Psalm 109:8

Archangel M

Senior Master
I recently received the e-mail:

We were in slow-moving traffic the other day and the car in front of us had an Obama bumper sticker on it. It read: "Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8".

My husband's Bible was lying on the dash board & he got it & opened it up to the scripture & read it. He started laughing & laughing. Then he read it to me. I couldn't believe what it said. I had a good laugh, too.

Psalm 109:8
"Let his days be few; and let another take his office. "

I did a little googling and found out that the "left" has taken offense (of course) and have been trying to frame the "right"..Tea Party members..etc as religious nut jobs who are inciting violence because the rest of the psalm reads:

“Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.”

Now that is quite a stretch IMO. The "joke" only quotes 109:8 and I read it as "one term" then voted out, not a threat.

Using religion for political points is another matter. That I do find a bit distasteful, but give me a break. Anything to paint "the right" with the colors you like eh?

Of course I have noted a trend in the media of trying to paint the Tea Party people as violent, white supremacist, religious fundamentalists but I have yet to see a fraction of the violence or trouble that you see at typically "lib" rallies like the G20 summits.

Where is there any example of a Tea Party gathering exhibiting any notable signs of racism, religious fundamentalism, violence? I have seen nothing but political hacks claiming that these groups "WILL or MAY result in violence". Most of the accusations against the Tea Party seem to be trying to make hay out of alleged "racist slurs" during the health care bill vote. Slurs of which there is no proof and could easily have been lib troublemakers in the crowd.

And even if it were 1 or 2 people in the group, how is it that one person who says/does something wrong can be used to paint a whole group with a "right wing nutjob" smear, while mobs of masked vandals are not allowed to be used as example of the "violence of the left"?

This "Anti Tea Party" stuff in the news has the markings of a political hatchet job being wielded by the hand of the MSM.

It's this the 'tolerance' the left is always blabbering about? It seems they have none for opposing points of view.
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Enjoying those rose-colored glasses, my friend? You googled a bumper-sticker slogan and found someone on "the left" took offense at it. Was it the DNC? A democratic senator? A liberal political hack with too much time on his hands? Or just the big bad boogeyman of "the left"? I think this is a little ironic given that 2 paragraphs later, you're asking how 1 or 2 people's acts can paint an entire group's image.

As far as the actual Tea Party rallies, I haven't seen violence so much as complete ignorance on the part of the protestors. You'd think Glenn Beck, not Obama, was the risen Messiah from the interviews I saw there.
The way I see it, the fact that the rest of the Psalm indicates wished death for the subject in question is kinda like Sarah Palin suggesting violent acts against those who voted in the health bill ... and winking at the same time.
Oh it's so terrible, so "blatant"....



So hypocritical (and this is just a small sample).
Hypocritical of whom? Me? I never posted that garbage.
Oh it's so terrible, so "blatant"....



So hypocritical (and this is just a small sample).
And so one sided.

Kill Obama Facebook poll

Call for Obama assasination

Infamous comment by Liz Trotta on Fox news.

Not to mention a plot to kill the president (albeit a moronic one) already. (side note, notice how that linked blog has a statment at the top right corner that says "Kneecapping Barack Obama at every opportunity".)

Both sides do this crap, you're just cherry picking to demonize the side you don't like.

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