Being trained in "Espionage" does not guarantee you'll be able defend against sneak attacks?

At your age, you potentially have a lot of years ahead of you to learn many of life's good and bad points. But you cannot learn if you are going to consider yourself to already have superior knowledge more than experienced MA. Worse, why ask a question and then provide an answer that most MA here do not agree with, and appear to make up facts to support your answer?
She Who Must Be Obeyed (my wife) has a saying, "Hire a teen while they still know everything." :)
I wish you luck. I fear you are going to need it to succeed. With your current attitude, intellect probably isn't going to help you much.
Hopefully it's not that bad. Most of us were the same way as teens. We grew out of it. I think that part of it is, in fact, youth. When a person is young, they ONLY have intellect to argue from because they've not had time to gain experience and expertise. But untrained intellect is just like any other attribute which is untrained. It only goes so far. But, like I said, take heart, most of us were the same once. :)

Peace favor your sword,

Hopefully you are correct. And I hope I haven't been to harsh on the OP. But I kind of do want to shock the OP into giving some thought to how he comes across.

And I do remember how I was at 13. I didn't think I knew everything at 13. But only because I knew there were things at my tender age I hadn't yet been able to bring my great intellect to bear on. :) :) :)
Hopefully you are correct. And I hope I haven't been to harsh on the OP.
If you have then I'm doubly culpable because I've been at least as "harsh" if not more.

But I kind of do want to shock the OP into giving some thought to how he comes across.
Several forumites seem to have tried with as much success as attempting to swallow the sea. :(

And I do remember how I was at 13. I didn't think I knew everything at 13. But only because I knew there were things at my tender age I hadn't yet been able to bring my great intellect to bear on. :) :) :)
You an' me both, kemosabe. ;)

Peace favor your sword,
And I do remember how I was at 13. I didn't think I knew everything at 13. But only because I knew there were things at my tender age I hadn't yet been able to bring my great intellect to bear on. :) :) :)
Fortunately my teenage years were pre-internet, so the worst of my idiocies have been lost to time.

The OP's profile actually claims that he's 29. I hope for his sake that isn't true. His postings would be a lot more understandable if they are coming from a young teen.