'm all for the death penalty. Even if he does not get the death penalty, chances are good that once he gets to prison, the inmates will dish out their own "justice". People who molest, injure, etc. children usually are not on the Top 10 list of favorite people in prison.

There are many out there though that think that the death penalty is wrong. On a slightly different note, in CT., Michael Ross is scheduled to die via lethal injection early Friday morning. I'm sure that many will be protesting, as their thoughts are "Why kill someone who killed someone just to prove that killing is wrong?"

I wonder if a study has been done to compare the cost of keeping someone in prison for life vs. the cost of putting them to death.

"The essence of the law is that the sweets of private vengeance shall be denied."

--Sinclair Lewis, "Cass Timberlane"

Interesting to see that some folks cheerfully celebrate the same ideas of revenge and, "justice," that we see in dictatorships, theocracies, and mobs.

Disturbing that some are so quick to give the last six thousand years of slow development up from barbarism the quick, old heave-ho.
Well it does matter what the bastard was thinking, else we wouldn't have hate crimes. Whats the difference between a "hate" crime and a similar crime? You can have two identical crimes, yet one will be prosecuted as a hate crime for what an attacker can say (an outward expression of his thoughts) or who he targets (a minority he hates). The only difference being is his mind set. Then you have pre-meditation, which is planning the crime (in his thoughts) ahead of time. So what an attacker is thinking matters quite a bit.

But for the point above, I was being sarcastic about the killer thinking of Ghandi.
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Following are the crimes that fall under Capital Murder:

* Robbery and Murder
* Two or more murders at one time
* Rape and Murder
* Kidnapping and Murder
* The Murder of a Child under the age of six
* Car-jacking and Murder [Federal]
* Murder of a Police Officer while in the official course of duty
* Serial Killings
* Murder for Hire [note: The Hitman and person who paid him will be charged and tried for Capital Murder and the death penalty should the state's attorney choose to do so]
* Arson Causing Death
MJS said:
I wonder if a study has been done to compare the cost of keeping someone in prison for life vs. the cost of putting them to death.
Right here on MT there was another discussion about the death penalty and it's cost. Seems that it costs more to put someone to death than to keep them alive in prison.
(I googled "death penalty costs" and there you are)

But in my thinking is it justice that this animal should live after taking the lives of those two little girls? He was a waste to society and those girls... who knows where they could've lead to? The doctor that discovers the cure for a disease or eventually is the mother of one, and so on with the cliche' that isn't really a cliche'. But these two girls will never find out what their full potential might be because this bastard snuffed out their sparks.
Justice. It's due to the same for the mothers (and father) of the girls. Their anguish at their loss. And so on.

Crimes like these don't make sense. But they deserve to be punished and punished rightly by our laws and by due process. Our emotions say bust down the jail cell door and pull him out and drag him nude behind a pick-up truck down a long gravel road at 40 mph. ... or something akin to that.

What is the right thing to do? Do we follow logic and reasoning? Or do we listen to our hearts?
Tgace said:
Probably more due the endless appeals process than anything else.

Good point! How long does someone get to sit on death row before it actually happens? CT hasn't had an execution in years, yet we still have a few people that are sitting on "death row". It'll be interesting to see if tonight, we actually have one.

Mac--Thanks for the links! :ultracool

MACaver said:
But in my thinking is it justice that this animal should live after taking the lives of those two little girls? He was a waste to society and those girls...

If he does live, he needs to spend the rest of his life in prison. Its apparent that he is a danger to the community. He already had spent some time in prison and it obviously did nothing to change his outlook on life. Then again, IMO, it rarely does, and this is obvious due to all of the repeat offenders.

A quick death, however unrewarding, will be the most inexpensive way to flush this guy.

Unfortunatly, that wont happen. He'll rate the footnote section of the local paper in 25 years, when we finally get around to him.
Gray Phoenix said:
A quick death, however unrewarding, will be the most inexpensive way to flush this guy.

Unfortunatly, that wont happen. He'll rate the footnote section of the local paper in 25 years, when we finally get around to him.
Bribing prison wardens? Slip in a bit of rat poison!
rmcrobertson said:
Or else, we could maybe hooraw too about the long list of government and military officials who have ordered children's horrible deaths for transparently absurd and ugly reasons?

So, who gets all that fancy treatment described above for this?

I'm a bit perplexed...didn't Moses bring down the tablets inscribed with "thou shall not kill"?

Why are "we" not emotionally invested in the death of these children?


ps - "we" does not refer to "me." I can hardly bear to look at this website...
kenpotex said:
Put him in general population...maybe someone will pull a Jeffrey Dahmer on him.
Oh, almost surely this would happen. He wouldn't last long. (I leave aside whether this is fair--I simply consider it factual.) You could make book on it.
arnisador said:
I'm not sure that link was very disturbing.
I agree.. I've seen that site... and it's NOTHING to do with the topic at hand...

Sorry Upnorth but it's inappropriate for this topic... mebbe somewhere else in the Study that is RELATED to the Iraqi war... but not here...

MACaver said:
I agree.. I've seen that site... and it's NOTHING to do with the topic at hand...

Sorry Upnorth but it's inappropriate for this topic... mebbe somewhere else in the Study that is RELATED to the Iraqi war... but not here...

Sorry to rain on everyone's parade...

There certainly was graphic description of what happened in the article. I beleived the link provided a little perspective. People are very cavalier regarding the death penalty because they feel that these crimes are so very terrible, and they are, but when similar things happen at the push of a button, attitudes toward similar atrocities change and shift. I quoted Robert, because he made a good point, and those images hammer it home.

Why do we kill for one atrocity and celebrate another?


PS - that link appeared elsewhere in the study, on another thread, yet in a discussion regarding murder and appropriate punishment for those crimes, it is entirely appropriate to "see" the crime from a different POV.

Maybe, more killing and death is not the answer in this case or in any other...
The thing is it's two different views and actions of death and killing we're talking about here.
That soldiers are killing un-armed non-combatants (civilians) is a terrible and unjust crime indeed. But in every-single-war since recorded history began civilians have always been casualties. I'm not trying to excuse or condone the action. We would want to think that American soldiers are trying to be careful in minimizing those casualties. But as the other side is showing us the case is reportedly different. But give us proof that all of those photos are American caused casualties.
Either way that justice needs to be weighed by the world courts and by the military. A soldier lobbing a grenade or firing a rocket into a building to kill insergents or opening up an automatic rifle on a group of armed combatants... civilians that are in the line of fire are going to be injured, maimed and killed. The insergents aren't giving a damn who they are killing now are they?
Way off topic here... If you want to continue this particular "thread" then copy/paste and create a new topic in the Study. :asian: :asian: :asian:

On topic:
A man taking out his mad on two girls and concocting a story about how he had to defend himself and basically slaughtering them... he stabbed one repeatedly and then stabbed the other ... repeatedly. This is had to be a crime in the pleasure he took in doing one and then the other. It was pure savagery and he has no place in a civilized society, yea even behind bars.
I see prison as a place for a criminal to sit and stew in their remorse for the crimes they committed. The actions of this animal shows that he will not. He'll be angry that he's locked up, he'll be resentful towards the society that keeps him behind bars. He will not give a damn about those two girls that he slaughtered. This animal is just that an animal, uncaring and unfeeling except for his own anger which he went far and beyond the normal idea of punishment.

In the words of Carl Lee Hailey: "Yes (they) deserved to die and I hope (they) burn in hell!" So should this guy.
