Threads that go for eighteen pages tend to broaden in scope. People respond to what others post. Sometimes, this results in illuminating discussion, sometimes not, but it does happen.As for my plans that I had in life that involved getting a black belt before I turned 20 I will get into that later but for now I would like to say this. This thread started out in the wrong direction. From the beginning this thread was going into a debate over whether a sensei should tell a student when they test for rank or if the students should decide for themselves to sign up for belt tests. The fact of the matter is every sensei has their own system for rank advancement and as to which system works the best or which one is the proper one to use is a matter of opinion. I didn't intend this thread to be a debate on how rank advancement should work but rather that, whatever system a sensei uses a student should know how the system works and they should know what they need to do to get to the next rank. The same thing is true with just about any other goal in life. When you start college and work on getting a degree, you get a program that tells you what you need to do to get the degree, it tells you the courses you must take, the GPA you must maintain, how many credits you need, ect. That is just one example of many when it comes to knowing what you need to do to reach a goal. The martial arts is no different.
Now, has anybody seen the movie Best of the Best 2?
As for discussing life plans and such, it's part of the conversation, not a debate.

No, I haven't seen any of the Best of the Best sequels, though I do own the original.