Here's some real solution options, taken in part from the Pizza Party's 2012 platform (being discussed now):
1 - Eliminate the complex income tax system entirely for individuals.
Doing this will remove all the 'loop holes', 'tax credits' and 'unfair advantages' across the board.
2 - Institute a Federal Sales Tax rate of 20%.
The following would be exempt:
- services.
- raw food
- medicine
- baby care, including clothing, diapers, formula and food.
- Necessary utilities. These would be gas, electric, water, heat oil, propane, land line telephones.
Revenues under this system would be 5% greater than under the existing system, serve the purpose of putting extra money in every American's paychecks, allow "the poor" more immediate cash while safeguarding necessities remain affordable. It also puts more of a tax burden on those who spend the most on luxury items such as high end cars or giant tvs.
As I said before, I'm in favor of an income tax over a consumption/sales tax. I mentioned the main reason in another thread. Essentially, tying taxes to consumption creates a dependence on spending. The times when we need programs the most will become exactly the same times when tax dollars are at their lowest. We set up a boom/bust cycle that will be difficult to weather. Just about every State with a sales tax and no income tax now is experiencing this shortfall of government monies.
3 - Eliminate all "death taxes" allowing Americans to pass on their wealth to family.
The current system is abused, and serves to limit lower income American's abilities to pass on the fruits of their labors to their children. While the system as is is well intended, it is broken and needs to be eliminated.
This is simple propaganda. Whether you call it an Estate tax or a Death tax, this tax in no way limits lower income American's. At all. In fact, this is probably the one tax we have left that only affects wealthy people. Not even wealthy people. The WEALTHIEST of the wealthy. I encourage everyone to read
this document regarding the Estate Tax. It's very understandable and debunks the entire campaign of misinformation regarding "death" tax. Even calling it a death tax is disingenuous. While we all die, only a handful of us will have sizable estates to pass on to our kids that are large enough to qualify for an estate tax. I take that back. NO ONE on these boards will qualify... well, maybe Elder999

4 - Create a Federal Hospital System to work as a national base-care system to provide low and no cost base and emergency care to all citizens.
This is not a replacement for the current system, but a complete overhaul.
Existing private insurance would be able to continue, however it would restructure to provide more high-end care.
The FHS would be staffed by doctors, nurses and technicians who work a standard 40 hour week at a fair wage for 10 years, in return for free school and training, and a salary while they train. After their time-in is served, they are free to stay or go into private practice.
This is a very interesting idea. I'm going to have to think about this one for a while. It borders on brilliant, but I wonder at how private insurance would be restructured, and I'm skeptical when I see vague references to "high end care." First thing that came to mind is the Stephen Kind novella, Running Man.
5 - Social Security restructuring.
Money paid into the system would remain in the system, put in escrow for the future. No more dipping into it allowed. Past IOU's are to be paid back into the system, with reasonable interest. This would result in the current system becoming quite solvent.
I'm all for this, but I'd also recommend eliminating the earnings cap on FICA, taxing ALL income rather than just the first 100k or so. I'd also eliminate the maximum annual benefit, and add an additional tier to the payment computation. Doing this alone would eliminate any solvency issues.
6 - Border Security
The Southern Border would be immediately strengthened, with additional agents deployed to combat intrusion. They would be augmented by active duty military and National Guard units as needed, with unmanned drones patrolling much of the border. Hostiles will be met with overwhelming force. Civilians will be given all reasonable humanitarian aid, and returned speedily to their respective embassies.
Something needs to be done along the Mexican border.
7 - Revamp Education
To create the future, one must dream. We must encourage people to dream again, while balancing that with the tools to live. People must be allowed to be creative, and trained in entrepreneurial concepts.
Revamp is too strong. While there are things that can be done, we have working models of public education throughout our country. We need to fix what needs to be fixed, but to pretend that the entire system is broken is alarmist, IMO. My kids are thriving in public schools, as I believe most do. Can we do better? Of course. But change doesn't have to be radical to be effective.
8 - Make Medical Care Affordable
#4 covers some of the problem, but not all.
- Hospitals must be audited to ensure that billing is accurate. Errors in billing cost Americans Billions of dollars in over payments each year.
- Medicaid and Medicare must be revamped. There is an estimated 60% fraud in the system, stealing aid from both the tax payers and Americans who need the help the most. Fraud must be punished, freeing funding to go where it is most needed.
- Drug companies enjoy a monopoly on drugs for years, and can extend that by making miner tweaks. This loophole must be closed, and generics allowed on the market.
I agree with this, but I want to point out that most of the fraud is within the system, NOT by the recipients. There are fraudulent patients, but the real crime is being done by medical professionals.
9 - The redefinition of Corporations as people should be reversed.
10 - Return the election of Senators to the States and re balance the power in the Federal Government
Not sure what this means.
11 - The Lobbyist system needs to be rethought. Campaign contributions from lobby groups should be eliminated, the ability of a government servent to become a lobbyist and vice versa should also be restricted, with no GS allowed to become a lobbyist for at least 1 year after leaving office. This "No Conflict Clause" is similar to Non-Compete Clauses in use in business today.
And super pacs should require mandatory disclosure of donors and etc and so on. Absolutely. Someone just yesterday... can't remember who... suggested that politicians be made to wear jackets that are covered in patches announcing endorsements, so that you know who's paying them. Like NASCAR.
12 - The Federal Budget should be gone through line by line with serious attention to fat, and trimmed back to reasonable levels.
Good luck with this. I agree in theory, but there are so many hands in the pot, there's little incentive to change.