Personally I think first Dan black should be purely based on skill level of your style. Later on sure move onto teaching but tbh making people teach to get rank....seems like a easy way for the instructor to get people to run his club without having to pay them
That is way overstating how 'they' are used. Nearly every class gets broken up into groups at some point. Someone takes these sub-groups through whatever they are working on. Assistant instructor is just a phrase that stuck. As long as said person is not getting hung up or the big head with doing this task, it is just an effective way to move class forward. There are also measurables that can be used on the assistant instructor.
Ive got a friend who's a very good martial artist in kenpo better than me imo but he's had a lot of mental health issues and has to be careful with his stress levels and anything he does has to be planned out in advance and he struggles if thinks don't go well.
He's someone who couldn't and shouldn't teach. I mean no disrespect saying that but because of his issues teaching wouldn't be a good thing for his health and it wouldn't be good for the students either. But he is very talented in his skill level. Why should he not be able to get a black belt when he's better than a hell of a lot of black belts just because his mental health means he can't teach
I read that as a potentially dangerous person who is learning skills that they cannot handle even under controlled adversity. This would be a huge red flag as the head of a school. Like it or not, this persons actions, good or bad, are a reflection on the school and head instructor/owner. Should this person be prohibited from advancing? No. It is all in how the environment and expression of the teaching is framed for Each person.
There are generalities in how instruction works for the majority of people but there will always be outliers that have to be handled differently. A typical example is the reality that there has to be a scalar approach to grading people based on age. You may teach a more physically demanding skill to a younger person with emphasis on their ability to do the skill higher/faster/stronger/etc... You will teach the same skill to an older, less agile person differently. They learn the same skill, but it may look very different. Is the latter wrong? No.
If the training in a program is progressive and repetitive (always is) asking a higher belt to assist a lower belt is just part of it. When we line up and do partner drills, we "assist" each other do the drill. Simple as that.
I find it unfair to the other students to force someone to teach. You are giving them sub-optimal training, in order to train someone who doesn't want to or isn't suited to teach long-term. It's different than training someone to teach who wants to, where everyone will benefit in the long run.
This is only true if the person is dead set against 'teaching'. I would imagine the whole class/school is framed wrong if this is a recurring theme. This is something the head instructor/teacher should easily recognize and factor out or work on with the person.
I imagine many of us have seen schools that use every kind of signatory tool to indicate progression. Stripe and stars on the belt and such. A Lot of schools award assistant instructor patches in the same vein. If this is done as an elective that a person can choose for themselves and does Not impede rank progression I have no problem with it.
IF a person is being over-leveraged when given this moniker then there are much bigger problems. If every assistant instructor is being used to open/close the school, run entire classes frequently, do office work, etc.... there is a BIG, BIG problem with how the title, and the person, is being used.
I feel this is very much the exception not the rule.
@Faith , you did not go into detail on your experience or situation. If you are new to a school and read this as a curriculum requirement, it is a fair question to ask the head instructor/owner. However, being new to all of it you still may not fully understand how the title is used until you spend some time in class. There have been many great explanations given in the thread. You should be able to measure how the title is being used after working out for a while.
Great post.