Bad wallstreet occupyer behavior

Here is some more bad behavior.

The Greater Boston Food Bank intended to hold a fundraising event in Boston’s Dewey Square over the weekend of the 14th of October. It was to be called the “Greenway Mobile Food Fest” and designed to fundraise for those in need, but due to the tantrums being thrown by the Occupy Boston protestors the event had to be canceled. Despite the selfishness of these pointless, clueless protesters, though, conservative bloggers stepped in and raised over $3,000 for the food bank. So where is the media on this story? Isn’t this a perfect sort of human-interest story that media types usually love?
The media should love this. It’s got clueless, uninformed, cretins hurting an organization that helps feed the needy. It has a more caring group rising to the challenge to help replace those lost donations. Perfect story, right?

Also, Sean Hannity on his show, yesterday, spoke to a woman who owns a sandwich shop on Wall street. The protesters have run her customers away, have abused her for the nerve of not allowing them to freely use her bathroom and have caused her no end of trouble.

I actually have to thank these protesters though. The bad press received by the tea party is now shown for what it was, a hit job by the anti-tea party media. The actions of these protesters have served to highlight how pleasant the Tea Party gatherings actually were, and how unpleasant the democrat supported protesters are.
Occupy Wall Street is not a Democrat front group. On the ground, there are all kinds of different people who believe all kinds of different things about politics. The media is helping to co-opt this movement by classifying it as Left so that the other half of the country would turn on it. They did the same to the Tea Party. How many times does this have to happen before you realize that the media is all-in on this rigged Left/Right game and is merely a propaganda tool for the government/corporations?
The cost of protesters complaining and then free loading...

In New York City, government officials estimate the month-long siege of Zuccotti Park has now imposed $3.2 million in overtime police costs on the public. On Thursday, as Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office pressured left-wing activists to vacate the park for cleaning, Occupy Wall Street urged sympathizers to flood the city’s customer services lines: “Call 311 and tell Bloomberg not to evict us!”
In Philadelphia, Mayor Michael Nutter told the press that demonstrators outside city hall have incurred $164,000 in overtime public employee costs and $237,000 in regular time. “At the current rate, if Occupy Philly continues to the end of the month, the city would spend another nearly $690,000 on police overtime alone,” the local NBC affiliate reported. “Besides the extra police presence being dedicated to the Occupy Philly protests, other city departments have also incurred costs.”
In Seattle, police have so far billed $30,000 in overtime and the parks department racked up nearly $4,000 in additional costs related to the protests there. Occupiers have blocked traffic, assaulted an officer, and pitched illegal tents. Merchants in the area have been hurt as the riff-raff deter customers. One business owner in Westlake Park, where hundreds of protesters remain camped out, told Seattle TV station KIRO: “There’s definitely fewer people you can identify as people out, just walking through the area.”
Well, Al Gore didn't support the tea party, and Jan Shakowski, a local hard left democrat, didn't support the Tea party, and they have both embraced the OWS protesters, so what am I supposed to think about that?

Nancy Pelosi supports them as well...

What are you supposed to think?

Now that's an interesting question.

Perhaps these movements start as grass roots and are turned into astroturf by the political establishment. It's how they get taken over and neutralized.

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Well, this now makes three of my favorite webcomics that I've linked in response to a thread. Seriously, I'm starting to wonder if the authors follow these forums. :rofl: Anyway, no, I haven't checked the links yet, but I figured I would share the page here. The following link is a response a webcomic author wrote, which lists a handful of links to sites discussing the OWS movement, one even comparing (or contrasting them, rather) to the Tea Partiers.

Now all I need is for to come up with a relevant page and I"ll have my comic links collection complete! :lol:
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I don't want to hear the OWS people say they are non-violent any more. Not one word.
By Philip Pullella

ROME | Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:49pm EDT

(Reuters) - Anti-greed protesters rallied globally on Saturday, denouncing bankers and politicians over the international economic crisis, with violence rocking Rome where cars were torched and bank windows smashed.

While most rallies were relatively small and barely held up traffic, the Rome event drew tens of thousands of people and snaked through the city center for miles (kilometres).

Hundreds of hooded, masked demonstrators rampaged in some of the worst violence seen in the Italian capital in years, setting cars ablaze, breaking bank and shop windows and destroying traffic lights and signposts.

Police fired volleys of tear gas and used water cannon to try to disperse militant protesters who were hurling rocks, bottles and fireworks, but clashes went on into the evening.

Smoke bombs set off by protesters cast a pall over a sea of red flags and banners bearing slogans denouncing economic policies the protesters say are hurting the poor.

The violence sent many peaceful demonstrators and local residents near the Colosseum and St John's Basilica running into hotels and churches for safety.

And who is it marching 'in solidarity' with the OWS terrorists? Communists and trade-unionists. Yeah, I don't want to hear that they're not commies anymore, either.
Oh noes, not Commies ... Bill, I confess I am surprised as I thought you were a more intelligent man than that. I guess on some issues there really is no way of overcoming your early programming if you get too far down the scale of years, for I too am guilty of such 'reflexive' thinking at times.

Chalk that one up to the 'Disappointed' side of the score board, for behind the media blather there is a serious point that the present way of 'doing business' is not sustainable in the long run, unless we really want to adopt a higher 'tech version of Barons and Peasants.

I would hope that this could turn into an international movement with some properly defined aims but, at present, it is just a bunch of dissatisfied people who are "Mad as hell" creating a bit of noise that is being used as cover by others, meaner and more organised, to get some licks in while they can. I'll be surprised if it has any long term 'legs' but you never know with these things; after all the New Model Army wasn't perceived as anything 'game changing' to start with ... until Naseby :lol:.
Oh noes, not Commies ... Bill, I confess I am surprised as I thought you were a more intelligent man than that. I guess on some issues there really is no way of overcoming your early programming if you get too far down the scale of years, for I too am guilty of such 'reflexive' thinking at times.

Chalk that one up to the 'Disappointed' side of the score board, for behind the media blather there is a serious point that the present way of 'doing business' is not sustainable in the long run, unless we really want to adopt a higher 'tech version of Barons and Peasants.

I would hope that this could turn into an international movement with some properly defined aims but, at present, it is just a bunch of dissatisfied people who are "Mad as hell" creating a bit of noise that is being used as cover by others, meaner and more organised, to get some licks in while they can. I'll be surprised if it has any long term 'legs' but you never know with these things; after all the New Model Army wasn't perceived as anything 'game changing' to start with ... until Naseby :lol:.

Wall Street Protests Spread Globally as Rome Turns Violent

Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) -- The Occupy Wall Street protest against income disparity spread across Western Europe, Asia, the U.S. and Canada today. Rome's demonstration turned violent, contrasting with peaceful events elsewhere.

As many as 500 marchers in Rome wielding clubs attacked police, two banks and a supermarket, Sky TG24 reported. Authorities used tear gas and water cannon. Londoners were barred from Paternoster Square, home of the London Stock Exchange, and Tokyo protesters demanded an end to nuclear power. New York police arrested 24 at a Citigroup Inc. bank branch and 6,000 gathered in Times Square.
Levin Jiang, 22, an English major at Taipei's Fu Jen Catholic University, joined others singing the communist anthem L'Internationale in front of a Hermes watch shop.

“I'm angry about the unjust capitalist society,” he said. “I'm anti-capitalism.”
“Hong Kong is heaven for capitalists,” said Lee Chun Wing, 29, a community college social sciences lecturer in Hong Kong. “Wealth is created by workers and so should be shared with the workers as well. Capitalism is not a just system.”

Hundreds marched through the Bosnian city of Sarajevo carrying pictures of Che Guevara and old communist flags that read "Death to capitalism, freedom to the people."

You were saying?
Oh noes (twice in two posts!), my point is utterly destroyedz by some numpties who are clearly about to overthrow the current world order.

Bill, it's me you're talking to, not some political or economic illiterate.

I find it hard to be serious when positions are so ephemerally founded so I'm walking away until another day before my fingers get out of control.

Protester Shoots Cop "A Look," Cop Punches Him In Face (Video)

A white-shirted NYPD supervisor was caught on video punching a protester in the face Friday without apparent cause. Well, the protester did admit shooting him a look. Whatever that look was, it prompted Deputy Inspector Johnny Cardona to grab him by his shoulders, spin him around and punch him hard in the face. Felix Rivera-Pitre, the protester, said the officer ended up ripping his [...]


The World Continues To Watch As Protesters Get Braver Against NYPD

The escalation between NYPD officers and Occupy Wall Street protesters is perfectly captured in the above Associated Press photo. I came across it in a UK Daily Mail article, which has done a better job of summarizing the madness than most American newspapers. All I know about the photo is what it written in the cutline. Fight: A man affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street protests tackles a [...]

In Buffalo, a couple dozen folks stood around and froze their asses off today.
In Hawaii I hear they held a poetry reading and shared poi recipes.
In NYC the 'non-violent' protesters have started tackling cops, and the 'law enforcement' folks have started arbitrarily laying the smack down on people.
Seriously, send in a couple of Droideka's to NYC and clear them all out already. Both sides are proving the other right.
No, these idiots are NOT the same as the tea parties.
Sorry, you didn't see this at a tea party rally:
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Oh noes, not Commies ... .
When there are avowed commies out there with signs, not like the larouche a holes that were trying to stir up trouble at tea party events, you can't discount it.
Then there is this, from, are you gonna tell me they aren't Nazis?
[h=1]The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement[/h]
Oct 13, 2011

Many racialists are unsure about, and even against, these Occupy Wall Street protests all around the country. It has been pointed out to me that many protesters are non-white and/or “communists.” Well my answer to that is: “WHO CARES?!” They are against the same evil, corrupted, degenerate capitalist elitists that WE are against! Instead of screaming, “6 million more!” The pro-white movementites should be JOINING this Occupy movement and supporting it!
Seriously people, just WHO is our enemy? The unemployed left-wing 25-year-old holding up a sign, OR the judeo-capitalist banksters who swindled the American taxpayers out of A TRILLION dollars in the “bailout” scam AND continue to oppress the White Working Class?!? Even Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP had to vote with open communists on some issues to achieve their goals. WE need to utilize and support every movement of dissent against this evil American empire, regardless of which end of the political spectrum it originates from.
Saw a dozen or so standing in front of my bank when I drove by yesterday. I did not do or say anything, nor did I stop. However, it appeared they were trying to stop people from entering the bank. Let me make it clear; stop me from walking into my employer or my bank or my church or anyplace else I want to go, and you're going to occupy something, alright. You're going to occupy the emergency room at the local hospital.
Saw a dozen or so standing in front of my bank when I drove by yesterday. I did not do or say anything, nor did I stop. However, it appeared they were trying to stop people from entering the bank. Let me make it clear; stop me from walking into my employer or my bank or my church or anyplace else I want to go, and you're going to occupy something, alright. You're going to occupy the emergency room at the local hospital.
Bill, sometimes you talk a lot of smack. :)
Bill, sometimes you talk a lot of smack. :)

If I need to go to the bank and a group of people seriously tries to block the entrance and not let me in, what do you think is going to happen? Do I strike you as the kind of person who will say "Oh well, guess the people have spoken" and go back home? If I want to go in the bank, I'm going in the bank. How that happens isn't as important as that it will happen.
I am turning into my father, though.

When he was a young man, he had to ride a bicycle to get work; he worked as a janitor at Caterpillar Tractor in Peoria, Illinois. The union went on strike; they picketed the plant. He rode in through the gates with a baseball bat on his handlebars, ready for someone to try to stop him from going to work. They didn't. When he used to tell that story, I never understood what the point of it was; now I do.

When I was a boy, my dad and I were out and about for some reason, and the United Farm Workers were on strike against Gallo wineries. The local unions were in solidarity and blocked access to the local liquor store. My dad was going in to pick up his usual Pabst Blue Ribbon, and some burly construction workers blocked us and said he could not go in if he was going to buy Gallo wine products. I don't recall exactly what my dad said, but he was mad; they let him in. He never drank wine, but he bought his Pabst and a gallon of some cheap Gallo plonk and carried it out of the store out of the bag. He did not say a word; neither did the construction workers. But I understood that things were very, very, tense. In the car, my dad said to me through gritted teeth, "Nobody tells me what I can or cannot buy with my own money." I didn't understand that at the time either, and now I do.

We were in Chicago one summer; my dad was working and he brought me along; we went to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. Later, we went to some shopping district, I don't know what it was. But my dad accidentally crossed a picket line; I didn't even see the picketers until the signs they were carrying were waved in our faces; it was just crowded and hard to tell where the picket line actually was. Some guy shoved my dad back; then he waved his sign like it was a sword. Another guy tried to swing his sign at my dad's head like a baseball bat. I remember seeing my dad's fist swing into the first guy's face; I remember seeing the teeth scattered on the ground like Chiclets. Then my dad grabbed my hand and hustled me away. I don't remember what the sign said, what they were protesting, nothing. I only remember they attacked my dad for crossing some invisible line that neither of knew was there, and he dealt with it. I didn't even remember that incident for years, and when I did, my dad would not talk about it. I get that, too.

My dad never went looking for trouble. And for the most part, trouble did not come looking for him. But he went where he wanted to go, shopped where he wanted to shop, bought what he felt like buying and he only got angry when people told him what he could and could not do based on their objections to it, or actually threatened him. Then he responded, simply and directly. Yup. I understand the old man a bit better now.

Quoted for hippy smacking truth

If I need to go to the bank and a group of people seriously tries to block the entrance and not let me in, what do you think is going to happen? Do I strike you as the kind of person who will say "Oh well, guess the people have spoken" and go back home? If I want to go in the bank, I'm going in the bank. How that happens isn't as important as that it will happen.