What is the history behind the belt ranking system?


I'm just curious to learn what the history behind the belt ranking system in martial arts is. Where did it 1st originate? How was it treated? What were some of the regulations/policies? How was a black belt revered differently then today?

If some people with a good Martial Art historical knowledge could enlighten us, it would be appreciated.


:cool: :asian:
Check any decent Judo reference...
Rank was started by Kano Jigaro, Judo's founder.
Originally it was White belt, Brown Belt, Black Belt...
The other colors were added later...I'm not sure if that was something added by the Shotokan after they adopted the belt ranking system, or if that was also one of Kano Sensei's innovations.

Originally posted by chufeng
Check any decent Judo reference...
Rank was started by Kano Jigaro, Judo's founder.
Originally it was White belt, Brown Belt, Black Belt...
The other colors were added later...I'm not sure if that was something added by the Shotokan after they adopted the belt ranking system, or if that was also one of Kano Sensei's innovations.

Kodokan Judo Was The first But
Who was the 1st to copy this idea?????
This might not be Historically accurate, but I like it none the less as a story...

You used to were a belt to hold up your pants.
It was white like your clothing. Then over time it got stains on it. Grass stains mostly, turning it green. Then over time and time and even more time, it got some sand in there, (and some blood :) and became darker and darker turning it red. Then it got so stained, it was black as could be. The whole time, you kept getting new clothes, but not a new belt....

So the progression from white to black, light to dark.

Again, I don't know if it is historically accurate, but I like it none the less.

Michael Tabone
It has also been suggested that the colors came from the border colors of banners used by various military groups...I really don't know.

Dr. Kano was the first to utilize the belt as a rank symbol and I believe it was Gichin Funakoshi who adopted it for karate (he was the first, I think, to do this).

I've heard the legend about the white belt turning yellow with sweat, then green with grass stains, brown with dirt, and finally black with blood and more dirt (other colors were added later)...I don't know if it's true, but I like it.

I DO know that many moons ago when I first began studying karate (judo as well), orange, blue, and purple belts simply didn't exist. I never knew of anyone who used them in those days.