Anti-semitism on the Right

Mark Weiser said:
What is Anti Semitism and where did it come from?

I dislike the term, anti-semitism. It originated with an attempt to make hatred of Jews more "scientific" and acceptable.

Even though you and I may Burn, it seems I agree with much you have said here. I thank you for the clarification.

Education is paramount, and is one of the major differences, in my opinion.

Thank you

My pleasure, Rich. Have a good 'un. :)

Also.... if a jingoistic Dark Ages is the alternative, I will gladly welcome the burn. :asian:
Lets look at it from another angle.

Where do the words barbarian and gentile come from?

I again ask has anyone read the book ' the late great planet earth'?

Regards, Gary
GAB said:
Where do the words barbarian and gentile come from?

"Barbarian" originated with the Greeks, who, in their ethnocentrism, believed (jokingly or otherwise) that non-Greeks were so uncivilized that their languages consisted of babbling syllables == "bar bar bar bar bar". See the "History" of Herodotus.

"Gentile" originated in the Vulgate biblical texts to refer to non-Jewish peoples or nations.

GAB said:
I again ask has anyone read the book ' the late great planet earth'?

Yes, by the so-called "Father of Apocalyptic Christian Zionism"? A fun mix of classic Christian Apocalyptic prophecy, with the beliefs of John Darby, Rapture, numerology, vague linkings of world events to biblical passages...

Really a repeat of Millerite and similar "prophecy" since the early 19th century, and interesting (other than for laugh value) only in how powerful of a cultural phenomenon it became in the 1970s and early 80s, and the influence it continues to have on radical Christians, including the "Left Behind" series of fiction novels and the like.
Uh...sorry, but does anybody really believe that when Israelis stick kids on the hoods of their jeeps to serve as human shields, or grab Palestinians off the street and force them to walk up and knock on the doors of people they want to arrest, or run peaceful farmers off their own farms, or bulldoze olive groves, or encourage Christian militias to burn out refugee camps, or demand the endless expansion of their country in the name of some wacko religious doctrine, there's no racist component to what they're doing?

I wish it weren't so. But it is.
Robertson. YOU, of all people, should know that it takes two to tango, so to speak. Point out only one side? SHAME on you. As if the Arabs are innocent of any violent or sadistic acts. They're the ones who still cut thieves' hands off in some places. And since when do you believe everything you read???!!! You, who are critical of all, including the media, who are equally guilty here by exaggerating things (as always).
If Semites of one tribe hate Semites of another tribe, would they all be considered Anti-Semites?
Robertson. YOU, of all people, should know that it takes two to tango, so to speak. Point out only one side? SHAME on you. As if the Arabs are innocent of any violent or sadistic acts. They're the ones who still cut thieves' hands off in some places. And since when do you believe everything you read???!!! You, who are critical of all, including the media, who are equally guilty here by exaggerating things (as always).

Funny. I don't seem to recall him saying anything about Palestinian factions not being racist. This seems to be projectionism on your part, methinks. :idunno:
Right wing anti-semitism, is there anyone old enough on this thread to remember when the right wing church's of America, were against the Jewish population because they were the ones who had 'Christ' crucified?

They changed in the middle of the stream because it was not popular.

Look at it as if the big picture is being fufilled, that is as whackey as the other things that are going on right now.

Just read the old and new testament, look at it in the way it was written, why would you believe? Bush said it all last night, he lost me at the bakery.

Regards, Gary
Right wing anti-semitism, is there anyone old enough on this thread to remember when the right wing church's of America, were against the Jewish population because they were the ones who had 'Christ' crucified?

You say that as if things are different now. The more conservative branches of Christianity still carry anti-semitic sentiments. Mel's movie didn't do much to help things, either.
Ronald R. Harbers said:
I have always thought that the Roman Army crucified him.
Yes that is true, they were the knife.

The Jewish community that he was against, were the reason it happened, or you can say it was the "way".

Regards, Gary
heretic888 said:
You say that as if things are different now. The more conservative branches of Christianity still carry anti-semitic sentiments. Mel's movie didn't do much to help things, either.
That is for true.

How can I believe in a thing as complicated as this topic?
That is the reason I am "agnostic".
Funny, I say that, and it is as if I am straddling a fence, not true.

Regrds, Gary

AI Index: MDE 15/094/2004 (Public)
News Service No: 244
1 October 2004

Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli army must respect human rights in its operations
Amnesty International is concerned for the safety of the Palestinian population in the Jabaliya refugee camp and elsewhere in the northern Gaza Strip, where the Israeli army is carrying out a large-scale offensive.

In the past two days the Israeli army has killed more than 35 Palestinians, including several children and other unarmed residents who were not participating in armed confrontations with Israeli soldiers. Most of those killed and injured were hit by Israeli army tank fire and at least two were killed by a missile fired by a helicopter gunship.

The Israeli army has deployed scores of tanks and armoured vehicles, backed by helicopter gunships. Frequent reckless shooting and shelling from Israeli army tanks and Apache helicopters into densely populated Palestinian refugee camps and other residential areas in the Occupied Territories have killed and injured thousands of unarmed Palestinians in the past four years, including hundreds of children.

This latest Israeli army incursion follows the killing of two Israeli children by a Palestinian mortar attack on the Israeli town of Sderot on 29 September. Such mortar attacks by Palestinian armed groups against Sderot have become more frequent in recent months and have previously killed two Israeli civilians, including a child. On the morning of 30 September Palestinian armed groups in the northern Gaza Strip also killed an Israeli woman resident of a settlement and two Israeli soldiers.

In the past two days the Israeli army has also destroyed some 20 Palestinian homes in the area and Israeli officials have indicated that they intend to carry out further destruction of Palestinian homes and properties in the area Last week the Israeli army also destroyed some 35 homes in the Khan Yunes refugee camp in the Gaza Strip.

Amnesty International is concerned that the Israeli army's use of excessive force in this latest incursion in the Gaza Strip will result in further loss of lives and wanton destruction of Palestinian homes and property. Reprisals against protected persons and property are prohibited by the Fourth Geneva Convention and Israel is obliged to ensure that any measures taken to protect the lives of Israeli civilians are consistent with its obligations to respect human rights and international humanitarian law.

Israel should immediately allow international human rights and humanitarian organizations to enter the Gaza Strip. At present Amnesty International delegates and staff members of other international organizations are denied access to the Gaza Strip.

Amnesty International also reiterates its call on Palestinian armed groups to put an immediate end to attacks on Israeli civilians, whether in the Occupied Territories or in Israel. The organization also calls on the Palestinian Authority to exert all possible efforts to prevent such attacks.

Amnesty International also repeats its call on the international community to deploy monitors to Israel and the Occupied Territories, with the aim of ensuring the protection of the human rights of both Palestinians and Israelis.


Rabbi calls for annihilation of Arabs

The spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, has provoked outrage with a sermon calling for the annihilation of Arabs.
"It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable," he was quoted as saying in a sermon delivered on Monday to mark the Jewish festival of Passover.

"The Lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them."

Rabbi Yosef is one of the most powerful religious figures in Israel, He is known for his outspoken comments and has in the past referred to the Arabs as "vipers".

Through his influence over Shas, Israel's third largest political party, he is also a significant political figure.

As founder and spiritual leader of the political party Shas, Rabbi Yosef is held in almost saintly regard by hundreds of thousands of Jews of Middle Eastern and North African origin.

The Palestinian Authority has condemned the sermon as racist and is calling on international organisations to treat the rabbi as a war criminal.

'Arab terrorists'

Rabbi Yosef said in his sermon that enemies have tried to hurt the Jewish people from the time of the exodus from Egypt to this day...

Shas spokesman, Yitzhaq Suderi defended the rabbi, saying his remarks referred only to "Arab murderers and terrorists" and not the Arab people as a whole....

Call me old-fashioned, wacky, liberal, conservative, crazy, I don't care. I insist on the radical idea that it is wrong to blow up kids, to have a national policy indebted to far-right religious wackoism grounded on racist religious fanatacism. I really don't give a damn if we're talking about Israel, Syria, Palestinians, Egypt, or Secaucus, NJ; I really don't give a damn what the excuse is.

Because there's always a, "reason," isn't there? Always an excuse...

It is wrong. There. I've said it--my cheap moral stand for the day.
Not such a cheap moral stand Robert. Your post reminded me that the Palestinians resemble the American Indians.
Honestly this so balant in regards off being Pro Palestinian it is laughable. The Jewish People must do whatever it takes to survive and live we will not allow anyone or any country to make us go away.

We have a long memory and we will not allow another situation that occurred in Europe again. The World has never liked or even loved Jewish people and now that we have a homeland. They whomever it maybe wishes for us to go away. Israel must do whatever it takes to stay secure and safe. If this means going to war and rooting out all possible terrorist cells then do so IMO. Reminds me of another Country going into Iraq and the War on Terror.

This is a sensitive subject for some of us.
my grandfather, neither arab nor jew, emigrated here and struggled through the great depression. he vowed himself never to be penniless again, and eventually died with a nice bank account. on his deathbed he regretted not spending more of it while he could enjoy it. in'eresting how people might act to avoid history repeating itself...
Yep, and blowing up kids in the name of crazed, racist religious beliefs is a sensitive subject for me, too.

I am utterly appalled that anybody would see what I posted as, "balant in regards off being Pro Palestinian it is laughable."

I am just as appalled to see anybody with a brain condoning anybody who says crap like, "It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable...The Lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them."

If I were really on a roll, I'd start pulling some of the uglier comments from the assortment of right-wing Muslim nutcase imams currently rolling around the Mideast to the detriment of everbody, together with more of this idiot's uglinesses, and ask anybody if they could tell the difference.

Incidentally, part of MY religious beliefs are that in the event the sky-god is up there, the people He's waiting for with a ball-bat most of all are the, "clerics," who spout this sort of genocidal nonsense.

I could add that Israel--and this country too--depend for their place in the world upon the moral advantage they have quite rightly earned. I'd also note that we are all rapidly pissin' THAT away.

But then, I'm just saying that I strongly object to killing children in the name of sick, twisted beliefs about race and about God's plans.

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